Meeting Activities

August 25, 2015

Planning and Grants (P&G) Committee


1:00 PM Welcome and introductions K. Grange

1:20 PM Approve minutes from 7/28/2015 P&G Committee

1:25 PM Site Reviews- Sue Fager

Eastern Colorado/Roaring Fork Update Mackenzie Helton

1:45 PM Review Local Leadership Development RFP Sue Fager

Mackenzie Helton

2:00 PM Review of Current 5 Year Plan Workplan Sue Fager

2:30 PM Review of DMCPRC Grant Yvette Plummer-Burkhalter

3:00 PM Adjournment K. Grange




1.  Meeting convened at 1:02 PM

2.  Minutes: Minutes passed with a minor spelling change on page two.

3.  Site Reviews: Marcia Tewell, Mackenzie Helton and Sue Fager went to Sterling to meet the new staff

of the Eastern Services Colorado (ESC).

ESC hired a new Executive Director to be a bridge into the plains’ community. They are

experiencing similar issues that VLFA have; once participants graduate options for them


Jeanette Cordova and Katie Grange joined the staff in the Roaring Fork Valley to talk with Valley Life for All (VLFA) and its new team.

Grantees discussed their statements of work and how the grantees were following

them; how an action plan had to be created; how collaboration with the community was

necessary to connect individuals with developmental disabilities; and how communities

would become more inclusive through natural proportions.

The major issue is community engagement: the projects do not take the initiative.

Graduates have to re-build the trust they had with their parents and

educators once they leave high school.

Grantees create their action plans, recruit and collaborate with their communities to

connect individuals/groups to expand outreach and advocacy; grantees are expected to

link participants to available assistive technology and social media.

Mackenzie Helton was unable to speak directly to the Board Treasurer of VLFA. He must

meet, with that person, as soon as possible to verify separation of duties and to review

their checks and balances before recommending continued funding for their grant.

VLFA must find three more participants to fulfill their grant, but there does not seem to

be any marketing or outreach going on in the community. There are two months left.

Staff clarified that the VLFA Statement of Work required person-centered plans, but not

specifically PATH plans.

Jeanette added that El Grupo Vida offered to help with outreach to the Spanish

community, but VLFA has never contacted them for their assistance.

Melissa Mannix offered her opinion that VLFA should not be funded again.

Questions arose as to how is the Council helping these community projects become more

inclusive to make the grants successful.

Outreach to non-disability agencies and groups are the KEY to making this grant work.

Jeanette was concerned with the management/board of the VLFA and their lack of


Jeanette made a motion that both projects be funded for one additional year, with


Sue sent Melanie Liptrap’s blog to the Administration on Community Living Director

Aaron Bishop and he responded to Sue that it was a great blog and that he would

personally send Melanie a note about it.

4.  Local Leadership RFP Review: Sue reviewed the changes of the RFP from the original RFP.

$30,000 will be allotted to three more communities, rural OR urban.

Training will be similar to previous projects, however, the grantee has

the option of coming to Denver for the Legislative weekend, or create

a similar program with their local city government or branch agencies.

There is a huge need to educate siblings.

A national speaker is still a required part of the curriculum.

The RFP will be submitted to Procurement on August 28, and the

projects are expected to start January 1, 2016.

5.  Current 5 Year Plan: There is one year left on the plan; and Goal 1, Objective 6 requiring the

establishment or strengthening of a program for the direct funding of a State

self-advocacy organization led by people with developmental disabilities is still


September 30th’s Council meeting will be devoted to formulating the new goals

and objectives for the next 5 Year Plan.

Sue suggested the committee reach out to other states, such as

Colorado, to seek out input into what they are doing about self-advocacy.

The Omni Bullying Report has not been utilized so far.

Disability Law Colorado is in the second year of funding and will be training

school educators under Goal 3 about restraints and seclusion practices.

The newsletter, with its theme of Restraint and Seclusion, is nearing completion

and hopefully will become a useful resource right across the country.

6.  DMCPRC Report: Yvette Plummer reported on the status of her grant (see handout).

The Karen, Nepali, Somali and Spanish components of the grant were complex

and required many accommodations.

The Somali contingent wants to do a support group for the Somali families and

they have begun the process to create their own 501c non-profit organization.

An outcome from the program for the Nepali community was that lack of

communication with law enforcement causes trauma. Police relationships will

improve when they begin bridging the cultural acclimation before addressing


A big challenge is exhaustion for her staff after all these years; but if the

community wants it, Yvette will re-apply for funding.

Yvette said her participants really valued the legislative weekend and Yvette

thanked the Council for their commitment to the LEAD program.

The next meeting is: September 22, 2015 at 1:00 PM

7. Adjournment: 3:02 PM.



1. Melissa Mannix moved to approve the July minutes; Jeanette Cordova seconded; minutes passed.

2. VLFA will get a second year of funding with strict caveats: more oversight, more reports, more technical

assistance and based on performance.

3. Jeanette motioned that “Council will recommend another year of funding for both projects, provided that the Fiscal Manager meets personally with the Board Treasurer of VLFA, with the books at the VLFA offices within the first half of September.” Katie seconded and the motion carried. Melissa vetoed the motion.

4. Committee will review the ideas from Survey Monkey and pass on seven to 10 ideas to Katie so that she can have a list by 9/21.

5. Lionel will add reviewing the 5 Year Plan Workplan to September’s agenda.


Present: Kasey Daniel, Jeanette Cordova, Katie Grange (GTM), Melissa Mannix (GTM), Anuska Ullal

Guest: Yvette Plummer-Burkhalter

Staff: Susan Fager, Mackenzie Helton, Lionel Llewellyn,

Absent: Rob Buzogany, Sandra Friedman, Mary Dwyer, Sarita Reddy, Marcia Tewell

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