DOC #: FM-0014 – Sample Testing Form - Rev 4.1 | Date: 01/26/2016
Sample Testing Form
- Samples sometimes get DAMAGED either during delivery or handling; LEI is not responsible for such damages.
- LEI does not have a “Clean Room” environment to prevent physical defects. LEI uses proper handling procedures BUT your Samples will be exposed to our environment and may need to be cleaned for re-introduction to your facilities.
- Samples left at LEI for longer than 12 months are subject to disposal.
Table 1: Customer and Contact Information
Name: / Company: / Date: / Country: / Email:Address: / City: / State: / Postal Code: / Phone:
SEND WAFERS TO: / LEI, 208 Memorial Drive, Lehighton, PA 18235 (If sending vis US Mail only use PO Box 328)
Table 2: Wafer Information
How many wafers are you sending to LEI? / (please enter the same number of rows in each table)# / ID / Value / Diameter / Temp Coefficient of Resistivity / Clearly state how to identify the wafer and the side of the sample to measure
3 / Enter more rows - remove this text & tab
Submit MSDS or information about hazardous materials used in manufacturing all samples.
Table 3: Structure
# / HBT / HEMT / MESFET / LED / PHEMT / Other Structure (please specify) / Number of layers (including substrate)Provide Layer Details in Wafer Structure Table
3 / Enter more rows - remove this text & tab
Table 4: Abbreviations / Definitions
Measurement / Doping Density / Mobility / Resistivity / Sheet Resistance / Built-In Potential / UnknownAbbreviation / DD / Mu / Rho / Rs / OCV / Unkn or U
Symbol / /cm3 / cm2/V-s / ohm-cm / ohm/sq / Volts / N/A
LEI Typical Instrument / OCV via modeling / 1600 series / 1510 series or 1600 series / 1510 series / OCV / N/A
Example 1: Wafer Structure with Material & Thicknesss
Enter the following information for each layer: Material / Thickness / DD or Rs or Rho / Mobility# / Layer 1 / Layer 2 / Layer 3 / Layer 4 / Layer 5
1 / AlGaN(u)/10 nm/1e16/unknown / GaN(p)/1um/ 50 ohm-cm/1000 ohm/sq / MQW InGaN( UID)/*see notes*/UID/10 / GaN(n)/ 5um/1e19/300 / Sapphire/500 um/SI/unknown
Notes: MQW is 5nm and repeats 10 times.
Table 5: Wafer Structure – Parameters Estimate
You may use this table OR simply include wafer diagrams at the end of this document .
Refer to Table 4: AbbreviationsEnter the following information for each layer: Material / Thickness / DD or Rs or Rho / Mobility
# / Layer 1 / Layer 2 / Layer 3 / Layer 4 / Layer 5
3 / Tab here to enter more rows
Example 2: LEI Standard Maps
Rs (typically measured on LEI 1510 Series) / Mu (typically measured on LEI 1600 Series)Center (10x) / 55-points / 28-points / Center only / 5 pt. (2-4”) / 9 pt. (5-6”)
Table 6: Testing Requested
Please provide the desired map for each sample
# / DD / Mu / Rho / Rs / OCV / Other[1]1
3 / Enter more rows - remove this text & tab
To ensure the timely return of your wafers please be sure to complete Table 7
Table 7: Return Information
Mark the appropriate choices with an X
Please / do / return the following wafers / ALL / If not returning ALL, list wafer IDs to be returned heredo not / some
Return wafers to / the address listed in Table 1
this address
Return by date / Return Via / Account # / LEI IN HOUSE USE ONLY
FedEx / Charge / No Charge
UPS / Date arrived at LEI:
Save the completed form. Return it, via email: . Subject: “Completed Sample Testing Form”.
- Samples sometimes get DAMAGED either during delivery or handling; LEI is not responsible for such damages.
- LEI does not have a “Clean Room” environment to prevent physical defects. LEI uses proper handling procedures BUT your Samples will be exposed to our environment and may need to be cleaned for re-introduction to your facilities.
- Samples left at LEI for longer than 12 months are subject to disposal.
Add attachments, notes, comments, etc… below here as needed.
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[1] Please specify the measurement you would like; LEI does NOT guarantee the ability to perform all requests.