Level 1
I can talk about my experiences and feelings around the ways I use energy and the joy of having energy.
I can say what I wonder about in the Easter and Pentecost stories.
I can recognisethat the story of ‘The Promise of the Holy Spirit’ and the Pentecost story are religious stories.
I can recognise that at Easter God the Father gave Jesus new life and at Pentecost the Holy Spirit gave joy and energy to the friends of Jesus.
I can recognise and use some religious words and phrases, such as Easter message, Pentecost, Jesus’ Helper the Holy Spirit, Alleluia, Good News etc
I can recognise that that the Holy Spirit brings joy and energy and at Easter and Pentecost the Church family celebrates this.
Level 2
I can retellthe Pentecost story in Acts and know the Easter message in John’s Gospel.
I canuse religious words and phrasessuch as prayers, hymns, Pentecost, energy of the Holy Spirit, Acts of Apostles, feast etc, to describe how Christians celebrate the joy and energy of Pentecost in church.
I can describehow the Holy Spirit helps, guides and shows people how to live.
I canask and respond to questions about my own and others’ experiences and feelings around how they use and replace energy.
I can ask questions about what I and others wonder about Easter & Pentecostand realise that some are difficult to answer.
Level 3
I can make linksbetween the Pentecost story, some of John’s Gospel, some of Paul’s letters and the belief in the wonder, energy and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I can give reasonsfor how Catholic Christians can use their energy and the gifts of the Spirit to do good.
I canmake linksto show how belief in the message of Easter and feelings around the energy of the Spirit affects my behaviour and that of others.
I cantalk about and share with others the difficult questionsI have around the power of wind and fire andcompare my findings.
Level 4
I can show understanding of the links betweena range of Scripture passages, belief in the transforming power of the energy of the Spirit, the idea of the friends of Jesus using energy for the good of others and experiences of the power of wind and fire.
I canshow understandingof how the Holy Spirit changes and transforms the lives of friends of Jesus.
I canshow how my own and others’ decisions are informed by belief in the transforming energy of the Spirit and the gifts and fruits of the Spirit.
I can engage with and respond tobig questions such as ‘How do I want to be changed and transformed?’in the light of religious teaching.
Level 5
I canidentify some Scripture passages which source belief in the transforming power of the Spirit and the message of Easter.
I canexplain how these beliefs arise.
I canidentify similarities and differences between people’s responses to social issues because of their beliefin the gifts and fruits of the Spirit.
I canexplain what beliefs and values about Pentecost inspire and influence me and others.
I candemonstrate how beliefin the transforming energy of the Spirit, the Easter message and gifts of the Spiritgive some explanation of the purpose and meaning of life.