Artist Statement
Catherine Robles-Shaw
As a Santera,( Saint Maker) I hope to preserve some of the unique traditions of my Hispanic culture. Retablos are the story tellers of my ancestors. They are the natural extension of the beauty and simplicity of our Spanish lives. My husband, Michael and I aspire to represent our work with as much historic accuracy as possible. My first exposure to this art form came when, as a child, I visited the churches in the SanLuisValley. My family had been among the first settlers in the Conejos land grant and lived in Mogote and Las Mesitas, Colorado. After visiting these old churches in Chimayo and northern New Mexico, as an adult, I came to realize the meaning of the little retablos that had been in our family. In 1991 I began making retablos for my family and friends. Then in 1995, when I was admitted in the Spanish Market, I became a full time artist. I have been an artist in the Spanish Colonial Arts Society since 1995
I have taken workshops from Santero, Charlie Carillo in 1995, I have carved Bultos with my cousin Rubel Jaramillo, and also learned some new techniques from Gustavo Victor Goler, from Talpa, New Mexico in 1999.
I participated in a workshop through, the Smithsonian Institute in Santa Fe,N.M.2001. I have done artist demonstrations at Spanish Market From 1998-2006 and at Chili Harvest Festival1998. In1997, I taught a retablo making class at Fort Lewis Collage in Durango, CO and at the Sangre De Christo Arts Center in 1998, I also did some teaching about retablos at DenverPublic Schools, as well as private lessons.
My art process uses the same materials that were used in the 18th and 19th centuries. Retablos are flat hand carved wooden boards made from local woods, such as pine and aspen. Bultos are three dimensional carvings made of cottonwood root and local woods. Next I coat the piece with gesso, which is made from gypsum and rabbit skin glue. This is the foundation for the natural paints. I use plant and insect extracts as well as mineral colored earth’s for my paints. The painted piece is then coated with the Pinion Sap Varnish which is made by dissolving pitch nuggets in grain alcohol (mula). The finished pieces are waxed and prepared for display. Each piece is one of a kind.
My work has been well received in Museums and Galleries .
It is currently for sale at the:
MillicentRogersMuseumTaos, N.M.
Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe, N.M.
El Portero, Chimayo, NM;
Museum of Spanish Colonial Art,Santa Fe, N.M
The Great Southwest, Colorado Springs, CO
Gallery on GlassellOldTownOrange, Calf.
My work is in permanent collections at the following Museums:
Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO
Colorado Springs Fine Art Museum, Colorado Springs, CO,
Museum of Spanish Colonial Art Santa Fe, N.M.
National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, N.M.
Museo de las Americas, Denver, CO
Pikes Peak College, Colorado Springs, Co
Regis University, Denver, CO
HarwoodMuseum, Taos, NM,
Georgetown University, Washington,D.C.
St. Vincent de Paul Church, Denver, CO
St Rita’s Catholic Church, Nederland, CO
The Passion Altar screen, Grace Episcopal Church, Carlsbad,NM.
I have received the following awards:
Chili Harvest Festival, Denver, CO,1997
Faces of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa FeNM,First Place, 1998
Celebrate Colorado Artists, Denver, CO,First Place in Painting.2000
Dedication and Service Award, New Mexico Secretary of State, August 2000
Distinguished Artist Award SCAS Spanish Market 2000
San Ysidro Show, Algondones, NM 2001
Spanish Market, Santa Fe, NM,First place, Altarscreens, 2001,2002,2003
Spanish Market, Santa Fe, NM,First place, Altarscreens, 2004 ,20052006
Colorado Council on the Arts-Artists Fellowship Award, Folk Art 2002
Celebrate Colorado Artists, Denver, CO Juries Award, 2000,2002
Spanish market, first place large retablos,Award2003
Spanish market, Museum of Spanish Colonial Art, Purchase Award.2003, 2004
Spanish Market, First Place Guadalupe Award 2005
IIiff School of Theology, Honorable Mention, 2004
Spanish Market, Second Place, Large Retablos, 2004
FoothillsArtCenter; first place Holly Coors Award, 2005 Golden, CO
Eppie Archuleta Award, Chili Harvest Festival 2005, Denver, CO
Spanish Market, Second Place Altarscreen,2006 Morrison, CO,
Spanish Art Market, Second Best of Show Award, 2006 Colorado Springs,
Multi Cultural Award, Artist of the year, Boulder, County 2007
The Fort, Morrison Colorado, 1 st place Retablos 2007,2009, 2010
Spanish Art Market, First Place Retablos 2007 Colorado Springs,
Spanish market, Museum of Spanish Colonial Art Altarscreens 2nd place 2008
Spanish market, Altarscreen 2009, Retablos 2009 Winter Market. 2009
Boeckman Award for New Directions Winter Market 2009
Featured in the following books:
Santos: Sacred Art of Colorado; 1997 LPD Press
The Regis Santos; 1997 Lpd Press
Our Saints AmongUs; 1998 LPD Press
The Saint Makers; 1998 Northland Publishing
Faces of Faith;2002 LPD Press
Penitente Renaissance; 2007 El Jeffe, PuebloWest Colorado
Indice Santeras y Talladoras, May2009 Carmen Eloisa Gonzales Quinones
Faces of Spanish Market Artists LPD Press 2010
Upcoming shows for 2010 Season:
Boulder Art Fair Pearl St .July 17-18
Traditional Spanish Market, Santa Fe, NM, July24-25,2010
The Fort Morrison, CO Sept.25-26, 2010
San Filipe Santero Market Albuquerque, N.M.-Old Town-Oct. 2-3,2010
Santos 2010 Regis University Oct. 26- Selling Day Dec.10, 2010
Rabbit Brush Gallery 7504 Hygiene Rd. Sat. Nov. 13 3.00-8.00pm
WinterMarket,SweeneyCenter Santa, Fe, NM. Dec, 4-5,
Web Site: