City Council
Meeting Minutes1 of 30
July 18, 2006, mj, ak
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
PRESENT:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh, E. Gibbons, R. Hayter,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan,
D. Thiele.
A. B.Maurer, City Manager
D. H. Edey, City Clerk
Mayor S.Mandel called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Councillors R.Hayter and K.Leiboviciwere absent.
Rev. KurtSchmidlin, Chaplain, Edmonton Police Service, led the assembly in prayer.
Councillor K.Leibovici entered the meeting.
MOVED M.Phair – J.Melnychuk:
That the July 18, 2006, City Council meeting agenda be adopted with the following additions.
A.3June 28, 2006, City Council Public Hearing
E.1.a.Short-term Plan to Develop a View of Edmonton
- In Private
E.1.h.2005 Financial Statements and Investment Earnings
E.1.l.Municipal Census Policy
E.1.m.Appointment of a Consultant Under City Policy C472E
– In Private
G.1.a.City Funding Agreement for ArtGallery of Alberta Project
I.1.a.Transportation Planning Branch Audit Report
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
MOVED T.Cavanagh – J.Melnychuk:
That the following City Council meeting minutes be adopted:
- July 5, 2006, City Council
- July 4, 2006, Special City Council
- June 28, 2006, City Council Public Hearing
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
A.4.a.2006 WillisAward for Innovation – Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (S.Mandel)
Edmonton recently became the first municipality in Canada to automatically provide American Sign Language interpreters and Real Time Captioning at all major civic events.
Mayor Mandel recognized those Edmontonians who first raised this issue:
- MarilynKingdon, President, and CindyGordon, Project Coordinator, Canadian Hard of Hearing Association – Edmonton Branch
- CathyKruger and JaneMcCarthy, Edmonton Association for the Deaf
- RobieScholefield, Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities
- BettyLoree, Communications Branch, City of Edmonton
This pilot project received the 2006 Willis Award for Innovation from the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators. On behalf of City Council, Mayor S.Mandel presented the award to RobertMoyles, Acting Branch Manager, Communications.
A.4.b.Crime Stoppers Award (S.Mandel)
Edmonton Transit recently received a Visionary Media Sponsor Award from the Crime Stoppers Association of Edmonton and Northern Alberta. The award recognizes Edmonton Transit’s media sponsorship of Crime Stoppers through full vinyl bus wraps, student crime stoppers posters in downtown LRT stations, and a vinyl bus wrap entry in the upcoming Capital EX parade.
On behalf of City Council, Mayor S.Mandel congratulated Edmonton Transit for this initiative.
A.4.c.Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification (S.Mandel)
The City of Edmonton recently received the coveted Gold Level LEED certification for the Southeast Division Police station. Created by the United States Building Council, LEED certification distinguishes building projects that have demonstrated a commitment to sustainability by meeting higher performance standards in environmental responsibility and energy efficiency.
The facility exceeds the Federal Model National Energy Code for Buildings by 46.1% and will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by over 300,000 kg annually.
On behalf of City Council, Mayor S. Mandel congratulated those involved in this achievement and recognized Bill Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department; Mike Bradshaw, Deputy Chief, Edmonton Police Service; and Peter Semchuk, IBI Group.
City Council exempted the following items for debate: E.1.f., E.1.g., E.1.h., E.1.k., E.1.l., F.1.a., F.1.b., G.1.b., G.1.c., I.1.a., and in-private items E.1.a., E.1.b., E.1.c., G.1.d. and H.1.a.
D. H. Edey, City Clerk, answered Council's questions.
MOVED T.Cavanagh – D. Thiele:
D.3.a.Cash in Lieu on MunicipalReserveLand
That the revised due date of August 29, 2006, be approved. / AMPWDue: Aug. 29, 2006
D.3.b.Animal Control and Licensing Bylaw – Partnership Agreement with Edmonton Humane Society
That the revised due date of September 12, 2006, be approved. / Planning & Dev.Due: Sep. 12, 2006
D.3.c.Riverdale Bylaws – Lease with Paddle Clubs
That the revised due date of December 12, 2006, be approved. / Planning & Dev.Due: Dec. 12, 2006
E.1.d.Civic Agency Recruitment – Appointment Recommendation from Executive Committee
That the individuals outlined in Attachment 1 of the July 6, 2006, Executive Committee report CR-02, be appointed to the Assessment Review Board for terms ending December 31, 2007. / City ManagerE.1.e.Northlands Park 2006 Capital Budget (Master Agreement Reporting)
That the July 18, 2006, Corporate Business Planning Department report 2006CBP011 be received for information. / CBPE.1.i.August 22, 2006, Transportation and Public Works Committee Meeting – Change of Date
That the August 22, 2006, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting be rescheduled to August 21, 2006, from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Council Chamber, and that the meeting continue on August 22, 2006, in River Valley Room from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. / City ManagerE.1.j.Local Improvement Levies – TrueBuddhaSchool
That the City of Edmonton accept the amount of $135,159.98 as final payment paid by True Buddha School for the local improvement levies chargedfor Plan 8422077, Block 62, Lots 1 and 2. / Planning & Dev.E.1.m.Appointment of a Consultant Under City Policy C472E
- That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to enter into a contract with the firm named in Attachment 1 of the July 13, 2006, Executive Committee report CR-12.
- That the firm named in Attachment 1 of the July 13, 2006, Executive Committee report CR-12 be awarded a contract to serve as the external Key Board Consultant for a three-year term ending in July 2009.
- That Attachment 1 of the July 13, 2006, Executive Committee report CR-12 remain in private until the contract to hire the external Key Board Consultant has been signed (sections 16 and 17 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act).
F.1.c.Recommendations for March 2006 Community Investment Hosting Grant Awards
That the 2006 City of Edmonton Community Investment Hosting Grant program award recommendation, as contained in the June 23, 2006, Community Services Advisory Board report 2006CAAB03rev, be approved. / CSABG.REPORTS RELATED TO TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MATTERS
G.1.a.City Funding Agreement for ArtGallery of Alberta Project
That the Financial Agreement between the City of Edmonton and the Art Gallery of Alberta Society, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the July 13, 2006, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2006PW4035, be approved. / AMPWCARRIED
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
L.1.a.Bylaw 14242 - To amend the amount of Bylaw 13942, Asset Management and Public Works Projects, Rehabilitation of Existing Recreation Facilities
L.1.b.Bylaw 14346 - To authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance, and assess Asphalt Alley Paving, Existing Gravel Local Improvement on the alley south of 86 Avenue from 161 Street to 163 Street
L.1.c.Bylaw 14347 - To authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance, and assess Concrete Curb Crossing Local Improvement
L.1.d.Bylaw 14349 - The City of Edmonton Annuity Bylaw Amendment No. 59
L.1.e.Bylaw 14330 - To authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance, and assess Asphalt Alley Paving, Heavy Duty Base Local Improvement on the alley east of 97 Street from 106 Avenue to 106A Avenue
MOVED B.Anderson – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14242, 14346 and 14347 be read a first time. / Corporate Svcs.That Bylaws 14349 and 14330 be read a first time.
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
MOVED B.Anderson – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14349 and 14330 be read a second time.
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
MOVED B.Anderson – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14349 and 14330 be considered for third reading.
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
MOVED B.Anderson – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14349 and14330 be read a third time. / Distribution ListCARRIED
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
L.1.f.Bylaw 14348 - To Amend Accessible Taxi Bylaw
MOVED D. Thiele – K.Leibovici:
That item L.1.f. be dealt with now.
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, T. Cavanagh, E. Gibbons,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel,
M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
ABSENT:J. Batty, R.Hayter.
MOVED K.Leibovici – D. Thiele:
That Bylaw 14348 and the May 11, 2006, Planning and Development Department/Edmonton Taxi Cab Commission report 2006PDD027, as well as the response to administrative inquiry made by Councillor K. Leibovici on July 5, 2006, related to Accessible Taxis, be referred to the August 21, 2006, Community Services Committee meeting as the first item of business, and that the Committee hear from P. Strong, General Manager, Yellow Cab Group; L. Pempeit, Canadian Paraplegic Association – Alberta; and any other interested individuals. / Planning & Dev.CS Committee
Due:Aug. 21, 2006
First Item
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
D.1.a.Sign Infractions (M. Nickel)
“I would like a report outlining Administration’s approach to dealing with sign infractions (i.e. improper placement of advertising signs on the sides of roads and on meridians).The report should address the following questions:
- How many sign infractions are noted each year? In each of the past five years?
- What are the current penalties associated with sign infractions?
- How effective are current processes in reducing sign infractions?
- How rigorously are sign infractions enforced?
- What have other jurisdictions done to solve the problem?
- What safety risks do improperly located signs pose?
CS Committee
Due:Sep. 18, 2006
D.1.b.AnthonyHendayFreeway Construction – Resident Concerns (D. Thiele)
“A certain group of citizens who live adjacent to the construction taking place on the AnthonyHendayFreeway from Gateway Boulevard east to Highway 216 (14) have experienced difficulties as a result of the construction.- What is the City of Edmonton able to do by way of reducing the hardship and nuisance experienced by the residents adjacent to this provincial roadway project?
- Would the City provide a rebate for such nuisances noise, dust, dirt, inability to fully use and enjoy their properties)?
- If the City would provide a rebate, what would be a reasonable dollar value?
- In what other or similar circumstances has the City provided rebates?
- What responsibility does the Province of Alberta have regarding inconvenience and nuisance to citizens?
Exec. Committee
Due:Sep. 20, 2006
D.1.c.Planting of New Elm Trees (M.Phair)
“Has the City adopted a revised policy regarding the planting of new Elm Trees in the City?If so, what is the reason and what other tree(s) compare favourably with the use of Elm?
I would like the response to return to Transportation and Public Works Committee together with the response to Councillor L.Sloan’s administrative inquiry.” / AMPW
TPW Committee
Due: Sep. 19, 2006
E.1.f.Police 2007 Budget
B.Gibson, Chair, and W.Daye, Edmonton Police Commission, made a presentation and answered Council's questions. C.Wagar, Edmonton Police Service, answered Council's questions.
A. B.Maurer, City Manager, answered Council's questions.
M.Boyd, Chief, Edmonton Police Service, answered Council's questions.
Councillor R.Hayter entered the meeting.
MOVED K.Leibovici – J.Melnychuk:
That the 2007 Edmonton Police Commission budget include:
a.The cost impact already included in Administration's 2007 budget guidelines of $5 million.
b.The operating cost impact for Capital Projects of $2.6 million.
c.The operating cost impact of $2.7 million.
d,Budget service packages for any additional funding requests for Council's consideration during the budget debate.
A. B.Maurer, City Manager, answered Council's questions.
B.Gibson, Chair, Edmonton Police Commission; C.Wagar, and M.Boyd, Chief, Edmonton Police Service, answered Council's questions.
D. H. Edey, City Clerk, answered Council's questions.
MOVED M.Phair – K.Leibovici:
- That Orders of the Day be extended to complete item E.1.f.
- That item E.1.g. Library 2007 Budget be dealt with at 1:30 p.m.
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; J. Batty, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici,
J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan,
D. Thiele.
OPPOSED:B.Anderson, E.Gibbons, K.Krushell.
Members of Council requested that the motion be split for voting purposes.
That the 2007 Edmonton Police Commission budget include:
a.The cost impact already included in Administration's 2007 budget guidelines of $5 million.
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT:D. Thiele.
That the 2007 Edmonton Police Commission budget include:
b.The operating cost impact for Capital Projects of $2.6 million.
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT:D. Thiele.
That the 2007 Edmonton Police Commission budget include:
c.The operating cost impact of $2.7 million.
FOR THE MOTION:J. Batty, T.Cavanagh, E.Gibbons, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, L.Sloan.
OPPOSED:S.Mandel; B.Anderson, R.Hayter, K.Krushell,
M. Nickel, M.Phair.
ABSENT:D. Thiele.
That the 2007 Edmonton Police Commission budget include:
d.Budget service packages for any additional funding requests for Council's consideration during the budget debate
FOR THE MOTION:S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT:D. Thiele.
That the 2007 Edmonton Police Commission budget include:a.The cost impact already included in Administration's 2007 budget guidelines of $5 million.
b.The operating cost impact for Capital Projects of $2.6 million.
c.Budget service packages for any additional funding requests for Council's consideration during the budget debate. / Police Commission
Council recessed at 12:05 p.m.
Council reconvened at 1:32 p.m.
Councillors R.Hayter and D. Thiele were absent.
A. B.Maurer, City Manager, answered Council's questions.
Councillor R.Hayter entered the meeting.
E.1.g.Library 2007 Budget
L.Cook, Director of Libraries, made a presentation and answered Council's questions.
A. B.Maurer, City Manager; and G.Monai, Library, answered Council's questions.
MOVED M.Phair – J. Batty:
That the July 18, 2006, Edmonton Public Library presentation on the 2007 Budget be received for information. / LibraryCARRIED
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT: D. Thiele.
H.1.a.EEDC Opportunities and Strategic Directions
MOVED K.Leibovici – B.Anderson:
That Council meet in private pursuant to Section 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT: D. Thiele.
Council met in private at 1:55 p.m.
MOVED M.Phair – S. Mandel:
That Council meet in public.
FOR THE MOTION: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, T.Cavanagh, K.Leibovici,
M.Phair, L.Sloan.
OPPOSED:J. Batty, E.Gibbons, K.Krushell, M. Nickel.
ABSENT: R.Hayter, J.Melnychuk, D. Thiele.
Council met in public at 2:14 p.m.
A.Scott, President, M.Borys, R.Carwell, Chairman, and J. Devaney, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation, answered Council's questions.
Mayor S.Mandel vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor T.Cavanagh presided.
MOVED S.Mandel – K.Leibovici:
That any Member of Council who may wish to do so be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, J. Melnychuk,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan.
ABSENT: E.Gibbons, D. Thiele.
Deputy Mayor T.Cavanagh vacated the Chair and Mayor S.Mandel presided.
A.Scott, President, R.Carwell, Chairman, and M. Borys, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation, answered Council's questions.
A. B.Maurer, City Manager, answered Council's questions.
CouncillorD.Thiele entered the meeting.
MOVED M.Phair – K.Leibovici:
That the June 27, 2006, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation report 2006EEDC be received for information.
AMENDMENT MOVED R.Hayter – M. Nickel:
That the following part 2 be added:
2.That Edmonton Economic Development Corporation be authorized to develop detailed budget proposals as indicated in the following strategic initiatives:
- Edmonton Economic Development Corporation as the facilitator and driver to define the City’s economic vision.
- Catalyst for economic diversification and the expansion of knowledge-based industries.
- Improving Edmonton’s image.
- Promoting/developing river-based tourism opportunities.
- Expanding Edmonton’s facility icons.
A.Scott, President, and R. Carwell, Chairman, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation, answered Council's questions.
A. B.Maurer, City Manager, answered Council's questions.
MOVED J. Batty – M.Phair:
That Orders of the Day be extended to complete item H.1.a.
FOR THE MOTION: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan, D. Thiele.
Members of Council requested that the amendment be split for voting purposes.
2.That Edmonton Economic Development Corporation be authorized to develop detailed budget proposals as indicated in the following strategic initiatives:
- Edmonton Economic Development Corporation as the facilitator and driver to define the City’s economic vision.
FOR THE AMENDMENT: S. Mandel; B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh,
E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
J. Melnychuk, M. Nickel, M. Phair, L. Sloan,
D. Thiele.