Course Syllabus

Fall 2014

PHTA 1242 – 2 credit hours


Human Growth and Development

Lecture: Monday 11:00-12:50 (2 hrs)

Instructor: Jeff Hammontree, MS,PT, PCS

Office: MC 347 NWPTC 108

Phone: 595-7072email:

Allied Health Division

Associate Dean:Suzanne Reese, MS,PTOffice: MP458Phone: 595-7002

Textbook: Cech, D and Martin, S: Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span3rd edition, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. 2002.

Catalog Description

Study and application of current theories regarding human growth in social, cognitive, behavioral and motor domains as related to the practice of physical therapy. Lecture two hours. No laboratory experience.


This course is designed to include both lecture and discussion. Students are responsible for all material presented and assigned in class, as well as assigned readings.

Students may access the course agenda and download and print out the Power Point notes pages from the Blackboard Web Site Instructions for accessing that site will be given on the first day of class.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this coursewith at least 75% accuracy of instructor provided tests and assignments, the student will be able to:

  1. Have a basic understanding of the Disablement Model and be able to use it to make decisions that involve physical therapy delivery.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of human physical and cognitive developmental stages

and theories that apply by giving approximate age levels to motor skill development.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of human social development and theories that apply.

4. Recognize various gross motor and fine motor developmental stages and/or milestones defined by giving age level skill acquisition.

5. Recognizes righting and equilibrium reactions, defining and providing purpose for movement.

6. Demonstrate an ability to perceive functional independence for people of all ages giving age adjusted functional capacity measures and definition.

7. Recognize and define normal postural structures and anatomic relationships in infants, children, and adults through the lifespan.

Attendance Policy

Class attendance and participation is expected. The student is expected to inform the instructor of absences that might occur otherwise an absence is considered unexcused. More than two unexcused absences will result in a drop of a letter grade. Tests and other assignments are given a due date and will be accepted only at that time. Students who are frequent with tardiness will be placed on conduct probation. (See Student Handbook)


The Physical Therapist Assistant Program faculty has determined that professional abilities are equally important to the overall student's success as the mastery of knowledge and skills in the area of physical therapy. Professional abilities are attributes and behaviors that are not necessarily inherent to any profession's core of knowledge but are required for success in the classroom, clinical and workplace. The professional abilities determined to be "generic" to the field of physical therapy are: commitment to learning, interpersonal skills, communication skills, effective use of time and resources, use of constructive feedback, problem solving, professionalism, responsibility, critical thinking and stress management. Students failing to demonstrate application and generalization of these professional behaviors by the conclusion of this course will result in a failing grade, regardless of the student's academic performance in the course.


Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, TCC Student Handbook, TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook, and semester information listed in the Class Schedule.

DISABILITY RESOURCES: It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864.

Grading System

Course grades will be determined by the percentage of total points earned in relation to total points possible. Grades will be assigned according to the following scale:

93 - 100% = A

85 - 92% = B

75 - 84% = C

65 - 74% = D

0 - 64% = F

Evaluation Techniques

Three formal exams worth 100 points will be given after subsequent material is covered. One formal paper, also worth 100 points, based on subject of choice will be due at the end of the course. This paper must be in “people first language” with at least three pages of a word processed document. This paper must have a least five research sources and cited in AMA format. (AMA format will be given by instruction to students) Five homework projects will be given with a total of 10 points allotted to each. Homework assignments will be given on the first class following agenda topics. Students will write a self -assessment on the first day of class according to understanding of class objectives, three other homework assignments will be due on the day of exams, in which the student will derive questions gained from instructional objectives, and then the final homework assignment is due the last period of instruction in which the student self-assesses knowledge gained through the course using the course objectives as a guide.

Tentative Schedule


Aug 18Intro, Funct Indep, Disablement model 1

Course Objectives Self –Assessment Due

Aug 25Theories Affecting Development2

Sep 1Labor Day No Class

Sep 8Motor Learning Motor Control3,4

Homework Due Chaps 1-4

Sep 15Exam 1, Paper Topic Due

Sep 22Skeletal & Muscle Dev6, 7

Sep 29Cardiopulmonary8

Oct 6Nervous System9

Oct 13Sensory System10

Homework Due Chaps 6-10

Oct 20 Exam 2, Paper Rough Draft Due

Oct 27Vital Functions11

Nov 3Posture12

Nov 10Locomotion13

Nov 17Prehension14

Nov 24Health and Fitness15

Dec 1Final Paper Due, Homework Chaps 11-15

Dec 8Final Exam, Final Self -Assessment


Revised Fall 2013