SIBA Board of Directors: Meeting Two 2014

BEA NY, NY Tues May 27th & Wed May 28th 2014

Tues May 27th2014 2pm-5pm

Pre-Board Meeting Agenda Grand Hyatt NYC :Plymouth meeting room

  1. Update on Jeff McCord’s store status (Jeff)

Note: last two meetings we agreed to ask former board members (last out, first asked) to fill Jeff’s spot on the board if there is more than a year left on his term. At this point there is less than a year left so the current plan is to let the seat remain empty until the next election.

  1. Brief update on SIBA & ABA Bookseller Advisory Committee (Doug)—if any.

Note: Action item from last meeting included involving SIBA BAC members in getting folks to Asheville Wi10.

  1. Language requested from last meeting’s pre-board discussion re: President can overstay their term limit if elected President right before they’re due to leave the board due to term limits. Sample language provided below (Policy 14, #2, suggested item C):

The President shall serve a single term of one year, which term may be in addition to the six-year term allowed for Directors.

  1. Compensation of board members (Doug)

Note: I’ve asked for Miriam Carver’s input on this item and if she has any examples from other organizations.

  1. Reviewing financials every board meeting: is there a way we can have a brief review of SIBA financial status each meeting? Does this interfere with Executive Limitations we’ve set? Is it as simple as asking the ED to supply P&L and Balance Sheet and putting it on each pre board agenda?

Note: I’ve asked for Miriam Carver’s input on this, and whether she has any examples from other organizations

  1. Wanda succession plan: How to best plan for a new ED when Wanda decides she wants to retire?

Note: We need Wanda’s input on this and I’ve asked her to think about the answer

  1. Action item from Mtg #1: Schedule time at pre-board meetings to discuss info Wanda has sent us. No specific items listed.
  2. Action item from Mtg 1: Review GABBS programming after Wanda has spoken to Larry Mays
  3. Action item from Mtg 1: Review last meeting’s minutes to make sure we’re doing everything we decided to do

Wed May 28th2014 7am-11am

Board Meeting #2 Agenda Grand Hyatt NYC : Plymouth meeting room

Decision Info Provided

Call to order

Acknowledgement of receipt and subsequent discussion and approval as to previous monitoring (optional)

Discuss nominee interviews and prepare slate

Results of plan to link owners and operators

Added item: at Meeting #1 in March we discussed moving the above agenda item from Mtg 2 agenda to Mtg 1 agenda

Board Self Evaluation – Review the following policies:

15. Chief Governance Officer’s Role

19. Cost of Governance

22. Accountability of the CEO

23. Delegation to the CEO

24., 24a Monitoring CEO Performance



Incidental Info Provided