OSD(Readiness & Training) Joint Assessment and Enabling Capability (JAEC)

Assessment Working Group Meeting Agenda

Worldwide Joint Training and Scheduling Conference 10-1

Date / time: Monday, 29 Mar 2010, 1300-1700

Location: TBD

Time Topic/Subject Briefer

1300 – 1315 Welcome, introductions Shep Barge

1315 – 1330 Assessment overview David Baranek

4  Purpose

4  Framework

4  Policy

4  Changes for FY10

1330 – 1500 FY10 Q1 quarterly IPR Multiple

4  Data-driven assessments

4  Discussion to include several issues

1500 – 1530 Assessment plans and issues David Baranek

4  Plans for remainder of FY10

4  Issues from the joint training community

1530 – 1600 Next steps, wrap up David Baranek

4  Discuss outbrief to general session

* The Group will take breaks based on the WJTSC published break schedule.

Statement of Purpose:

The JAEC Assessment Working Group helps ensure that assessments meet the needs of leadership and the joint training community, and are supportable. The audience includes representatives of the joint training community: Services, combatant commands, the National Guard Bureau, and combat support agencies. This group has been critical to developing an effective assessment process and metrics, and will be vital to improving future assessments.

Commands/Organizations Invited to Attend: OSD, Services, Combatant Commands, Combat Support Agencies, and National Guard Bureau (as required)

Agenda and Read-Ahead Information Papers: Can be accessed at the WJTSC web site.

Points of Contact:

David Baranek (contr), OSD(R&T)-JAEC, , 703-575-4389

John Thurman (contr), OSD(R&T)-JAEC, , 703-575-3798