Laila Hirjee, M.D. P A 5617 Belmont Ave Suite 103-D Dallas, Tx 75206 Ph: 214-824-3333 Fax: 214-824-3131
New Patient Information
Today’s Date ______Facility Name ______Room #______
Patient’s Last Name ______First______Middle Initial_____ Home Phone______
Patient’s Address ______City______State______Zip Code______
Patient’s SSN______Sex □ Male □ Female Date of Birth______
Marital Status M D W S Pharmacy Name / Phone Number______
Current Home Health Agency or CBA Organization You Are Using______
Please List ALL Allergies to Medicine or Food______
Are You A DNR □ Yes □ No Do You Have A Living Will □ Yes □ No
Would you like more information regarding Advanced Directives? □ Yes □ No
Medicare Number______(Medicare must contain Medicare Part B Coverage)
Secondary Insurance Name______Policy ID#______Group #______
Secondary Insurance Address______Phone#______
Name of Policy Holder of Secondary Insurance______Relationship To Patient______
Name ______Address______
City______State______Zip Code______
Relationship ______Use as emergency contact? □ Yes or □ No
Home Number______Work Number______Cell Phone______
Power Of Attorney Name:______Phone #______
Current Primary Physician______Phone Number______
My Hospital Of Choice Is______
______(initial) I do hereby give my permission and consent for medical treatment by Laila Hirjee, M.D. PA
______(initial) ) I understand that I will be financially responsible for payment of services if Medicare or other insurance denies payment..
______(initial) I agree to be financially responsible for any testing or treatment ordered by the doctor that may not be considered by my insurance company to be medically necessary.
Signature Date
Laila Hirjee, M.D. P A 5617 Belmont Ave Suite 103-D Dallas, Tx 75206 Ph: 214-824-3333 Fax: 214-824-3131
Authorization for Release of Medical Health Information
(In compliance with HIPPA this does not authorize release of Psychotherapy Information)
I hereby authorize ______
(Entity/Person from Whom Records are Requested)
to disclose my individual identifiable health information as described below, which may include information concerning communicable diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (“HIV”) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (“AIDS”), mental illness (except for psychotherapy notes), chemical or alcohol dependency, laboratory test results, medical history, treatment, or any other such related information. I understand that this authorization is voluntary and I may refuse to sign this authorization. I further understand that my health care and the payment of my health care will not be affected if I do not sign this form.
I understand that if the recipient authorized to receive the information is not a covered entity, e.g. insurance company or non-health care provider; the released information may no longer be protected by federal and state privacy regulations.
Patient’s Name Patient’s DOB Patient’s SSN
Date(s) of service (if known):______
Description of Information To Be Released: (check all that apply)
□ Entire Medical Record□ Prescriptions
□ Medical History, Examination, Reports□ Hospital Records Including Reports
□ Allergy Records□ Laboratory Reports
□ Consultations□ Immunizations
□ Surgical Reports□ X-ray Reports
□ Treatment or Tests□ Billing and Payment Information
□ Other (be specific):______
Description of the purpose of the use and/or disclosure:
The health information described herein shall be released to: _____Hospital; __X__ Physician; _____Insurance Company; _____ Attorney; _____Patient; _____Other (check the appropriate category)
Please Release The Information To The Following Physician:
Laila Hirjee, M.D. PA 5617 Belmont Ave Suite 103-D Dallas Texas 75206 214-824-3333 214-824-3131__
(Physician Name)(Address) (City)(State)(ZIP) (Phone)(Fax)
I understand that this authorization will expire by law in 180 days from the date of this authorization unless I otherwise specify. I desire this authorization to be in effect until ______.
(expiration event/date)
I further understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time by notifying______in writing at ______. I also understand that the written revocation must be signed and dated with a date that is later than the date on this authorization. The revocation will not affect any actions taken before the receipt of the written revocation.
Signature of Patient or Patient’s RepresentativeDate
Printed Name of Patient’s Representative
Relationship to PatientLegal Authority (attach supporting documentation)
Laila Hirjee, M.D. P A 5617 Belmont Ave Suite 103-D Dallas, Tx 75206 Ph: 214-824-3333 Fax: 214-824-3131
Permission To Use And Disclose Protected Health Information
Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended, I understand that I have the right to determine whether or not I wish to have my protected health information (PHI) given out throughout the course of my treatment with Laila Hirjee, M.D. PA. The PHI listed in my medical records may include: my name, location, insurance information, a brief description of my medical condition (i.e., course of treatment, physician visits, medications, prescriptions, diagnostic testing and results, referral’s for miscellaneous specialists, Home Health Agency Information, DME paperwork, past history, etc.) I understand that I have the right to ask that such information not be given to other non-medical entities or family members or anyone other than myself. I have indicated my choice below.
□ I DO wish my information to be given when questioned to other non-medical entities, family members, or anyone pertaining to that need per my doctor’s request.
□ I DO NOT wish my information to be given to anyone.
Printed Name______
Patient Signature______Date______
Relationship if not patient______
Patient’s Date of Birth______Patient’s SS#______
Patient’s Address______
If option can only be communicated orally by patient, then show it was recorded by:
Printed Name______Phone______
Laila Hirjee, M.D. P A 5617 Belmont Ave Suite 103-D Dallas, Tx 75206 Ph: 214-824-3333 Fax: 214-824-3131
Are You A DNR □ Yes □ No
Living Will
Do You Have A Living Will □ Yes □ No
Advanced Directives
Would you like more information □ Yes □ No
regarding Advanced Directives?
Printed Name Date
Signature Date
Laila Hirjee, M.D. PA
5617 Belmont Ave Suite 103 D Dallas Tx 75206
Phone 214.824.3333 Fax 214.824.3131
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the above Laila Hirjee, M.D. P A HIPAA Notification of Privacy Practices and understand it’s contents therein.
Patient Name (Printed) Date
Patient Signature Date
5617 Belmont Ave Suite 103-D Dallas, Tx 75206 Phone: 214-824-3333 Fax: 214-824-3131
Laila Hirjee, M.D. 5 6 1 7 B e l m o n t Ave S u i t e 1 0 3 - D D a l l a s, Tx 7 5 2 0 6 P h o n e : 2 1 4 – 8 2 4 – 3 3 3 3 Fax: : 2 1 4 - 8 2 4 - 3 1 3 1
Board Certification: / 1997 Board Certified Internal MedicineProfessional Experience / 2004 – Current Private Practice – Internal Medicine
2003 – 2004 Doctor’s Home Visits
1998-2002 Joel Wilkerson, M.D. Private Practice
Internal Medicine
Washington, D.C.
1997 – 1998 Fellow, Nephrology N.Y.U.
Medical Center
New York, NY
1995 – 1997 Resident, Internal Medicine (Chief Resident)
Sisters of Charity Hospital
Buffalo, NY
1994 – 1995 Resident, Internal Medicine
St. Luke’s Hospital – Roosevelt Division
Manhattan, NY
1992 – 1994 Medical Officer
Islamabad, Pakistan
1991 – 1990 M.B., B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine &
Bachelor of Surgery
Dow Medical College
Karachi, Pakistan
Honors & Awards / 1990 Graduated top 3%
1990 13th Position (top 1 percentile) on first M.B.B.S. exam
1990 Placed in First Division (Grade A)
1990 Top 10% throughout Academic Career
Hospital Privileges / LakePointe Medical Center
Select Specialty Hospital
Licensure & Certification / Licensed Physician – State of Texas
Licensed Physician – District of Columbia
Board Certified – Internal Medicine
Membership & American Medical Association
Associations American College of Physicians
Texas Medical Association
Metropolitan Who’s Who Association
LakePointe Medical Center 2007 Circle of Excellence
Personal Date of Birth: October 30, 1966
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Hobbies: Movies, Music and Reading
References: Excellent References Available Upon Request
Laila Hirjee, M.D. PA
5617 Belmont Ave Suite 103 D Dallas Tx 75206
Phone 214.824.3333 Fax 214.824.3131
Home Health Agency Preferred Provider
Consent Form
Please check the box that applies best for you.
If in the event that the patient needs home health
I prefer ______home health agency if
I / family member needs home health.
I prefer for Dr. Hirjee / Facility to send whichever home health agency
that will best match my / family members home health needs.
Printed Name
Signature Date
Laila Hirjee, M.D. P A
Medical History
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Do you now or have YOU ever had any of the following illness,
CANCER_____Colon Cancer
_____Esophageal Cancer
_____Stomach Cancer
_____Breast Cancer
_____Pancreatic Cancer
_____Endometrial Cancer
_____Liver Cancer
Other______/ LIVER
_____Hepatitis A
_____ Hepatitis B
_____ Hepatitis C
_____Fatty Liver
_____ Migraines
_____ Other Headache
_____Kidney Stones
_____Kidney Failure
_____Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Other______/ HEART
_____High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
_____Heart Attack
_____Congestive Heart Failure
_____Premature Heart Disease
_____Mitral Valve Prolapse
_____Elevated Cholesterol
_____Rheumatic Fever
_____Heart Valve Disease
Other______/ RESPIRATORY
_____COPD (Emphysema)
_____Tuberculosis (TB)
_____Sleep Apnea
_____Collapsed Lung
_____Diabetes, Type I (insulin needed)
_____ Diabetes, Type II (pills needed)
_____Thyroid Disease
_____Rheumatoid Arthritis
Other______/ BLOOD
_____Bleeding or clotting abnormalities
_____Skin Cancer
_____IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome
_____Peptic Ulcer Disease
_____Angiodysplasia of GI tract
_____Reflux Esophagitis
_____IBD-Ulcerative Colitis
PAST SURGICAL HISTORY Please Indicate The Year of any surgeries you have had
_____Hiatal Hernia Repair
_____Gallbladder Removal
_____Exploratory Surgery
_____Gastric Bypass
_____Colon Resection, partial
_____Colon Resection, complete
_____Ventral Hernia
_____Incisional Hernia
_____Upper Endoscopy
_____Vaginal Hysterectomy
_____Abdominal Hysterectomy
_____Ovary Removal
_____Breast Biopsy
_____Mastectomy - Right/Left/Bi-Lateral
Other______/ CARDIAC
_____Heart Stent Placed
_____Abdomianl Aneurysm repair
_____FemPop Bypas (Leg Arteries)
_____Heart Valve Replacement
_____Bladder Surgery
_____Inguinal Hernia
_____Cystectomy with Ileal conduit
_____Kidney Removal
_____Prostate Removal
_____Radiation for prostate cancer
Other______/ OTHER
_____Hip Replacement __R __L
_____Glaucoma Surgery
_____Cataract Surgery
_____Laser Surgery
Laila Hirjee, M.D. P A
Medication History
Please list ALL Medications you are currently taking. Even over the counter medications.
Medication Name / Dosage / Times/Day / CommentsAlzheimer’s in the Elderly
By: Laila Hirjee, M.D. PA
Everyday tasks becoming a problem? Are you having trouble recalling words, concentrating, naming objects, understanding commands, performing familiar actions such as word recognition or comprehending speech? These are just some of the signs to look for. Did you know that Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common medical diseases in the elderly today? Causing cognitive impairment and a decline in mental status, it puts a substantial financial as well as mental burden on families across our country. Although the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is often missed or delayed, the diagnosis can usually be made using standardized clinical criteria. In most cases it can be diagnosed and managed in primary care settings such as in the home or Assisted Living Facilities. Alzheimer’s disease is progressive and irreversible, but prescription drug therapies for cognitive impairment and for the behavioral problems associated with dementia can help to enhance a patient’s quality of life. Psychological therapy intervention with family members can also be beneficial when indicated, as nearly half of all caregivers themselves become depressed when dealing with a family member with Alzheimer’s. New breakthrough medical treatments and pharmacological advances are being made every day to ensure that patients have the very best chances of living their lives more independently, healthier and longer than ever before. If you or someone you know thinks you may have the signs of Alzheimer’s, please make an appointment with your physician today. It could make a world of difference to the ones you love. My goal as a physician is to maintain the very best quality of life for a patient and I strive to do my best to reach that goal with every patient I meet.
Board Certified In Internal Medicine
5617 Belmont Ave Suite 103-D Dallas, TX 75206 Phone: 214.824.3333 Fax: 214.824.3131