(Instructions for Program Planning Guidelines and Template: Please replace alltext in bracketswith the requested information, and delete these instructions before submitting to the dean. There is a 25-pg limit, excluding appendices. Special Note: If an area does not pertain to your department/program, please do not delete it. Instead, place “not applicable.”)

Program Planning ReportSan Jose State University

<Department or School Name>Program(s)<College<Department Website>

Department Chair or School Director: <Name, address, email, and phone number>

Faculty Program Plan Leader: <Faculty name, address (if different from above), email, and phone number>

External Reviewer: <Name, affiliation, title, address, email, and phone number>

Date of Report: <Date report is completed and submitted to dean>

Date Due to PPC: <Semester report is due to the University Program Planning Committee>

Current Chair of Program Planning Committee: Brandon White,

UGS Administrative Support for Program Planning: Nicole Loeser,

Submissions: Reports are to be submitted electronically via email. Please email the program plan, request for external reviewer (if applicable), and external reviewer’s report to . In addition, please cc the above email on all communications with the dean, external reviewer, Program Planning Committee, and UGS on matters pertaining to your program plan.

TABLE OF CONTENTS <please indicate page numbers by each section>


  1. Program Mission and Goals
  2. Curricular Content of Degrees, Minors, andCertificates
  3. Service Courses


  1. Progress on action plan of previous program review
  2. Significant changes to the program and context


  1. Program Learning Objectives (PLO)
  2. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULG)
  3. Matrix of PLOs to Courses
  4. Assessment Data
  5. Assessment Results and Interpretation
  6. Placement of Graduates


  1. Enrollment, Retention, and Graduation rates
  2. Headcount in Sections
  3. FTES, Induced Load Matrix
  4. FTEF, SFR, Percentage T/TT Faculty


  1. Faculty
  2. Support Staff
  3. Facilities




  1. Required Data Elements
  2. Accreditation Report (if applicable)
  3. (Example) Curriculum flow charts, and mappings
  4. (Example) Assessment rubrics
  5. (Example) Student success data summary
  6. Other (as determined by the program)


<Briefly describe each program in the report. List all degrees, concentrations, minors,certificates, and credential programs. State the year each program was implemented, location of department, accrediting agency (if accredited), and URL of department website.

1a. Program mission and goals

<State the mission and goals of the program(s) in the report. >

1b. Curricular Content of Degrees, Minors, Certificates, and Credentials

Briefly describe the broad curricular areas encompassed by each program. Include societal needs and/or employment opportunities served by each program, as relevant.

1c. Service Courses

<If any programs provide courses for other programs or general education, list them here.


2a. Progress on action plan of previous program review

List action plan from previous program planning cycle and address progress on action items.>

2b. Significant changes to the program and context, if any

<List and describe rationale for other changes to the program since the last program planning cycle, if any.>


<Optional: If any programsare externally accredited and a recent accreditation report exists, it can be attached in an appendix and referred to by page number to minimize duplication of work.>

3a. Program Learning Objectives (PLO)

<List PLOs of all degree programs, and indicate any changes to them since the last program planning cycle. Provide evidence of faculty involvement and other inputs used in their determination, e.g. meeting minutes. Evaluate PLOs with WASC PLO Rubric.

3b. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULG)

<Show map of PLOs to the University Learning Goals>

3c. Matrix of PLOs to Courses

<Show matrix illustrating courses in which each PLO is supported and assessed.

3d. Assessment Data

Describe data collected for assessment of student learning and experience in the program. Actual data and assessment instruments can be referenced in an appendix. The program plan should be based on a comprehensive data set encompassing all PLOs, ideallyobtained within two years prior to the date of the report. Achievement of PLOs should be assessed using direct methods. Student experience can be assessed using indirect methods. Benchmarking data, such as licensing examinations or national/regional standardized disciplinary examinations are also appropriate here.

3e. Assessment Results and Interpretation

Interpret assessment data. If you are assessing capstone projects or portfolios, please refer to the WASC Rubrics for Capstones and Portfolios, respectively. Changes in student composition (i.e. SAT/eligibility index, URM/Non URM status) should be considered in the interpretation of the results. Evaluate (1) if students are consistently achieving PLOs upon graduation, (2) how SJSU students in program compare to students in comparable programs, if possible, and (3) if students have a positive academic experience in the program and at SJSU.>

3f. Placement of Grads

<An alumni survey or comparable method should be administered to determine where program graduates go upon graduation. In addition, it would be appropriate here to gather feedback on their perceived preparedness for the workforce, as well as reflections on curricular content.>


The Required Data Elements discussed in this section are attached in Appendix A of this report.

4a. Enrollment, retention, graduation rates, and graduates

Describe trends in new freshmen and transfer enrollments, 1st year retention rates, graduation rates, and number of graduatesfrom your program. Report numbers for total, URM, and Non-URM populations. Compare your numbers to college and university averages, and explain significant deviations, if any. Compare 6-yr graduation rates for first-time freshmen to the 2015 university targets of 51.6%, 47.8%, and 53.2%, for total, URM and Non-URM populations.>

4b. Headcount in sections

<Describe trends in average section size, and compare numbers to college and university averages.Explain significant deviations, if any.>

4c. FTES, Induced Load Matrix

<Describe trends in program FTES and the Induced Load Matrix. Discuss composition of FTES with respect to program majors, newstudents, and graduating students. Also state enrollment in minors,certificate programs, and service courses, if applicable.

4d. FTEF, SFR, Percentage T/TT Faculty

<Describe trends in FTEF and SFR in the program, and calculate the current percentage of tenured/tenure-track (T/TT) faculty to total FTEF. Explain any significant deviations from the college and university averages, if any.


5a. Faculty

Summarize permanent and temporary faculty in the department and their qualifications. You may attach vitae in an appendix if appropriate. Comment on the sufficiency of the faculty to support instruction in the program.

5b. Support staff

<List all staff in the department and their functions. Comment on the sufficiency of the staff to support program operations.>

5c. Facilities

<Summarize and evaluate classrooms, laboratories, studios, offices, equipment, and other facilities available for instruction and program operation.>


This section is optional. If there are other strengths and/or weaknesses of the program not captured previously, describe them here. They could include things such as:

Number of High Impact Practices in curriculum

Major gifts, donations, or endowed chairships

External funding or research productivity

Faculty, alumni, or student accomplishments

Unique student compositions, backgrounds, or other contributions


List action items or recommendations for future improvement of student learning and program operations. Describe resources and timelines required for each. Please consider all categories of program review in this report.>


  1. Required Data Elements

Please copy the following data from the IEA website:

From select your program

Exhibit 1 Number of Course Sections

Exhibit 2 Average Headcount per Section

Exhibit 3 Student to Faculty Ratio

Exhibit 4 Induced Course Load Matirx

From select your program

Exhibit 5 Applied, Admitted, Enrolled

Exhibit 6 Enrollment by Class Level with FTES

Exhibit 7 Enrollment by Major and Concentration

Exhibit 8 Degrees Awarded

From select your program

Exhibit 9 First Year Retention Rates

Exhibit 10 Graduation Rates

Also calculate T/TT instructional faculty percentage. From select your department. Under “Instructional Faculty – FTEF”, select “by Tenure Status”. Add together “Tenured” and “Probationary” numbers, and divide sum by “Total”.

  1. Accreditation Report (if applicable)
  2. (Example) List of PLOs for each program
  3. (Example) Data
  4. (Example)Curriculum flow charts, and mappings
  5. (Example) Assessment rubrics
  6. (Example) Student success data summary
  7. Other (as determined by the program)

<Program Name> - Program Planning Report - <Semester, year>Pg. 1