Fall 2011

MUTH 4370, Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis

MWF 1100-1150/Main Music Building, Room 293

Instructor: Dr. Stephen Slottow

Telephone:Office: (940) 369-7215


Office:Main Music Building 228

Office hoursMWF 12-1

Other times by appointment. It is a good idea let me know when you are coming,

as I may be called away from my office.

Materials: Allen Cadwallader and David Gagné, Analysis of Tonal Music: A Schenkerian

Approach, 3nd ed. (New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011). Text only. You may get the workbook if you wish, but it is not required.


Music paper and pencil (not pen)

Course content:

(1) Graphic analyses of excerpts, complete movements, and pieces from the tonal repertory (approximately 1700-1900). We shall start with relatively short assignments and gradually increase the length and complexity of the material. I will provide photocopies of the scores to be studied. Individual students may be asked to put their graph on the board for discussion.

(2) Readings in the Cadwallader-Gagné text and occasional articles.


Final Examination10%

Homework: There will be written homework due for almost every class. Homework must be handed in on time for you to receive full credit, as we will go over the pieces in class, which will make it difficult for you to do original work on them afterwards. Late assignments will be graded down a full letter grade and not accepted after one class past the due date. Excuses for late homework will be considered only if you contact me before or on the date the homework is due, or at the latest at the very next class session. Whether I accept your excuse is up to me. After that, no excuse will be considered short of a real (and documented) emergency. This policy is strictly enforced.

Attendence:Regular class attendence is expected. Students with more than five unexecused absences will receive a lowered course grade and may be advised to drop the class. If you miss a class, you are still responsible for the assigned homework. Get the assignment from me or another class member. If you know in advance that you will need to miss a class, speak to me, and we will try to work out what assignments you should prepare.

Plagiarism:Since the course grade is based almost entirely on individual assignments, it is essential that those assignments represent your own work, not someone else’s. Evidence of plagiarism will result in an automatic grade of “0” on the assignment. Repeated cases will be dealt with in accordance with the policies set out at

Americans with Disabilities Act:

The College of Music complies with the ADA, making reasonable

accomodation for qualified students with disabilities. If you have an established disability as defined in the ADA and would like to request accomodation, please see me as soon as possible.

Tentative Course Schedule

GC=Gagne/Cadwallader text; AS=Aldwell/Schachter (Harmony and Voice Leading)


27/FGo over syllabus, fill out questionnaire, discuss Beethoven, Pno. Son. Op. 31/2/III (Dm)


ASSIGN: read GC15-23, 34-39

29/MMelodic fluency, structural levels,polyphonic melody

ASSIGN: fugue subjects: polyphonic lines and reductions in rhythm

31/W" "

ASSIGN: J.S. Bach: Em toccata, BWV 914, fugue subject;Dm concerto for 2 violins,

BWV 1043, subject; G cello sonata, BWV 1007, Minuet 2, opening


1/FReductions in rhythm, imaginary continuo

ASSIGN: read AS appendix on rhythmic reduction, GC 66-68

write reduction of Bach, O Gott Du Frommer Gott, BWV 767, fourth

variation (G)

5/MNo class

7/WASSIGN: read GC 41-56

write Bach, Well-Tempered Clavier I, Cm Prelude, reduction in rhythm

9/FBegin GC, Chapter 3

ASSIGN: Beethoven, Pno. Son. Op. 2/3, Trio(Am), reduction in rhythm

12/MBass/harmonic prolongation, stufen, Bassbrechung. Schenkerian notation, Laufer

handout, bass graphs

14/W" "

ASSIGN: Beethoven Pno. Son, Op. 2/1/I (Fm), 1-8, bass graph

read rest of GC, Chapter 3

16/FMore bass/harmonic prolongation. Burkhart handout. GC Chapter 3 summary. 69-73

ASSIGN: Beethoven, Pno. Son. Op. 14/2/I (G)first theme, bass graph

19/MNotation--go over GC appendix, GC analysis of Bach, Well-Tempered Clavier I, C


ASSIGN: Haydn, Symphony 101 ("Clock"), IV, mm. 75-94, bass graph

21/WBeethoven Pno. Son. Op. 10/1 (Cm),first theme, bass graph (in class)

ASSIGN: Beethoven Op. 10/2/I (F), mm. 1-12, bass graph.

23/F" "

ASSIGN: Mozart Pno. Son. K. 333/1 (Bß), mm. 1-10, bass graph

26/MContradictary slurs, back-relating dominants

ASSIGN: Beethoven Pno. Son. Op. 10/1/I (Cm), bass graph

read GC on sequences, large-scale neighbor notes

28/WLinear progressions

ASSIGN: Bach, "O Gott, du frommer Gott," (Cm) BWV 767, fourth variation,bass



3/MUrlinie, Ursatz

Mozart: Eine Kleine Nachtsmusik, K. 525, Trio, mm. 1-8

5/W" "

ASSIGN:Bach, "Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist" (G), mm.1-8, graph.

7/FTechniques of melodic prolongation, Carl Schachter handout

ASSIGN: Beethoven Pno. Son. Op. 10/2/I(F), first theme, full graph

10/M" "

ASSIGN:Mozart Pno. Son. K. 333/1 (Bß), mm. 1-10, full graph

12/WLeaping passing tones, diagonal lines, linear intervallic progressions

ASSIGN: read GC 127-42

14/F" "

ASSIGN: Beethoven Pno. Son. Op. 10/1 (Cm),first theme, full graph

17/MMore on techniques of melodic prolongation

ASSIGN: Mozart, Pno. Son. K. 281/II (Eb), first theme, full graph


ASSIGN: Mozart, Rondo, K. 485 (D), mm. 1-16, full graph

24/MRegistral transfer, coupling, leading/following voces

ASSIGN: Mozart Pno. Son. K. 333/1/III (Bß), mm. 1-8, full graph

26/WUnfolding, voice exchange

28/F" "

ASSIGN: Mozart, Pno. Son. K. 311/II (B), first theme

31/MMotivic replication


2/WNested interruptions

ASSIGN:Schubert, Wiegenlied, D498(Aß), full graph

4/F" "

7/MMore techniques of melodic prolongation

9/WSuperposition, reaching over, cover tone

11/FSubstitution, Phrygian ^2

ASSIGN: Beethoven, Bagatelle, Op. 119/9 (Am), full graph

14/MLIPs (linear intervallic patterns)

look at Bach, French Suite, BWV 816 (G), Gavotte, opening: LIPs, sequence type,

sequential unit and interval

ASSIGN:Mozart, Pno. Son. K331 (A), theme, full graph

16/WAlternate analyses of Mozart theme

18/F" "

21/MInterruption with an extension of the first branch, relation to rounded binary and sonata form

ASSIGN: Haydn, Pno. Son. No. 505 (Hob. XVI/37), III (G)

23/WBach, Anna Magdalena Book, Minuet, BWV Anh. 114 (G). Do in class.

ASSIGN:Haydn, Pno. Son. Hob. XVI/43, Minuet 2 (Aß)

28/MGo over both Haydn assignments.

30/WASSIGN: Haydn, St. Antoni's Chorale


2/FAuxiliary cadences, subsidiary 5th-descents

ASSIGNED: Verdi, La Traviata, "Addio del passato," full graph

5/M Review

5/W Review

Final exam: M, 12/12, 1030am-1230pm