Lancashire and Cheshire Federation of Scottish Societies
Minutes of Council Meeting held on Saturday 2nd March 2013 at
Caldy Valley Neighbourhood Church and Centre, Caldy Valley Road, ChesterCH3 5PR, commencing at 2 30pm
Present - As Per Register
34 Welcome
The President of Chester Caledonian SCDS, Wilma McPhie, welcomed everyone to the stating it was the first time the society had hoisted a Council meeting.
The Chaplain opened the meeting with a prayer giving thanks for beautiful day and to those who had prepared the meeting. He sought guidance on our deliberations to continue our heritage.
35 Opening Remarks
The Federation President, Mary Mailer, welcomed everyone saying it was so good to see so many here on such a good day.
36 Apologies & Roll Call
The Roll Call was taken and apologies noted
37 Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and proposed as a true record by Sandbach and seconded by Chester Caledonian.
38 Matters Arising
The Secretary referred to the letter read at the last meeting from Col Armstrong and reported that Col Armstrong himself had died just before Christmas. He reported the Federation had been fully represented at his funeral.
The Secretary also read an email are regarding the
39 Treasurer’s Report
Current A/c£5615.60
Deposit A/c £3033.02
‘This of course includes monies for Fleetwood tickets.
41 societies have paid the affiliation fee.
The annual accounts have been audited and are showing a deficit of £1.64.
Printing and postage cuts that we have made are making a difference and will hopefully show more in the full year ahead.
I have received a quote for the premium on the equipment insurance of £ 385.l5.This is an increase of £ 20 on last year. This policy now covers all of the officer’s regalia, the largest cover being the Presidential chain. Do council wish to continue with this policy?’
The Treasurer also reported on issue relating to the Third Part Insurance.
‘Some 10 days ago when I sought the renewal notice for the Federation Insurance I was informed by our brokers Swinton’s that they could not continue the current block policy for Third Party Liability. The agent, Mark Challoner, had accessed our website and some society websites to identify the nature of our activities. He firstly stated that a block policy would not be possible and that each society would have to take out its own policy providing detailed information such as:
•Number of members of each society.
•Number of events/activities per year (on average).
•List of activities from each society (types of events/activities).
•Premises utilised for the events/activities (give examples).
•Any regular events/activities involving u 18’s?
•Any Third Parties engaged (e.g. outside caterers, dance instructors)?
•If yes, do the societies check what Public Liability cover they carry?
•Confirmation from each society that they are a “not for profit” organisation.
•Website address:
I have had a number of telephone calls and email exchange with the agent Mark Challoner. The upshot of this is that at present he has confirmed that Royal Sun Alliance would be prepared to set up a "scheme" or "block policy". RSA would not need to apply the same level of minimum premium as they would on standalone policies but the cost could potentially start from £171 minimum with most societies not going above £353.
He argued that if an insurer does not know what each society is doing, then they cannot possibly know what they are covering. Therefore all of the above requested information would still be required. He stated that while the Federation may have previously recorded information in a “hands off” informal manner, it really did need to get to grips with what each society does.
We have not had the opportunity to investigate anything further at this stage but the matter is urgent as the Policy should be renewed at the end of March. I believe cover through the RSCDS would be somewhat cheaper than these proposed figures.’
The Treasurer confirmed that Part 1 of the Insurance had been paid. Following some questions the Secretary explained the implication of the proposals for the Federation and societies. After discussion it was agreed to renew the equipment insurance and Betty was thanked for all her work on the communications with the brokers. The Secretary and Treasurer agreed to pursue the matter.
40 Correspondence
The Secretary read an email are regarding the Diaspora tapestry asking for members willing to act as stitchers.
41 Fleetwood Update
The Secretary reported fully on the visit to Fleetwood and the arrangements for the dinner on the Saturday night and the road closure issue. Council agreed not to invite the Mayor.
42 Festival of Music Arts and Crafts 2013
The Festival Secretary reported as follows:
‘The Festival is new very close and all entry tickets are now in the hands of the participating societies, likewise the tickets for individuals and societies who have sponsored the Festival have also been issued.
We have been gratefully pleased with the response to the request for sponsors; their generosity will help defray the ever rising costs of the day. As long as the interest is there it would be a shame not to hold the Festival. The numbers are down a little this year but we have more than enough entries to make a good day. Just to remind you, the date is 16th March 2013; stewards to be on duty at 9am; entries will be received from 9:30am and entries close at 10:45am. Judging will start at 11am and the Ceilidh will start at 11:30am. Please remember to attach your entry ticket securely to your entry. Also please remember to bring your drinks and picnics, which can be eaten in the dining room, as we are not allowed to sell food or drink on the day. Entry to the school is via the door off the back car park not the front door - except for the band and Pam Rice (and Jackie). Even at this late date David is looking for anyone who is willing to act as a Steward. lf you think that you could help — please see David. Finally, please do encourage as many of your members as possible to come along, see the range of entries which we have and enjoy the Ceilidh; we are going to have a great day!
43 Bowls Competition
Andy reported that due to uncertainties about the future of the Bowling Green, no date can be booked.
44 Newsletter
Hello and again thanks to those who wrote in and gave their news. This issue is slightly smaller owing to a shortage of incoming articles, but still. I hope, interesting to all our readers.
Please do write in to say your thoughts about what goes on at the various events your society might be involved with. Did you have a good ‘special evening’? Did someone have a new dance? Did you go on an outing to somewhere interesting? If you don’t write, we don’t know!
As usual I would appeal to anyone able to deliver to societies not here today, in particular, is anybody going to Bolton Burns on Tuesday who might take Thistle Society’s bag of newsletters?
The next council meeting is 4th of May, so the deadline is 4th April – not a long time, but sufficient to get in your articles. Angus does a good job of filling in a space, but Callan has yet to make his journalistic debut, so until then we do need your input.
45 Dance Committee Report
David Johnson reported on the meeting of the Dance Sub Committee which had discussed a number of issues to include:
a) Hall – the venue for any future dance must be of adequate size to enable the desired attendance figures to be accommodated with ample room for dancing.
b) Attendance – It was felt essential that the Federation Societies would form the core of the target attendance and it was also essential that these societies committed their support to any future event before detailed planning could take place.
c) Band – The key essential for the choice of band was felt to be that it had to be a good ‘dancing’ band.
d) Refreshments – It was felt that careful consideration should be given to the level of refreshments provided at the event and the impact this would have upon the event ticket price.
e) Timing of the event– It was felt that any new event should try not to impact upon events being put on by Federation Societies (although conversely Societies should not put on events that clash with Federation events).
Conclusions: The group felt that there was sufficient impetus within the Federation to merit the holding of another Federation Ball and that Council be made aware of the review group’s thoughts and be asked to decide what they wish to do next either go ahead with a Federation Ball (and nominate a sub-committee to take this event forward) or scrap the idea.
The full report is available on the website.
In response to questions about other venues and bands the Federation Secretary stated that before the 85th anniversary a full review of venues and bands has been undertaken and presented to Council. He also referred Council to the December Council 2010 minute:
‘The Executive reported that the issue of the Chieftain’s Ball had also discussed and proposed that it is held on 11th November 2011. The President reported on the availability of Ellesmere Port Civic Hall. There was some discussion on the purpose of a Chieftain’s Ball and the quality of bands, but there was little support for having such an event.
He pointed out that this had been great disappointment to the Executive and the Chieftain in particular.
After further discussion it was agreed to continue with the Committee FOR 28 : AGAINST 0 : ABS 0
The following agreed to serve on the committee : D Johnson, S Ross, and P Barlow.
46 Indications of Nominations
The following indications of nominations were proposed and the Secretary explained the full procedure for an effective nomination:
PresidentSandra SpenceLiverpool Scots Society
Proposer:West Derby Caledonian
Seconder: Liverpool & District St Andrew
Vice PresidentPhyllis Mary Barlow Helsby & District Caledonian
Proposer:Malpas & District Scottish
Seconder: Helsby & District Caledonian
SecretaryJohn Thornhill EsqLiverpool Scots Association
Proposer:Liverpool Scots Association
SeconderLiverpool Burns Club
Assistant SecretaryRob Adams EsqLiverpool Burns Club
Proposer:Liverpool Burns Club
Seconder:Frodsham St Andrew
TreasurerBetty SmartFrodsham St Andrew
Proposer:Helsby Caledonian
Seconder: St Helens Caledonian
The Secretary confirmed that these proposals did not constitute nominations and would only be nominations once the form was completed in every detail and returned by 4pm on 5th April 2013 which is printed on the form.
47 Changes to Rule - Rules Committee Update
The Secretary introduced this document explaining that it was on the agenda for brief discussion and clarification of any proposed amendments. He pointed out that societies could propose amendments in writing to reach the Secretary 28 days prior to the AGM – by 4pm Friday 5th April 2013.
48 Dates and Venues for Council Meetings
- 2nd March 2013Chester SCDS
- 4th May 2013Court Hey Methodist Church Hall (Federation Event)
- 21st Sept 2013
- 14th Dec 2013Liverpool St Andrews
- 1st March 2014Clitheroe
49 AOB
a) It was agreed the flowers be sent to Dora Duffy (Chester SCDS) and Eirwen Bennell (Malpas)
b) Crosby Caledonian raised the issue of society information being on public access on the website. There was some discussion on this topic and it was agreed to return to it at the next meeting.
50 Close of Meeting
There being no further Council business the Vice President thanked Mary for conducting a very testing meeting with the assistance of Betty and John in an easy manner. The President closed the meeting at 16 12pm and re-iterated her thanks to Betty and John and thanked Chester Caledonian SCDS for hosting and refreshments.
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