JULY 17, 2016
Mass Intentions - There are some openings between now and the end of year if you are wanting to schedule Mass Intentions for your loved ones. The recommended stipend per mass is $10.00. To check availability, call the rectory office at 302-654-5519 or email . Send Email
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Thank you and God bless you.
Save the Date for the St. Ann’s Novena -July 26-28, (Tuesday through Thursday). Devotions each night at 7pm. Check the bulletin and website for more details.
MISSIONHURST – CICM – This weekend at all masses, we will be welcoming Fr. Pierrot Kasemuana, a missionary from Missionhurst-CICM to present a mission appeal. Fr. Pierrot is from the foreign mission Province of Mongolia and will be sharing with us, his life and dedication to the people he serves. Missionhurst– CICM was founded in 1862 for the conversion of China. Today it serves in some of the most remote places of Mongolia, Indonesia, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Unlike some relief organizations tha come only when there is a news-making cris, Missionhurst-CICM missionaries come prepared to stay, living among the people and participating in the day-to-day effort needed to achieve lifelong spiritual and material changes. In response to the people’s most urgent needs they may start a farming project, build a new chapel or school or lay clean water supply lines. Fr. Pierrot will be preaching at all masses and a second collection will be taken with proceeds going to Missionhurst-CICM.
The Very Very First St. Ann School Musical Ever - We are looking for adult volunteers to help with planning and producing a musical for St. Ann’s School. The show we are considering is Disney’s Aladdin, Jr. and would be performed sometime around the end of March in our social hall. Help needed would include areas in choreography, stage crew, publicity/tickets, set design, costumes, sound/lighting, vocal and much more. Auditions for the show would be held before the end of 2016 with rehearsals beginning in January 2017. Children eligible to tryout, would be any 4-8th grader enrolled in St. Ann School for the 2016-17 year, St. Ann’s PREP children in the same grades, or any child who is a parishioner of St. Ann’s in grades 4-8. If you are interested in learning more or want to volunteer, please email or call the rectory at 654-5519 and ask for Jane.
Taking a Vacation??? No need to miss your contribution to St. Ann’s. Signup for our Parish Online Giving program and your donation will automatically be deducted from your account. It’s simple…convenient… and safe! For more info or to signup, visit our website and click on Parish Giving – EFT or call the rectory at (302)654-5519.
Cathedral of St. Peter – is celebrating its 200th Anniversary this year. The beautiful and historic church is in need of our help. The weekend of August 20 and 21st, a special collection for the maintenance and preservation of the Cathedral will be taken up in all parishes in our diocese. For more info, including a letter from Bishop Malooly, go to
St. Ann’s School Opportunities – Thinking of sending your child or children to a quality school for a great Catholic education? St. Ann’s still has some openings for 2016/17 school year. This year will feature the addition of a 3 yr. old Pre-K program. Call (302)652-6567 or (302)654-5519 to reserve your spot now. St. Ann’s is the place to be!
BVM Sodality Mass – Sunday July 17th at 11:30am. No meeting until October of 2016.
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Saturday July 16
8:00 A.M. Peter & Pauline Smith
5:00 P.M. Thomas Wright
Sunday July 17
7:30 A.M. Parishioners
9:30 A.M. Christopher Hogan
11:30 A.M. Karol & Cora Legienza
Monday July 18
6:30 A.M. John C. Volk, Jr.
8:00 A.M. Deceased members of the John D. Kelly & Albert S. Azar families
Tuesday July 19
6:30 A.M. Cornelius Patrick Lehane, Jr.
8:00 A.M. Harris & Montague family
Wednesday July 20
6:30 A.M. Ray Chopper
8:00 A.M. Braun & Mooney families
Thursday July 21
6:30 A.M. Tom Wertz
8:00 A.M. Thomas Wertz
Friday July 22
6:30 A.M. Frances Sculli
8:00 A.M. Trish Furey
Saturday July 23
8:00 A.M. Arthur & Caroline Morin
5:00 P.M. Christopher Hogan
Sunday July 24
7:30 A.M. Charles H. McKinney
9:30 A.M. George Mahoney
11:30 A. M. Parishioners
Pray for the sick, shut-ins and elderly of our Parish.
The Chapel of Divine Mercy is open 6am to 10pm, 7 days a week with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Can you offer an hour of your time? Visit to sign up. You can also call Chris at 584-1422 or Nan at 656-8438.
ST. ANN’S PRAYER LINE – to place a name or special request on the prayer line email Joe/Shirley Ackerman at or 384-7513.
Hospital Visitations – Make sure to call the Rectory at 654-5519 if you are in the hospital and would like a priest to visit.
BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – Have you taken a look at the patrons listed on the back on the bulletin? It’s because of their support that we can provide this bulletin at no cost to our parish. Please visit these businesses and don’t forget to tell them where you saw their ad!
From the Office of Religious Ed…
Looking for parishioners who love their faith and want to see it passed strongly on to the next generation of Catholic leadership! Sure, right now these leaders are only 4, 5, 10 and 12 years old but now is the time for them to fall in love with God and being Catholic! If you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you to volunteer for your parish, why not consider becoming a Sunday morning Catechist? You can teach a class solo or team teach and split the schedule. All teaching guides, materials and supplies will be provided and you can start looking at your lessons as soon as you make contact with Pat Walker at the Religious Education Office – 654-8504 or
If you have an incoming 1st grader who will not be attending Catholic School in September, now is the time to sign up for Sunday morning PREP classes! Go to and under Religious Education and Parent Pages you will find the registration forms and information you need to get started. Good attendance in the first grade program is a pre-requisite for First Communion the following year. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Pat Walker at 654-8504
The Confirmation and Reconciliation/First Communion programs for 2016-17 have already begun! If you have not yet registered, please call Pat Walker at 654-8504. It is not too late to catch up but as the weeks go on it does get harder!
Bishop’s 5K Run – Save the Date – Saturday, November 19th, 2016 at Bellevue State Park benefiting Catholic Charities outreach efforts. Runners and walkers will compete to see who makes the best time, and will be awarded some great prizes. Did you know that one out of every 10 residents of the diocese receive at least one service from Catholic Charities each year? The Bishop’s 5K is a great way to get parishioners involved in the mission of Catholic Charities. If you know of an individual or business who would be willing to become an event sponsor, please contact Xavi DeCaire at 302-658-0218. There are three levels of sponsorship available – Believer - $1000, Mentor - $500 and Supporter - $250. More info will follow throughout the summer. Bishop Malooly will be at the starting line AND finish line – will you?
St. Thomas More Membership – If you are a judge or a lawyer, please consider joining the St. Thomas More Society. Visit the website to sign up! 302 ann2
Religious Vocations – Abraham and Sarah were visited by three messengers of the Lord who surprised them by revealing part of God’s plan for them. What is God’s plan for you? What are you doing to figure it out? How are you listening for it? The process is called “Discernment.” If you want to learn more about discerning God’s call, we’re here to help. Call or write Fr. Norm Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations at 573-3113 or .
Catholic Radio - Listen to Catholic forum every Sunday morning at 10:05am on WDEL 101.7FM, 1150AM and Next Sunday, July 24th, author Julie Dortch Cragon will discuss her book, “Visiting Mary: Her US Shrines and Their Graces”. Listen to past episodes of Catholic forum online at or search “Catholic forum Radio” on iTunes podcasts.
Little Sisters of the Poor Annual “Swing Fore Little Sisters” Golf Outing – Thursday July 28th at Cavalier’s Country Club in Newark. This event provides the opportunity to supplement the required resources to offer quality care in a home-line environment for elderly residents. For more info, visit or contact Debbie Strengari at 368-5886.
Annual St. Joseph Parish Carnival – Middletown Tuesday July 19th through Saturday July 23rd. Exciting rides, games and nightly entertainment under the big top. Special children’s game area. Nightly raffles and delicious meals in the air conditioned Parish Hall beginning at 5:30pm Tuesday through Friday. For more info, call 378-5800 or
Our Lady of Fatima – is sponsoring a silent auction item to Wilmington University for a 3 credit hour course for either an undergraduate or graduate course. Bidding begins at $350.00. If you would like to place a bid, stop by the parish office, after any mass on Saturday or Sunday or send directly to with your name, email and phone number plus bidding amount. The bidding will end September 19th. This package is valued at $1332.00. The course is valid until September 2017.
Catechists Needed for Pre-Cana and Remarriage Classes – The Diocesan Office for Marriage and Family Life is looking for Catechists for the above names classes. If interested, call Rita McDowell at 302-295-0667.
Family Service Day for the Year of Mercy - The Office for Marriage and Family life, in conjunction with Immaculate Heart of Mary, is planning a Family Service Day on Saturday, July 23rd. They will begin with continental breakfast and a brief prayer at IHM parish at 9am before beginning the missions. If interested, contact the Office for Marriage and Family Life at 302-296-0667 with your name, phone number, number coming and ages of children and if they will be volunteering. Possible service includes painting, cleaning, stocking of food pantries, gardening etc.
Wilmington Diocese sends Two Delegations to San Marcos – On July 18th, eight delegates from the Wilmington Diocese will embark upon a nine-day delegation to our sister diocese of San Marcos in Guatemala. This will be followed by another delegation of eight persons on July 27th. Our two dioceses have engaged in a solidarity partnership for over ten years. What a blessing to have so many folks participating in a delegation. Please pray for a safe journey and a fruitful visit.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter- So many times we are like Martha, “anxious and worried about many things”, we forget the most important thing – Jesus. Learn how to make Jesus a part of your marriage. Sign up today to attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend scheduled for November 4-6 In Rehoboth Beach, De. For more information, visit the website or to register, call Tony/Linda Massino at 302-220-9833.
Diocesan Respect Life Committee Save the Date – Saturday September 17th, at St. Helena’s Church on Philadelphia Pike. There will be workshops at 3pm and Mass at 5pm followed by dinner. The proceeds from the dinner will go to support the work of 40 Days of Life and Rachel’s Vineyard. The main speaker at the dinner, Homilist at Mass and leader of one of the workshops will be Fr. Paul Schenck, director of Pro-Life Activities for the Diocese of Harrisburg and a long-time veteran of the Pro-Life Movement.
Coming Up:
7/26 7pm St. Ann Devotions
7/27 7pm St. Ann Devotions
7/28 7pm St. Ann Devotions