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Table of Contents
NGO Council information
June Update from NGO Council Chair
Ministry of Health information
Information about Health Workforce NZ from Stephen Barclay, Chief People & Transformation Officer
District Health Board elections
Have you heard about Grey Matter?
Ministry of Health website:
Other government agencies
Charities Services – Check out their new blog
Statistics NZ Gearing up for the 2018 Census
NGO information
Kumara Vine - Community Waikato's quarterly newsletter
Mental Health Awareness Week - Naturally Happy: connect with nature for good mental health and wellbeing 10–16 October
Places to find NGO information
Training, education, resources and conferences
Allen + Clarke pro bono support available
University of Otago, Wellington, Public Health Seminars to go live on web
Health Promotion Forum Courses
The New Zealand Association of Gerontology conference, “Making Active Ageing a Reality”
Events included in previous updates
Consultation, surveys and submissions
Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa NZ Open Government Survey
ComVoices State of the Sector survey 2016
Health of Older People Strategy update
Consultation opportunities from previous editions of the NGO newsletter
Other information
Hetet School of Maori Art
NGO Council information
June Update from NGO Council Chair
Kia ora NGO Health and Disability Network members
Thank you to all those Disability Support Service (DSS) members who voted in our recent election to select a new DSS representative on the NGO Council. I am pleased to welcome Marese McGee from the Community Living Trust to the NGO Council for a two year term. I also want to thank the other candidates who stood for this vacancy – it was good to have such a strong field for members to select from. This election was to fill the vacancy created by Victoria Manning’s resignation from the NGO Council, but several other positions will be open to new candidates in our annual election in October – so please start to think about whether a leader from your NGO might be suitable for a Council role.
Ministry on the Move changes
Our June NGO Council provided us with an opportunity to learn more about the Ministry’s changes that are occurring as part of the Ministry on the Move initiative to ensure the Ministry is well-equipped to deliver on the new NZ Health Strategy.
Council members heard from Jill Lane (the newly-appointed Director, Service Commissioning), as well as Keriana Brooking(Chief Advisor - Service Improvement and Change) and Jill Bond(Executive Director, Office of the Director General), who are playing key roles in helping to create change throughout the Ministry.
Council members were heartened to hear that strong connections are already being made at the tier two level between Service Commissioning and Strategy and Policy. I encourage you to check the Ministry’s website to familiarise yourselves with the new leadership structure and role of each business unit, but also know that the Ministry is committed to a ‘no wrong door’ approach – so if sector organisations have new ideas or initiatives to discuss with the Ministry, they will ensure the right people are around the table for the discussion, no matter where it is raised.
With these changes, the new NZ Health Strategy and the government’s interest in taking a social investment approach, it is more important than ever that our services can clearly show the differences we are making for clients/consumers and that we are listening to the voices of our customers/clients. For many of us in the non-profit sector, this is part of our kaupapa already, but we need to be sure to communicate this to those we are seeking funding from.
National NGO Forum
Bringing these ideas together, the NGO Council has started to plan for the next annual NGO Forum, which is likely to be held in October. This national NGO Forum will be based around the new NZ Health Strategy and its five strategic themes of one team in a high performing, smart system that delivers people-powered services closer to home.
If you have ideas of great speakers on these topics or short case studies to share that can help others do this well, please let our Secretariat () know, so that we can consider these for the programme. We are also exploring opportunities to complement presentations and discussions that will take place at the Ministry’s next Powering Up Our Future Health Symposium.
Influencing public policy
Our free workshops on influencing public policy and making submissions in Christchurch and Wellington in May were very well-received and we are now accepting bookings or workshops in Auckland (28 July) and Hamilton (27 July). We have also added some additional resources and guidance to our website, including some short how-to videos.
Currently, you can have your say on various topics that could impact on our sector:
- Share views on the NZ Health Research Strategy discussion document by 29 July 2016
- The Office for Disability Issues is asking people to share what the most important things are for disabled New Zealanders and their whānau to live a good life, to feel valued, supported and able to participate in their communities.
You can contribute ideas at - Comment on draft plain packaging regulations for tobacco by 29 July 2016
- Share approaches that give disabled people greater choice and control over their supports and lives to inform development of advice to Government on how to apply the Enabling Good Lives approach to disability support services. Deadline 21 October 2016.
Until next time, MauriOra.
Donna Matahaere-Atariki
Chair, NGO Health & Disability Council
Ministry of Health information
Information about Health Workforce NZ from Stephen Barclay, Chief People & Transformation Officer
Dear Colleague
My responsibilities as Chief People and Transformation Officer include Health Workforce New Zealand (HWNZ). After two months in my role I have taken a number of steps to strengthen the capacity and capability within HWNZ. One of these is to bring in two managers to support Margareth Attwood, namely:
- Dr Paul Watson, previously from the Office of the Chief Nurse and who has been appointed as Manager of Strategy and Relationships.
- Clayton Cleary, the current Manager of procurement and contracts within the Ministry's Service Commissioning team, is taking on the additional responsibility for managing the HWNZ contracts and team.
Margareth has done a great job maintaining HWNZ following the resignations of the previous Director and two senior managers. She will continue in the role as Manager of Policy Advice and Regulation.
My new HWNZ management team and I understand your organisations have an important role in relation to health workforce and we will work closely with you and your colleagues as we undertake our transformation review.
Kind Regards
Stephen Barclay
District Health Board elections
In 2016, voting will take place to elect members to 19 of the 20 District Health Boards (DHBs), the governing bodies responsible for overseeing the delivery of health and disability services in their districts.
DHB Boards have a critical leadership role in the health system and their effectiveness in the next five years will have a crucial role in the health sector’s work to improve the health status of all New Zealanders.
Key dates
15 July 2016 Nominations open
12 August 2016 Nominations close (12 noon)
16-21 September 2016 Voting documents are issued
8 October 2016 Election day - the end of the voting period
5 December 2016 Newly elected board members take office
Information about the DHB elections is on the Ministry of Health website.
Have you heard about Grey Matter?
I'd like to introduce you to another newsletter that the Ministry of Health Library prepares. The Grey Matter newsletter provides monthly access to a selection of recent NGO, Think Tank, and International Government reports related to health. Information is arranged by topic, allowing readers to quickly findtheir areas of interest. You can use this link to subscribe to Grey Matter.
Ministry of Health website:
For more information about the Ministry’s structure and business units go to Ministry business units.
Other government agencies
Charities Services – Check out their new blog
The new reporting standards are here and yes, they do affect your charity!
Statistics NZGearingup for the 2018 Census
The 2018 Census will be on Tuesday 6 March 2018.
Government Statistician Liz MacPherson is encouraging everyone to go online to fill in their forms in the next census if they can. “In 2018 you will be able to complete your census forms on a mobile phone as well as on tablets or desktops. We want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to fill in their forms online,” Ms MacPherson said.
“By collecting census data online, Statistics NZ can produce the census counts and other census information faster.”
Paper census forms will still be available for anyone who wants to use them.
“We want the census questions to reflect the important information needs of New Zealand. Throughout our planning for 2018, we’re making sure we can gather robust, independent information that will inform decision-making and contribute real value to the country.”
“We’re committed to ensuring that decision-makers have access to quality information. The census provides a wealth of information for the country to help make decisions about where services are needed and to understand more about the people who live in New Zealand.”
NGO information
Kumara Vine - Community Waikato's quarterly newsletter
Conflict in the workplace
Community Waikato scholarship recipients 2016
Health and Safety reforms: what does it mean for your workplace?
Review progress - the Incorporated Societies Bill - Exposure Draft
Matariki celebrations in the Waikato
Reimagining Social Housing
RauawaawaKaumatua Charitable Trust serving our elderly community
Upcoming Community Waikato Training June-September 2016
Click here for the newsletter. If you have anything you would like to contribute for future editions of Kumara Vine, please email Kim -
Mental Health Awareness Week - Naturally Happy: connect with nature for good mental health and wellbeing 10–16 October
Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) this year is 10–16 October and, with less than three months to go, they’re getting their free resources ready for you to order and download to help you run a successful MHAW event.
Sign up now to receive regular updates so you can get in early to plan, submit, order, download, enter the competitions, win prizes and participate in MHAW.
You can read more about why they’ve picked this theme on their website.
Places to find NGO information
Community Research
Volunteering NZ
Training, education, resources and conferences
Allen + Clarke pro bono support available
Allen + Clarkeiscalling for expressions of interest from government and non-government organisations for pro bono support over September 2016 to January 2017.
Your organisation might want to apply for support and/or it may be that others working within your sector might need support.
They expect to support up to four policy, research or evaluation projects that meet the following criteria:
- Projects undertaken must align with Allen + Clarke’s core values, which at their heart are about mobilising passionate and capable people to tackle challenges facing society
- Projects must be able to be undertaken between September 2016 to January 2017
- The time commitment per project should be (roughly) between 50 and 150 hours, or comprise a contribution on our part of this magnitude towards a wider, commissioned project
- The organisation must be happy for the project to be profiled on the Allen + Clarke website.
Once initiated, the projects aretreated exactly the same as work for other clients. This means their usual procedures around project management, client liaison and engagement, and quality assurance would apply. Follow this link for information about a project completed by Allen + Clarke through their pro bono support recently.
Expressions of Interest do not need to be overly detailed. An online form is available at along with further information about their pro bono programme. All applications must be received by 5pm Friday 19 August 2016.
For further information, please visit contact Matthew Allen or Paul Houliston on 04 890 7300.
University of Otago, Wellington, Public Health Seminars to go live on web
No matter where you are in the country, now you can enjoy the Public Health seminars from the University of Otago, Wellington(UOW), live from the comfort of your computer! And with some fantastic speakers coming up, we invite you to check out how easy it is to log-in.
Seminars start at 12:30pm and confirmed seminars include:
- Friday 15 July | Individual and collective action to improve healthy housing in New Zealand.
Dr Elinor Chisholm, UOW.
- Friday 29 July | Making Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder History.
Dr James Fitzpatrick, McCusker Clinical Research Fellow in Aboriginal Child Health, WA
- Friday 5 August | Māori health directions.
Bridget Robson, EruPomare Māori Health Research Centre, UOW
- Friday 19 August | Nutrition Health Star Rating System and consumer campaign.
Philippa Hawthorne (MPI) and Mary-Ann Carter (HPA)
- Friday 26 August| Positive mental health in children.
Amanda Kvalsvig, UOW.
This initiative is a trial by UOW to make outstanding research more easily accessible. More information about each seminar and how to connect via webinar can be found at
Health Promotion Forum Courses
Certificate of Achievement in Introducing Health Promotion short course
Location: Whakatane
Venue: Eastbay REAP, Whakaari DS1 room, 21 Pyne St, Whakatane. Map
Dates: Block one 9-12 August, Block two 6-9 September (you must attend both blocks)
Click here to register.
Pasifika Health Promotion: Turning the Tide of Non-communicable Diseases (NCD’s) the ‘Pacific Way’ workshops
- Location: New Plymouth – venue to be confirmed
Date: 30 September
- Location: Dunedin – venue to be confirmed
Date: 25th November – registrations opening soon
Click here for more information.
For inquiries please contact Emma Frost by email: or phone (09) 300-3071.
The New Zealand Association of Gerontology conference, “Making Active Ageing a Reality”
15 - 17 September 2016, Wellington Register now! Visit the Conference Website for more information -
Events included in previous updates
Stanford Licensed Self-Management Programmes, Training Opportunity for Master Trainers
Chronic Disease Self-Management Programme (CDSMP) and
Chronic Pain Self-Management Programme Cross Training (CPSMP)
Alzheimers NZ Biennial Conference and 19th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International
3-5 November, Wellington
For more information visit
Consultation, surveys and submissions
Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa NZ Open Government Survey
The Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa NZ (ECO) invites you to participate in a survey of people and organisations from civil society on what we think the government actions should be in the NZ Open Government Action Plan 2016-18.
Please feel free to circulate the survey widely. The survey provides an option to remain completely anonymous and it will run till 25 July 2016. Please click here to start the survey.
The survey should only take about 15-20 minutes to complete depending on how much you want to say.
In 2013 the New Zealand government joined 68 other countries in the Open Government Partnership. The aim of the partnership is for governments to commit to actions that make them more transparent and accountable to citizens
In October 2016 the government will publish a second Open Government Action Plan which will determine how far they will go to commit to more transparency and a report based on this survey will be presented into the decision making process.
Please click here to start the survey and share what you think.
Learn more about the Open Government Partnership by following this link. If you are interested to find out more about the survey, click here. If you have any questions drop them an email at r phone on 04 385 7545.
ComVoices State of the Sector survey 2016
In 2014, ComVoices conducted its first State of the Sector Community and Voluntary Sector survey. Two years on the survey is being repeated to gain a comparison between then and now.
This survey should take you between 5 and 7 minutes to complete. It might be helpful to have your financial information handy before commencing the survey.
Results will be shared with all respondents via the ComVoices network. The summary information will be used to support messaging to politicians and the public both leading up to and following the 2017 election.
As all responses will be anonymous we cannot remove duplicate entries and ask that each organisation fills out the survey only once. Survey link: The survey will close at 12 noon, Monday 25 July 2016.
If you have any questions regarding this survey, feel free to contact ComVoices by email at
Health of Older People Strategy update
The Ministry is now consulting on the draft update of the Health of Older People Strategy. Have your say!
Read the strategy - Download and read the draft strategy.
Make a submission - You can make a submission online, by email or by post.
Join the discussion - Join in the online discussions about the draft strategy.
Attend a workshop - Sign up for one of our regional workshops, or organise your own workshop or discussion group.
Facts and figures - Check out our facts and figures about older people in New Zealand.
Consultation opportunities from previous editions of the NGO newsletter
Ministry of Health Review of deceased organ donation and transplantation
The Ministry of Health is leading a review of organ donation and transplantation.