Minutes - DRC Meeting: June18, 2015, 9:30 am.
Present: Anna Badalyan (T), SarahCrespo (D), Stan Levin (D), Moon Ko (D), Katie Alvarez (T – USC intern), EdwardPai(H),Sarah Doerrer (W), Agyeman Boateng (W), ReneMarquez (T),AniZarpas (V), Ruben Arenas (E), Cathy Jin(E–newmember), OlegBespalov (P – by phone), and Amari Williams (P – by phone).
Anna B. chaired the meeting. She invited all to introduce themselves as courtesy to the new members and guests.
Agenda items:
- Approval of agenda
- Out-of-State DE Student Identification update (Sarah C.)
- Accreditation wasadded as standing agenda item
- Review 5/18/2015 minutes (all)
- Minutes approved
- Gainful Employment Reporting Update
- Deadlines for data upload: July 31 and October 2015,Reports impact college programs
- District IE data file was tested with LACC financial aid manager. Now it can be submitted by other colleges in the district. District EI office will facilitate that process.
- Federal government regulatory agency do ask colleges sometime for random student transcripts
- Financial Aid "weeks" include only instruction time (clock hours) that does not include off days (e.g., spring break); PPA (Program Participation Agreement)list has those weeks
- District - 2015 Scorecard presentation (Moon) / Trade - Scorecard presentation (Anna B.)
- Hard copy of the 2015 Student Success Scorecard presentation was shared
- Data set for Summary Progress slide (page 6) to be shared
- Under scorecard 2.0, CCCO grouped community colleges (see report at extranet.cccco.edu/) in 6
- Colleges are responsible to meet LACCD MIS deadlines when submitting awards data
- Currently only Trade is using strategy on identifying and reaching out to students that are eligible for a certificate / degree but have not applied for them
- LACCD MIS is being requested to share award data periodically in order to create a mechanism to check for data accuracy.
- Posting IEPI Goals on College Website: Reminder (Maury P.)
- Colleges need to post Goals – Trade posted them under the Office of Institutional Effectiveness page
- No requirement has been seen regarding the location of the post
- Student Scorecard link located on the college home page
- Scorecard lays the ground for other reports (e.g., accreditation)
- When action is required, each college negotiate with-in the college (e.g., program reviews, strategic master plans, resource requests)
- Representation for LACCD Research Analysts (Ani Z.)
- DRC supports the Research Analysts efforts to join a work union
- One of the main issues is the lack of employee protection
- Is recommended that the Research Analysts get together and have a conversation on this topic
- DSCH Residency Status Coding / Zero (Ani Z.)
- DO IE office generates the 320 report using CEN_RDB and SIS_RDB
- Calculated FTES in database "loses" a few FTES compared to "hand-calculating" them
- If there is a value in the DENR_CENSUS1_HOURS field, FTES are calculated
- DSCH_STUDENT's Dstu Residence Code field used to get student's residence code
- Some High School students in LAVC are coded with residence code 600
- SB150: fee exemption – no FTES are generated
- CENRDB to be updated on July 6th– all data changes / updates need to be done before that day (e.g.,residence code fixes)
- Reminder for ATD data memorandum: President or Admin VP signs the form for ATD, done at the college level. Deadline is July 31, 2015.
- The above shared with those present
- CalPASS – LAUSD dropped out about 3 years ago, we don't get their data
- Common ACCJC Report Working Group (Anna B.) / Accreditation Data Template (Maury P.)
- Stan's draft has data sources at the end of the document
- Scorecard is based on Data Mart data
- Other colleges use Data Mart, we (LACCD) do not use Data Mart for college review – Data Mart data does not match data at the college level (e.g., success rate)
- Data Mart takes in consideration more than 6 years in their calculations
- Only DEC data can help us (LACCD colleges) in operational goals
- IRDS is recommended for ACCJC reporting for the next reports – timing is an issue and data integrity has to be work on from now on – all colleges need to decide if all campus will us IRDS, SIS, MIS or other source
- Common ACCJC Report Working group to decide:
- Data source (e.g., IRDB, Data Mart, SIS)
- Should all of us have the same ACCJC reports, fact books, etc.?
- Alignment of the measures for accreditation, program review, etc.
- DO to create a report for reference only – district level analysis
- Lack of SPSS program skills District-wide to be an issue when trying to support Stan
- Scorecard issues:
- CTE completion methodology
- No assessment placement data
- Items from the Floor (all)
- Student catalog year for degree / certificate petition (Oleg)
- Each college has its own rule regarding degree / certificate catalog year
- The student decision is recorded in the degree application (paper) – recorded electronically, but it is needed to check the catalog to find program
- There is a board rule that needs to be checked
- Open IE Dean positions most likely to remained unfilled
- Edward P. will share CTE paid service that provide data and reports on your program completers
- Out-of-State DE Student Identification update (Sarah C.)
- Certain states do not allow students to take some classes in California
- Recommendations:
- Not to allow those students from those students to enroll, make it effective in Fall 2015
- DO aware of the issue but no decision if any action should be taken by July 31st
- Veterans (Sarah C.)
- IT proposes to use a new code for veterans' families and dependents
- Code 500 is not valid anymore
- Next meeting:
- July 16thmeeting at LATTC
- Recommended to have the meeting at DO in September (due to campuses' parking issues)
Meeting adjourned at 1:53 p.m.