Junior Health
Course Requirements
Course Materials:
Pen and/or Pencil
Notebook—3ring binder or a notebook w/ a folder
Junior Health is an 18 week course and is a graduation requirement at North.
As per the NHHS attendance policy, any student with more than six (6) unexcused absences will lose credit. This is determined by Mr. Hahola.
You are responsible for all assignments, notes, quizzes, tests, etc. that you miss during your absence.On the day that you return you should either ask another student or your teacher what you missed so that you have what you need.
You must arrange a time with your teacher to make up a test or a quiz.
If you are absent the day that an assignment is due, you are expected to turn it in immediately upon your return for full credit. Any assignment turned in after that will be subject to loss of credit.
All assignments must be completed and handed in on time.
Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on their due dates.
NO assignments will be given full credit after they are collected at the beginning of class.
Assignments turned in after they are collected will be subject to points off.
Projects and Skills Tests:
There will be various projects assigned throughout the course.
Details of the projects will be given when assigned. Projects may include: presentations, demonstrations, brochure and research assignments.
Skills tests will be a mandatory part of the American Heart Association Certification process that is a part of this course. All skill tests must be completed sufficiently, as per the instructor, to be able to qualify for certification.
Tests, Quizzes, Textbook:
Quizzes will be given at your teachers’ discretion to check for comprehension of the material.
Classwork will be given and evaluated. It will either be due at the end of the period or a given due date.
There will be a unit test at the end of each unit. These tests will be weighted more than normal quizzes and classwork.
Textbooks must be covered and also accompany you to class when told by your teacher. If you are in class without your book covered or without your book you will be penalized.
Current Events:
Every student will be required to collect a current events article discussing topics relevant to this course each week of the semester.
A more detailed outline of the requirements for this assignment will follow.
Current events will be graded and averaged as a part of your homework grade.
Class Participation:
Quality and Frequency of Oral Responses
Class Preparation and Attention
Individual/Group Work—staying on task
Course Grade:
Grades will be determined by a point scale. A percentage will be determined from total possible points divided into total earned points.
Class participation will also be figured into the course grade and will have a point value equal to that of a test grade.
Each marking period will be worth 40% of your final grade with your exam being the other 20%.
Mr. HissnerMrs. ConlyMr. Donnelly
Mr. Mazzetta Mr. Hanna
Course Outline (General):
- 1st Aid / CPR / AED certification
American Heart Association Material
$1/certification upon successful completion of skills tests and written tests
- Character Education
Honesty, Self-Discipline, Fairness, Healthful behavior, Caring, Responsibility, Respect, Integrity, Goal Setting, Stress etc…
- STI’s – Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Birth Control Methods
- Alive @ 25
- Wellness Unit (lab activity—4 weeks)
The course will have a 9 week assessment and an 18 week assessment.
Students are responsible for ALL material covered either by the instructor or any outside speakers during the course of the class.