Planning for an Accessible Event

This document is intended to assist you as you plan for your event to ensure that the needs of those who may have a disability are met. This checklist is intended for events that have an audience of at least 30 individuals or larger. For general event planning information, please contact the Event, Conferences and Event Services Office at 704-687-7120 or via email at. You can also visit their website at:

Pre- Planning

Who is your audience? Is this event:

limited to your group membership?

group of known individuals only ?

open to the campus community and beyond?

for a large group (i.e. larger than 30 individuals)

  • Planning for groups larger than 30 individuals or unknown constituents requires broad planning for accessibility.

Where will the event be held? Will the room:

have sufficient lighting in the space to accommodate individuals with low vision?

have an accessible entrance door?

haveaccessible path(s) within the room and to facilities, such as the elevator, if utilized?

haveaccessible restrooms near the event space?

  • Provide accessible or adjustable desks and/or wheelchair accessible spaces.
  • Allow sufficient aisle space to provide wheelchair access.

How will guests get to the event? Will individuals arrive at this event:

by walking from campus residence?

by campus shuttle?

by personal vehicle?

by city bus?

  • Event planner shouldprovide accessible parking and pathway information for guests through multiple outlets (i.e. websites and signage day of event). Click here to download a copy of the accessible campus map:
  • Review pathways to identify unknown and temporary obstacles prior to event. For information regarding current and upcoming construction projects at UNC Charlotte, please visit the facilities management website at :

Will there be food at or after the event? If so, are the:

ingredients indicated on the menu so that individuals can make informed decisions about their choices?

food tables located in an accessible location within the proper height and reach standards?

  • Event plannershould have catering staff contact information in case of a food allergy question.
  • Ensure that food is in a location accessible for all individuals.
  • Remind event staff to attend to the needs of guests with disabilities.


How will people learn about this event? Will your advertising include:

email only to those invited?

use of flyers on campus?

use of flat screens on campus?

use of organization’s/UNC Charlotte website (i.e. Campus News and

use of campus newspaper?

use of off-campus media (i.e. Charlotte Observer, radio stations, television)?

  • Use accessible format to advertise on the web (pdf is not usually accessible, use MSWord).
  • For large or public events, advertise usingmulti- media (e.g., radio, web, flyers).

Ensuring Access

How will you ensure that attendees have needed accommodations? Does all the advertisinginclude:

standard verbiage on how to request disability accommodations in advance for the event?

a back-up contact person who can set-up accommodations and provide accessibility information?

  • Include this Accessibilitystatementon advertisements:
  • UNC Charlotte is committed to having an accessible campus for individuals with disabilities. To request information regarding accessibility or for an accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) please contact (event planners name and phone) or the Office of Disability Services (704.687.0040) at least 3 working days prior to the event.
  • Include the Accessibility Website “Request for Services” address on advertisements ().

Does event “contact person” have knowledge of disability rights and issues? Is staff aware that they:

should only ask for specific accommodations requested, and not the disability of the attendee?

onlyshare disability related information with individuals who have a “need to know”?

shouldinitiate accommodations or services immediately?

  • Use the Accessibility website ”Request for Services”form to schedulean accommodation


  • Event planner should contact Disability Services (704.687.0040)if unsure of accommodations.

Are brochures/handouts being provided at the event? If so,are you:

aware of individuals who may need a brochure in alternate format such as Braille or enlarged text?

  • Use a copy center to enlarge brochure text.
  • Disability Services can convert text to Braille- 3 working days lead time is helpful.

How will you ensure that your event is able to accommodate those in wheelchairs? Have you:

Measured the aisle space to make sure that a wheelchair can easily maneuver throughout the room?

Designated specific desks/tables to meet the clearance needs of participant?

Familiarized self with the layout of the room, being aware of any stairs that could inhibit mobility throughout the event location?

  • Ensure that the width of all aisles are 36 inches minimum with a 5 foot turnaround area.
  • Contacted the Office of Disability Services at (704.687.0040) if you are in need of desks/tables of special heights.

Will technology be used at this event? If so, have you ensured that:

videos are closed-captioned?

the Smart podium is able to display captioned videos?

the FM System (for people who are hard of hearing) is installed and receivers are available?

an audio transcriber is present, if requested, for individuals who are blind?

  • Contact the Office of Disability Services at least 3 working days in advance to ensure support.

How to ensure that the event is ready? On the day of the event, did you:

identify emergency exit routes for individuals with mobility impairment (i.e. escape route or area of rescue assistance if on the second floor)?

check for any new pathway obstructions to the venue?

make sure that there is sufficient aisle space to wheelchair seating?

print your list of emergency contact numbers?

Have you created an evaluation? If so, does your evaluation:

  • ask for feedback regarding accessibility accommodations from attendees?
  • Contact the Office of Disability Services when accessibility accommodations or concerns are received.

Revised 7/2014