CAC / OASPHE Meeting
November 27th 2008
Attendees: / Jennifer Brahaney, Troy Parkhouse, Karin Podlatis – Brown, Carolyn Temertzoglou, Nancy Schad, Margaret Good, Lorraine Holt, Kim Potter, Lara Paterson, Lindsay Lamorre, Lindsay Fera, Alexa McKinnon, Tracia Findlay, Tony Petitti, Melanie Guertin, George Curtis, Carla Robins, Ian Boyd, Jennifer Cowie Bonne, Chris Markham, Diane Schultz, Richard Ward, Chantel Jolivel, Jen Powles. Kelly Pace
Agenda topics / 1) Welcome / Richard Ward
2) Review of minutes / Richard Ward
3) Curriculum Review / Lara Paterson
Jennifer Cowie - Bonne
4) Curriculum Supports / Richard Ward
5) Healthy Schools / Richard Ward
Jennifer Cowie - Bonne
6) OASPHE Update / Tony Petitti
7) Ophea / Ophea Management Update / Muriel Routhwaite
Jennifer Cowie - Bonne
8) New Business
1) Welcome / Richard Ward
-This is the 4th annual CAC/OAPSHE joint meeting
-New members;
CAC: Alexa McKinnon, Lorraine Holt, and Margaret Good
OASPHE: Tracia Findlay and Ian Boyd
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2) Review of minutes / Richard WardDiscussion:
Fitness Messages:
-Little work has been done in regard to Fitness Messaging. Discussed at last meeting the need to provide direction to boards as to HOW to implement these key messages.
-Joanne and Carolyn have done a few workshops in their boards but there is still a need to address the practical component of the Fitness messages,
Safety Guidelines:
-Online since September and messaging has been sent to all boards
-Message sent to Ministry regarding the need for continued funding
-DPA has continued to be funded through Healthy Schoolsfunding.
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2) Curriculum Review / Richard WardLara Paterson
Jennifer Cowie - Bonne
Eastern Feedback Session:
-Lara attended this session and provided a summary of the day
-Generally, stakeholder and board feedback was very positive
-Myra and Deb went over the vision of the curriculum in 2021 – looking ahead
-New curriculum looks at lifelong healthy living and physical activity. As well as the need for personal improvement and personal goal setting
-New curriculum is getting away from meeting standards and focusing on personal achievement
-Handout was distributed showing the comparison between the old and the new curriculum.
-Incorporates ‘teacher-talk’ and ‘student-talk’
-All strands are aligned so that elementary and secondary curriculum are the same
-There is a big shift in the elementary curriculum re. learning skills – now separate topic in each strand; also sport/game strategies will be a part of movement skills competency strand
-The biggest change is in the healthy living components. All topics are divided into 3 subcategories. It then depends on year as to how it is delivered.
-Handout was distributed: an example from the Healthy Living scope and sequence
-Incorporates student talk and teacher talk.
-OASPHE has sent out electronically the key pieces of the new curriculum to their membership and have asked for feedback. Once feedback has been obtained, a small group of OASPHE members will come up with a collective voice that incorporates all of the feedback.
Central Feedback Session:
-Jennifer attended this session and provided a summary of the day
-Noted that there was also very positive feedback from this session.
-It was noted that feedback from the OASPHEsurvey was reflected in this version of the curriculum
-Includes self selection of priorities, making it more flexible (child centered / school centered)
-Is less repetitive year after year (similar information but different means of application)
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French Feedback Session:-Melanie attended this session and provided a brief summary of the day
-The aspect of lifelong health is not captured in the French curriculum
-French curriculum does not have specific topics for specific years as does the English.
-Noted that there was a great amount of resistance as to which age students should be exposed to certain controversial topics
-Noted that the French population does not have the connections to the subject associations that the English side does. Very different process because unlike the English curriculum that has many associations/stakeholders/teachers offering to give feedback, the French side will need to search for feedback
-The philosophy of English feedback will be translated to the French
-The challenge with the writing of the French curriculum is that they do not have access to the same resources/research in their language.
-85% of curriculum (French / English) needs to align and then 15% will account for language and culture differences
General comments from group:
-H&PE curriculum ties in well with other subjects (ex: science curriculum), which allows teachers greater flexibility in fulfilling cross-curricular expectations.
-New healthy living curriculum should be looked at it in a know it, do it, share it way. This ties in well to the healthy schools philosophy and encourages students to be healthy so that they can affect others around them
Processes to provide feedback;
-Members attend sessions and provide feedback to Ophea. Consultants will review and create a draft and then one final response will be provided by December 18th
-Ophea plans to have draft ready for December 9th in order for it to be reviewed by CAC and then returned to the management team by Dec 15th. Final response will be provided by December 18th.
-Ophea will focus on philosophical feedback ( i.e. overall is this reflective of what we want to see) which is consistent with feedback that has been given so far
-Handout #3
TDSB(George Kourtis):
–350 teachers will attend a PD day on Dec 5th.and they will be asked to provide feedback on the new curriculum at that time
–TDSB has their own survey tool that is very effective and will be used for this process.
–Questions will be ranked by TDSB staff and then they will make their own survey that is between 5-10 questions, that doesn’t take more than 7 minutes(in order to increase participation)
–Questions from Ministry will be used but just not all of them
-same process as secondary will be used, however it will be done through the intranet as opposed to in person
TCDSB(Tony Pettiti)
-Board has 5 PLN’s (Professional Learning Networks) who are geographically spaced around the city
-Each one of the PLN’s will be identifying key people in their respective areas
-1 high school educator and 3 elementary educators from each section will be chosen
-All will come together on December 3rd and will be providing a final response
NDSB (Troy Parkhouse)
-All physical education department heads will be meeting and breaking down into groups to provide feedback.
-The team that reviewed the old curriculum will be brought together to review the new one. They will review and provide a response.
PVNCCDSB (Jennifer Brahaney):
Secondary and Elementary
-Teachers will attend a PD day to discuss and create a response.
HPEDSB(Ian Boyd):
-Key people from each of the school groups will be pulled together to discuss and provide a response.
PDSB(Kim Potter):
-Survey will be distributed at board meeting
-All responses will be gathered and one response will be provided
-Survey will be distributed via survey monkey
-All responses will be gathered and one response will be provided
How to get common messaging between OASPHE and Ophea?
-Once drafts from both organizations are complete, Tony and Jen have agreed to arrange for a face to face meeting or a conference call on Friday Dec 12, to share their responses and determine if there is a need for discussion between the two organizations(i.e.if there are any huge differences)
-The two organizations are looking at it from a different angle so it’s good to connect and make sure that they are supporting each other
-Ophea will also be formally responding to the French curriculum
Sharing the message with educators / stakeholders?
-OASPHE is aiming to have their response put together with enough time to share with the general membership before they submit it. There would be no opportunity at this point for them to give feedback however(as they have already had the chance to give feedback), this is just for their information.
-Ophea will have draft complete by December 9th and will then send to CAC for review.
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Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:Send information to CAC members regarding utilizing survey monkey as a tool to obtain feedback from the curriculum from their respective boards
Tony to schedule meeting with Jen to meet and discuss curriculum feedback
OASPHE to send their final feedback response to Diane so that it can be sent out to CAC members / Jenn/Richard/Diane
Tony, Jen
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4) Curriculum Supports / Richard WardJennifer Cowie - Bonne
-Richard presented a brief history on how the documents were developed last time and how they were supported financially through the school boards.
-Jennifer CB: (see handout) presented a view of current and emerging issues, with a view of how these can/will have an effect on how Ophea needs to approach the development of curriculum supports.
-Alexa: has aboriginal funding been considered to provide support for resources? Seems to be an accessible funding resource.
-Jennifer: presented a multi-year plan for planning and development of resources for the new curriculum. Highlights:
-Ophea will continue to provide existing supports to educators through the next year with our current resources until they ‘run out’.
-Potential for longitudinal evaluation.
-Start aligning different projects to this new curriculum and the new resources that are needed.
-Ophea will identify what is needed and approach Ministries for this. In the meantime, we will continue to look at other funding opportunities.
Who are the people that will make the financial decisions within boards?
-in normal circumstances it would be Superintendent of Curriculum
-in certain boards it is the Superintendent of Programming
-it is critical for Ophea to be connecting with Directors in the implementation phase (CODE meetings)
-trustees conference (a lot of initiatives that boards agree to must be passed by trustees)
Spring timeline in terms of setting budget for next period of funding?
-1st time that TDSB is doing a spring timeline for their budget
-most boards already have spring timelines for their budgets
-Ophea needs to have something done for April in order to align with the boards’budget deadlines.
Thoughts around approaches between larger and smaller boards and how we can equalize delivery or resources/services?
-Currently Ophea resources that are delivered on a subscription based model works by charging a base boardfee and a per school fee
-idea: pay by number of students. No base fee. Currently, the Ministry funds schools based on full time students so this would be the most equitable way.
-important to link to Public Health Units. Most schools have a close link with the schools and the Public Health Units would then have an opportunity to communicate to the schools and to parents(to advocate for Ophea)
Ophea Developmental Phase:
-Ophea to look at consolidation of our existing resources once we know more of what is in the new curriculum. To begin with a literature review of key teacher training strategies, resource structure, etc.
-What would be essential steps that Ophea should take in order to solicit feedback on our current resources?
-Group: people want ‘press play’, technology now, webinar, technical based, video clips, how do we use screen time?, use of CDs, online dynamic documents, keep it current, OASPHE in a key position to help us engage educators in what is required, teachers still want hard copies
How do we find out what people want?
-survey at the OASPHE Winter Conference
-use of online survey
-use existing info (web hits, e-learning Ministry web hits, safety site, etc.) to help us determine what ‘form’ this should take
-take into account how you communicate with those who do not have the technology access ( i.e. the northern schools)
-faculty of ed pre-service teachers: need to start at the beginning for the ones that have nothing to begin with
-create a focus group with some of the faculties ( **generalist teachers**)
-hold focus groups hosted in their region as opposed to bringing them here ( **generalist teachers**)
-finished product should be accessible to all (download, additional resources that are technical, HARD COPY). We need to make it as user friendly to as many as possible.
-look at models that have worked in the past.
-Internet based is not a good for the northern boards, many teachers do not have daily access to a computer
-M. Ed PhD students – have them study the benefits of exercise on learning as thesis projects
-Problem within boards currently is that there is no time to apply the documents. There needs to be training for teachers to show them how to make the time.
-WWS101 – presentation to all sport orgs. Ministry, recreation departments. Idea was to assist them in how to navigate through schools and how to get their programs into the schools. Main feedback was that they are really interested in training the teachers because the resource itself does not always teach them how to do it.
-We could utilize these sport orgs to do the training with the schools. Consolidatethe good resources and begin to create partners
-This curriculum is fundamentally different. A lot of teachers who have been practicing for many years will require as much PD as some of the newer teachers
-Critical to connect with Public Health. We need to tap into them because the schools often look to them in terms of what they should use. Look for the support of Public Health so that they can promote it to the schools.
5) Healthy Schools / Richard Ward
Jennifer Cowie - Bonne
-Healthy schools funding. Money given for DPA at the elementary level(board base fee $5000 plus $400 per school) and secondary student engagement funding ($1000 per school) to the board which should then be distributed to the schools. Used for PD, human resources, teacher resource time. This money is not open ended, you have to sign off on where you have spent the money.
-Last year OASPHE looked at how school boards spent that money, results will be on website for people that are looking for ways to spend it (
-OASPHE to send message to the government that by releasing 2 funds at the same time they are creating confusion
Ophea’s priority in their advocacy for healthy schools at the moment is quality instruction (one of the four pillars of healthy schools)
Activity: Group Work
Group 1: Supports relating to Active Living
-Should try to streamline all resources – redirect the stand alone programs to connect appropriately within the Ophea documents. i.e., make that program an option or outside support/enhancement
-these should be in a similar format as the documents
-school wide initiatives could come from these enhancements
-comment: we should be careful not to bury active living within the curriculum supports so that it becomes a PE focus instead of a whole school/healthy schools focus where all are involved/responsible
Group 2: Supports relating to healthy eating
-resources include Ophea binders, Menu of Choices, consolidate additional resources at their disposable
-eat, Nutrition Tools for Schools, new Canada Food Guide
-instead of wasting time finding the info, there needs to be something that gives them more time to analyze it. (
-Bill 8 is the first move towards regulating trans fats and we can expect to hear more from the Ministry in regards to healthy eating issues (sugar and sodium)
-breakfast programs, healthy cafeterias, healthy fundraising policies, healthy school lunches. “Fruity Fridays”, student leadership opportunities (ex: rewards), nutrition nights for parents.
-Need a whole school approach. Need to highlight the importance of healthy foods, needs to be a bit of both
-Incorporate whole school (ex. group of students who create a culminating activity).
-***Built into the healthy living strand
-important for it to be student lead activities
-concept of differentiated instructions can be used. Present the curriculum guide in a way that provides different means of implementing it. Presenting info in a way that is meaningful to the kids.
-Should Menu of Choices be same format as Ophea guidelines
-Should they all be dynamic (ex: safety guidelines)
-New designs need to ensure that they fit closely to the curriculum expectations …would be helpful to have links that show them where to get the info within the documents.
-Links within document that show the teachers what other expectations they are fulfilling at the same time.
-Need to incorporate physical education and health into the literacy block