Matthew-John Day Care Centre

Preschool Newsletter – May 2015

Give a warm welcome to May!With the change of weather (more sun!) please ensure that your child’s diaper and coat cubby is fully stocked with the following:


Diapers or pull-ups

Extra clothing for all types of weather

Diaper rash cream


Sunhat (no strings!)


Please welcome our new additions to Sonia’s Family- sister Sabrina, and Spencer’s Family- brother Drew.

DAYCARE UPDATE:Going forward, please AVOID bringing in any 4 o’clock toys from home. Only labeled sleep toys (soft toys, stuffies, blankets) will be allowed.

Every Friday we will be having a Show And Tell, where children will be allowed to bring in a specific item from home. For example a favourite book, photo, stuffy, etc. These weekly Show And Tell’s will NOT be posted in the Newsletter. Please check the whiteboard in the daycare on a daily basis for the Show And Tell info, as well as other important messages from our staff.

Please apply sunscreen lotion on your child before coming to the centre. Our staff are going to re-apply in the afternoon. If you want to bring a specific brand for your child please make sure to label it.


- During drop off AND pick up, make sure to say hello/goodbye to the daycare staff in the room. This is a SAFETY PRECAUTION!

- When dropping off your child, please make sure that they are dry before leaving us. Or, just notify us. We want to make sure you’re child isn’t walking around wet and uncomfortable.

- Diapers and pull-ups must have tabs on each side. This helps staff when it comes to changing as children stand up.


May 10: Zoe is 4!

A Birthday Reminder

For your child's birthday you can bring NUT FREE (labelled) ice cream, popsicles, etc.

PICK UP/DROP OFF: IMPORTANT reminder that late fees apply after 6pm.

INFORM us if your child will be absent or is staying at home sick.

CALL us if someone, other than a parent or emergency contact, is picking up your child. Remind them that I.D is required.

Please check your child head every 2-7 days for lice. It is that time of the year again!

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Please make your drop off/pick-ups short and sweet so the staff can get back to attend other children.

Matthew-John Day Care Centre

Preschool Newsletter – May 2015


EVERY FRIDAY: Show And Tell Day! Please check the whiteboard for the daily theme ensuring your child brings the right toy from home.

Sunday May 10: Mother’s DAY

Monday May 18: Victoria DAY (Daycare CLOSED!)

May 19 and May 22: Bike, scooter and helmet day


-Used preschool clothing, size 3X and up: pants (we need more!), shirts, hats, shoes, etc

-Empty food boxes (healthy choices) to be used as props for a dramatic play.

-Soft/Resting music CD, children’s music CD, music for dancing.


If you have any extra time, we are looking for volunteers to participate in storytime or music, or just paying us a special centre playtime visit. Please speak to the staff to coordinate your visit.

We are also looking for parent volunteers to help with our annual Spring Clean.Please inquire with the staff for more details.

ATTENTION: Neighbourhood Pick-Up Soccer!

Hi everyone,

We’re starting a weekly pick-up soccer game EVERY TUESDAY 4:30-5:30pm, just down the street from Matthew John. Come on by if you feel like kicking the ball around!

We will be playing in the field at the NW corner of Degrassi and First Ave. Can’t wait to see you!

— Misha and LiasAny questions? Please email:

— Please see the attached calendar for upcoming events —

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Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1Show & Tellcheck whiteboard for theme / 2
3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Show & Tellcheck whiteboard for theme / 9
Zoe’s Birthday
Mother’s DAY / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15Show & Tellcheck whiteboard for theme / 16
17 / 18
Victoria DAY (Centre CLOSED!) / 19
Bike, scooter and helmet day / 20 / 21 / 22
Bike, scooter and helmet day
Show & Tellcheck whiteboard for theme / 23
31 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29
Show & Tellcheck whiteboard for theme / 30
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