USCAA Boys Basketball 8th GradeTravel Teams

The coach of the team will contact the players about the first practice.

Please note that there is a mandatory meeting for players and parents on Monday, November 21st at 8:45pm in the gym at the Boyce Middle School.

Division 1 / Division 2
Johnson / Brufsky
Keating / Coe
Knobel / D’Amico
Kweder / Egizio
Mandler / Fairfull
McClintock / Fitzpatrick
McKeever / Henricks
Schmitt / Jones
Sukernek / Markovitz
Urban / Neal

USCAA Boys Basketball 7th Grade Travel Teams

The coach of the team will contact the players about the first practice.

Please note that there is a mandatory meeting for players and parents on Monday, November 21stat 8:15pm in the gym at the Boyce Middle School.

Division 1 / Division 2
Albert / Andres
Bartusiak / DeNoon
Besselman / Dreher
Cepullio / Fajerski
Closser / Fera
DeRubeis / Freil
O’Grady / Kethavath
Pellicci / Pitcairn
Rosenberry / Rauch
Shankar / Rocks

USCAA Boys Basketball 6th Grade Travel Teams

The coach of the team will contact the players about the first practice.

Please note that there is a mandatory meeting for players and parents on Monday, November 21stat 7:45pm in the gym at the Boyce Middle School.

Division 1 / Division 2 / Division 3
Conn / Gold / Amantangelo
Gaither / Groninger / Bywalski
Hall / Haberman / Janoski
Higgs / King / Lane
Hufnagel / Kirk / Rech
Kerber / Mayberry / Rising
Lagoni / Mayfield / Russell
Mandler / Moss / Schwimmer
Marn / Podobnik / Stohl
Moorhead / Wangler / Travers
Sukernek / Wieczenski / Wang

USCAA Boys Basketball 5th Grade Travel Teams

The coach of the team will contact the players about the first practice.

Please note that there is a mandatory meeting for players and parents on Monday, November 21st at 7:15pm in the gym at the Boyce Middle School.

Division 1 / Division 2
Coyle / Carone
DeRubeius / Dandekar
Fitzpatrick / Levine
Gonzalez / Mammana
Hodzic / Manko
Ioli / Pellici
Kingseed / Saggi
Maglin / Seewald
Meinert / Sibley
Yates / Ziegler

USCAA Boys Basketball 4th Grade Travel Team

The coach of the team will contact the players about the first practice.

Please note that there is a mandatory meeting for players and parents on Monday, November 21st at 6:45pm in the gym at the Boyce Middle School.

Red / Black
Dahlem / Caseras
DiSora / Gombar
Dreher / Higgs
Gompers / Khurana
Haberman / Marchando
Pattison / McKenzie
Seewald / Proud
Tripodes / Robbins
York / Wyke

USCAA Boys Basketball 3rd Grade Travel Team

2015 – 2016 Season

The coach of the team will contact the players about the first practice.

Please note that there is a mandatory meeting for players and parents on Monday, November 21st at 6:15pm in the gym at the Boyce Middle School.
