Mill/Grind, Patch, and Resurface Roadway Pavements at Various Locations in Carroll and Frederick Counties
Inq. 09Post Date: 11/5/15Inquiry Date: 11/18/15
Q. The description on page 61 describes the basis for payment for Item 1004 (Maintenance of Traffic), and states what isincluded (for which a specific bid item has not been established). On a single lane closure using a flagging operation, is ita correct assumption that the contractor will be paid the Unit day price for Maintenance of Traffic as well as the hourlybid price for the amount of flaggers needed to perform the work (mainline and intersections)?
A. Yes, contractor will be paid for Item #1004 & hourly rate for all Flaggers stationed on mainline and intersections.
Inq. 08Post Date: 11/5/15Inquiry Date: 11/18/15
Q. However, on a multi-lane roadways (e.g. I-70) where arrow panels are utilized to close the lane, are the MOT personnel (not including the Traffic Manager) also paid for at the hourly Flagger rate (Bid Item 1008) since they help set up and maintain the lane closure and assist the dump trucks in entering and leaving the work site?
A. Only Item # 1004 will be paid. Staff required to perform other duties will be considered incidental to the bid item.
Inq. 07Post Date: 11/5/15Inquiry Date: 11/18/15
Q. On page 62, the description for “Topsoil for Shoulder Backup” states “equal to or less than four (4) inches thick”,however, the bid item (7002) reads “Placing Furnished Topsoil 2 Inch Depth”. Please clarify which depth is correct.
A. See Addendum No. 2 of 11/18/15.
Inq. 06Post Date: 11/5/15Inquiry Date: 11/18/15
Q. In addition, Item 7001, “Placing furnished Topsoil for Grading Adjustment” is bid by the Square Yard, but no depth isspecified. A more fair way to pay for this item is by the Cubic Yard if it is a variable depth.
A. See Addendum No. 2 of 11/18/15.
Inq. 05Post Date: 10/26/15Inquiry Date: 10/22/15
Q. Provide a breakout of the anticipated quantity of work to be performed in each county so this difference (discrepancy) in wage rates can be estimated.
A. See page 65 “Locations”.
Inq. 04Post Date: 10/13/15Inquiry Date: 10/13/15
Q. Who should I contact for technical issues related to eMaryland
A. Contact eMaryland Helpdesk at (410) 767-1492
Inq. 03Post Date: 10/13/15Inquiry Date: 10/13/15
Q. How do I submit my Bid at Bid Opening?
A. Bidders are to complete the entire Proposal Form Packet located in the back of the Invitations For Bids book. Submit the completed Packet along with all Addenda Verification Forms attached to the front of the Packet, in a Sealed envelope clearly marked “SEALED BID” with Contract Number. Deliver to: State Highway Administration, BID BOX in Bldg. 4, 7450 Traffic Drive, Hanover, Maryland 21076
Inq. 02Post Date: 10/13/15Inquiry Date: 10/13/15
Q. How do I get Addenda for this Contract
A. All Addenda and Addenda Verification Forms will be sent out through and can be downloaded from eMaryland Marketplace. Addenda Verification Forms are to be attached to the front of the Proposal Form Packet when submitting your bid.
Inq. 01Post Date:10/13/15InquiryDate: 10/13/15
Q. Where can I obtain the Bidding/Contract Documents?
A. Contract Bidding Documents can be downloaded from eMaryland Marketplace