Steel Power

Mite / Squirt / Pee Wee• October 2007 – March 2008

Skating is the No. 1 skill of the game but often the most neglected. The biggest improvement you can make to your game is through skating development. These
in-season weekly power skating classes are designed to develop skating skills at every level from Mites through Midgets. The classes are instructed by professional power skating coach Marianne Watkins, whose expertise in skating techniques and innovative drills have helped many amateur and NHL prospect players to make the jump to the next level. Each session includes instruction on skating skills, efficiency, the first two steps, speed, agility, quickness, lateral and transitional movement, acceleration and much, much more.

Group 1:Mites - Born 1999 or after

Group 2:Squirts – Born 1997 & 1998

Pee Wee – Born 1995 & 1996


Session 1 -$110 (five classes)

Group 1 (Mites)

Oct. 5-Nov 2 – Fridays 6:00-6:50 PM

Group 2 (Squirt/Pee Wee)

Oct. 1-Oct. 29 – Mondays 6:45-7:35 PM

Session 2 -$132 (six classes)

Group 1 (Mites)

Nov. 16-Dec. 21 – Fridays 6:00-6:50 PM

*No class Nov. 23, Fifth class is on Dec. 17, 6:45 PM

Group 2 (Squirt/Pee Wee)

Nov. 5-Dec. 10 – Mondays 6:45-7:35 PM

Session 3 -$132 (six classes)

Group 1 (Mites)

Jan. 4-Feb 8.– Fridays 6:00-6:50 PM

Group 2 (Squirt/Pee Wee)

Jan. 7-Feb. 11 – Mondays 6:45-7:35 PM

Session 4 -$132 (six classes)

Group 1 (Mites)

Feb. 15-March 21– Fridays 6:00-6:50 PM

Group 2 (Squirt/Pee Wee)

Feb. 18-March 18 – Mondays 6:45-7:35 PM

*Please note the last two weeks of class are Tuesdays, March 11 & 18 at 5:30-6:20 PM

Make Up Policy

Please note that since there is only one class at each level, there are no make ups available.

For additional information please contact:

Blaine Buterbaugh at 412-397-4475 or

Marianne Watkins at 412-397-4468 or

2007-2008Steel Power

Registration Form

Name ______

Address ______

City ______St. ______Zip ______

Current Team ______DOB ______

Home Phone ( ______) ______

Cell Phone( _____ ) ______

e-mail ______

Please check session and level which you are registering:

Session 1 October 1-November. 2 - $110 (five classes)

Session 2 November 5-December 21 - $132 (six classes)

Session 3 January 4-February 11 - $132 (six classes)

Session 4 February 15-March. 21 - $132 (six classes)


Group 1: Mite Fridays - 6:00 – 6:50 PM

Group 2: Squirt / Pee Wee Mondays- 6:45 – 7:35 PM

Please make check payable to RMUIslandSportsCenter and mail to:


c/o Blaine Buterbaugh

7600 Grand Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA15225



I, the undersigned, acknowledge the inherent risks involved in any sporting activity, particularly the sporting activity that I intend to participate in at the RMUIslandSportsCenter. Accordingly, in consideration of being allowed to participate in Skating/Hockey(the “Activity”) and intending to be legally bound, I, the undersigned, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and/or administrators agree to the following:

1. I attest that am physically fit for the Activity. I will assume my own medical and emergency expenses in the event of an accident or other incapacity or injury resulting from or occurring in my participation.

2. I agree that prior to participating the Activity, I will inspect the training/competition area and all equipment to be used, and if, through my inspection, I determine that anything related to the Activity is unsafe, I will immediately notify an official of the RMU Island Sports Center of this unsafe condition and will not participate in the Activity until this condition is corrected.

3. I hereby waive, release, discharge and covenant not to sue, Robert Morris University, RMU Island Sports Center, its affiliates, agents, associates, officers, directors, owners, employees and representatives (collectively “releasees”) from demands, losses or damages, including without limitation, any injury, death, or damage to property that may be suffered by me whether caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by releasees or any other party’s actions or inactions, or otherwise, and agree to indemnify releasees from any and all third party claims caused in whole or in part by my actions.

I acknowledge that I have read and understood all the above.



I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian, have read the above waiver and release and agree to its terms on behalf of my child and myself. I understand that by signing below I am giving up substantial right on behalf of my child and myself.


Parent or Legal GuardianDate

(if Participant is under 18)