Yukawa, Takanashi, Koyama 1
August 18-20 Asia TEFL2006
Elementary school EFL education in Japan:
Teachers’ conceptions of instructional goals and assessment of their attainment
College of Letters, RitsumeikanUniversity
KOYAMA, Tetsuharu
Department of English, KyotoNotreDameUniversity
E-mail: / /
(1)RQ1: teachers' conceptions of their concrete instructional goals
RQ1A:goals related to motivation & attitude
RQ1B:goals related to English proficiency
RQ1C:relationship between EA and intercultural understanding (IU)
RQ1D:goals related to intercultural understanding
And their relationship with the teachers’ working environment (public/private schools), function (HR/English subject teacher), age, EA initiative, training
(2)RQ2: their views of what their students have achieved so far
And their relationship with the school type (public/private) and total hours of instruction
Table 1. Ratio of the schools which offered English activities
Academic year 2003 / Academic year 20053rd grade / 48.8 % / 86.6 %
4th grade / 49.6 % / 87.3 %
5th grade / 51.5 % / 88.5 %
6th grade / 54.1 % / 90.3 %
Average of the 4 grades:
51.0 % / Ratio of the schools which offered E.A. in total: 93.6 %
Source: Survey by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (MEXT)
retrieved on July 27th, 2006)
Table 2. Total instructional hours per year (6th graders)
Academic year 2003 / Academic year 20050 hours / 43.9 % / 2.9%
1~11 hours / 35.3 % / 53.0 %
12~22 hours / 13.0 % / 26.5 %
23~35 hours / 6.6 % / 14.1 %
36~70 hours / 1.0 % / 3.3 %
71 hours or more / 0.1 % / 0.2 %
Table 3. Demographic information of the participants
Type of School / PublicPrivate / 66
total / 100
Type of Instructor / English
Homeroom / 48
total / 100
Age / -30
50- / 18
total / 88
Teaching Experience (1)
(Inside School: year) / 0-1
5 - / 7
total / 96
Teaching Experience (2)
(Outside School) / 0-2
5 - / 34
total / 86
Experience in Teaching Plan
Development (Yes/No) / Yes
No / 86
total / 99
Experience in Curriculum
Development (Yes/No) / Yes
No / 47
total / 97
Table 3. Demographic information of the participants (continued)
English Proficiency Level / Rank 1Rank 2
Rank 3
Rank 4
Rank 5 / 20
total / 100
Educational Background (1):
English Education
(Multiple answer) / Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Rank 4
Rank 5 / 43
total / 141
Educational Background (2):
International Education
(Multiple answer) / Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Rank 4
Rank 5 / 43
total / 118
Table 4. Mean ratings on expected goals related to motivation and attitude (Q8)
Item / M / (SD)Item 1 (enjoy English sound and pronunciation;
participate in English activities) / 1.92 / (.83)
Item 2 (actively approach foreign guests) / 2.01 / (.80)
Item 3 (try to use the vocabulary and expressions
in and outside the classroom) / 2.28 / (.96)
Item 4 (show an eagerness to learn more
vocabulary and expressions) / 2.24 / (.89)
Item 5 (try to look for other opportunities to use,
experience and study English outside the school) / 2.46 / (.89)
Total (Item 1– Item 5) / 2.18 / (.66)
Note: Rated on 5-point scales (1 = Strongly think this should be nurtured;
5 = Do not think this should be nurtured at all)
Table 5. Association between the mean ratings(Q8) and each variable
Variable / SignificanceofAssociation / N / M / (SD) / Statistical Test
Type of School / × / Public
Private / 65
34 / 2.24
2.07 / (.66)
(.65) / t = 1.21
Type of Instructor / ○ / English
HR / 48
51 / 1.88
2.47 / (.60)
(.57) / t = 5.02**
Age / × / -30
50- / 18
16 / 2.14
2.50 / (.70)
(.53) / F=1.77
Experience in
Teaching Plan Development / ○ / Yes
No / 85
13 / 2.11
2.58 / (.66)
(.43) / t = 2.50*
Experience in
Curriculum Development / × / Yes
No / 46
50 / 2.05
2.27 / (.63)
(.67) / t = 1.65
Educational Background:
(1) English Education / × / 94 / rs = -.15
Educational Background:
(2) International Education / ○ / 97 / rs = -.24*
Note. * = p<.05; ** = p<.01; rs = Spearman rank order correlation
Table 6a. Mean ratings on expected goals related to English proficiency (Q9): Top four items
Item / M / (SD) / RankingItem 1 (accustomed to English sound and pronunciation) / 1.91 / (.75) / 1
Item 3 (can express colors, food, numbers, days of the
week, sports, names of foreign countries) / 2.05 / (.79) / 2
Item 7 (can understand and enjoy simpleEnglish story books) / 2.24 / (.96) / 3
Item 2 (can greet ALTs or foreign quests and hold
a simple conversation) / 2.32 / (.94) / 4
Note: Rated on 5-point scales (1 = Strongly think this should be nurtured;
5 = Do not think this should be nurtured at all)
Table 6b. Mean ratings on expected goals related to English proficiency (Q9):Next four items
Item / M / (SD) / RankingItem 4 (can explain simply about directions, their country,
school, family, themselves, etc.) / 2.45 / (.91) / 5
Item 5 (can recognize and use about 300Englishwords) / 2.65 / (1.07) / 6
Item 6 (can hold a simple conversation, using sentences
of approximately 7 words) / 3.09 / (1.08) / 7
Item 8 (can read simple story books by themselves) / 3.11 / (.99) / 8
Total / 2.47 / (.69)
Note: Rated on 5-point scales (1 = Strongly think this should be nurtured;
5 = Do not think this should be nurtured at all)
Table 7. Association between the mean ratings (Q9) and each variable
Variable / Significance ofAssociation / N / M / (SD) / Statistical Test
Type of School / ○ / Public
Private / 66
34 / 2.58
2.26 / (.66)
(.73) / t = 2.24*
Type of Instructor / ○ / English
HR / 48
52 / 2.14
2.78 / (.67)
(.57) / t = 5.22**
Age / × / -30
50- / 18
16 / 2.54
2.48 / (.63)
(.67) / F =.15
Experience in
Teaching Plan Development / ○ / Yes
No / 86
13 / 2.41
2.86 / (.70)
(.58) / t = 2.20*
Experience in
Curriculum Development / × / Yes
No / 47
50 / 2.39
2.54 / (.68)
(.72) / t = 1.08
Educational Background:
(1) English Education / × / 95 / rs = -.15
Educational Background:
(2) International Education / ○ / 98 / rs = -.24*
Note. * = p<.05; ** = p<.01; rs = Spearman rank order correlation
Table 8. Association between the mean ratings (Q10) and each variable
Variable / Significance ofAssociation / N / M / (SD) / Statistical Test
Type of School / × / Public
Private / 65
32 / 2.88
3.25 / (1.10)
(1.50) / t = 1.39
Type of Instructor / × / English
HR / 45
52 / 3.13
2.88 / (1.47)
(1.02) / t = .98
Age / × / -30
50- / 18
16 / 2.94
3.50 / (1.06)
(1.16) / F =1.54
Experience in
Teaching Plan Development / × / Yes
No / 83
13 / 2.96
3.31 / (1.31)
(.75) / t = .92
Experience in
Curriculum Development / × / Yes
No / 44
50 / 2.90
3.07 / (1.37)
(1.13) / t = .65
Educational Background:
(1) English Education / ○ / 92 / rs = .26*
Educational Background:
(2) International Education / × / 95 / rs = -.14
Note. * = p<.05; ** = p<.01; rs = Spearman rank order correlation
Table 9. Mean ratingson goals related to international understanding (Q11)
Item / N / M / (SD)Item 1 (have the opportunity of meeting ALTs and other foreign
people) / 65 / 2.08 / (.97)
Item 2 (have the opportunity of meeting people fromminority
groups in Japan) / 63 / 2.44 / (.95)
Item 3 (have the opportunity of learning about foreign
lifestyles, languages and cultures) / 64 / 2.13 / (.79)
Item 4 (show an interest and positive attitude towards
learning other cultures and languages) / 65 / 2.05 / (.91)
Item 5 (compare other cultures and languages and
reconsider their own culture and language) / 66 / 2.18 / (1.07)
Total (Item 1 – Item 5) / 66 / 2.16 / (.66)
Note: Q11 was rated by the respondents who answered “1 = strongly think so,” “2 = I think so,” or “3 = I think so
to some extent” to Q10 “Do you think English education should be a part of International Understanding Education?”;Rated on 5-point scales (1 = Strongly think this should be nurtured;5 = Do not think this should be nurtured at all)
Table 10. Association between themean ratings (Q11) and each variable
Variable / Significance ofAssociation / N / M / (SD) / Statistical Test
Type of School / × / Public
Private / 48
18 / 2.15
2.17 / (.64)
(.72) / t = .10
Type of Instructor / ○ / English
HR / 28
38 / 1.91
2.34 / (.59)
(.65) / t = 2.75**
Age / × / -30
50- / 14
7 / 2.11
2.71 / (.57)
(.75) / F =1.58
Experience in
Teaching Plan Development / ○ / Yes
No / 59
7 / 2.06
2.91 / (.61)
(.67) / t = 3.46**
Experience in
Curriculum Development / × / Yes
No / 29
36 / 2.02
2.26 / (.67)
(.65) / t = 1.47
Educational Background:
(1) English Education / × / 62 / rs = -.17
Educational Background:
(2) International Education / × / 63 / rs = -.24
Note. * = p<.05; ** = p<.01; rs = Spearman rank order correlation
Table 11. Mean ratings on perceived achievement (Q12): (N>80)
Item / N / M / (SD) / RankingItem 6 (can express colors, food, numbers, days of the week, sports, names of foreign countries) / 95 / 2.03 / (.84) / 1
Item 1 (accustomed to English sound and pronunciation) / 95 / 2.13 / (.80) / 2
Item 10 (can understand and enjoysimple Englishstory books) / 81 / 2.52 / (1.07) / 3
Item 2 (can greet ALTs and foreign guests and hold a simple
conversation) / 82 / 2.60 / (.97) / 4
Item 7 (can explain simply about directions, their country, school,
family, themselves, etc.) / 82 / 2.66 / (1.07) / 5
Note: Rated on 5-point scales (1 = very effective; 5 = not effective at all)
Table 12. Comparison between the mean ratings on perceived achievement (Q12) and the mean ratings on
expected goals(Q8, Q9, and Q11): (N>80)
PerceivedAchievement / Expectation
Item / M / (SD) / Items / M / (SD)
Item 6 (can express colors, food, numbers, days of the
week, sports, names of foreign countries) / 2.03 / (.84) / Q9-3 / 2.05 / (.79)
Item 1 (accustomed to English sound and pronunciation) / 2.13 / (.80) / Q8-1
Q9-1 / 1.92
1.91 / (.83)
Item 10 (can understand and enjoy simpleEnglish story
books)) / 2.52 / (1.07) / Q9-7 / 2.24 / (.96)
Item 2 (can greet ALTs or foreign guests and hold
a simple conversation) / 2.60 / (.97) / Q9-2 / 2.32 / (.94)
Item 7 (can explain simply about directions, their country,
school, family, themselves, etc.) / 2.66 / (1.07) / Q9-4 / 2.45 / (.91)
Note: Rated on 5-point scales (1 = very effective; 5 = not effective at all)
Table 13. Mean ratings on perceived achievement (Q12): (79>N>60)
Item / N / M / (SD) / RankingItem 8 (can recognize and use about 300 English words) / 63 / 2.84 / (1.10) / 6
Item 13 (have the opportunity of learning about
foreign lifestyles, languages, and cultures) / 76 / 2.91 / (1.05) / 7
Item 14 (show an interest and positive attitude towards learning
other cultures and languages) / 77 / 2.91 / (.88) / 8
Item 3 (try to use the vocabulary and expressions in and outside
the classroom) / 78 / 2.95 / (.75) / 9
Item 4 (show an eagerness to learn more vocabulary and
expressions) / 76 / 3.00 / (.95) / 10
Item 15 (compare other cultures and languages and reconsider
their own culture and language) / 68 / 3.10 / (.90) / 11
Item 5 (try to look for other opportunities to use, experience,
and study English outside the school) / 69 / 3.14 / (.97) / 12
Item 9 (can hold a simple conversation, using sentences
of approximately 7 words) / 63 / 3.29 / (1.07) / 13
Note: Rated on 5-point scales (1 = very effective; 5 = not effective at all)
Table 14. Comparison between the mean ratings onperceived achievement (Q12) and the mean ratings on
expected goals (Q8, Q9and Q11): (79>N60)
PerceivedAchievement / Expectation
Item / M / (SD) / Items / M / (SD)
Item 8 (can recognize and use about 300 English words) / 2.84 / (1.10) / Q9-5 / 2.65 / (1.07)
Item 13 (have the opportunity of learning about
foreign lifestyles, languages, and cultures) / 2.91 / (1.05) / Q11-3 / 2.13* / (.79)
Item 14 (show an interest and positive attitude
towards learning other cultures and languages) / 2.91 / (.88) / Q11-4 / 2.05* / (.91)
Item 3 (try to use the vocabulary and expressions in
and outside theclassroom) / 2.95 / (.75) / Q8-3 / 2.28 / (.96)
Item 4 (show an eagerness to learn more vocabulary and
expressions) / 3.00 / (.95) / Q8-4 / 2.24 / (.89)
Item 15 (compare other cultures and languages and reconsider
their own culture and language) / 3.10 / (.90) / Q11-5 / 2.18* / (1.07)
Item 5 (try to look for other opportunities to use, experience,
and study English outside the school) / 3.14 / (.97) / Q8-5 / 2.46 / (.89)
Item 9 (can hold a simple conversation, using sentences of
approximately 7 words) / 3.29 / (1.07) / Q9-6 / 3.09 / (1.08)
Note: Rated on 5-point scales (1 = very effective; 5 = not effective at all)
* = see Table 9 for the sample size
Table 15. Mean ratings onperceived achievement (Q12): (N<60)
Item / N / M / (SD)Item 12 (have the opportunity of meeting people from
minority groups in Japan) / 45 / 3.38 / (1.44)
Item 11 (can read simple English story books by themselves) / 95 / 3.66 / (1.13)
Note: Rated on 5-point scales (1 = very effective; 5 = not effective at all)
Table 16. Comparison between the mean ratings onperceived achievement (Q12) and the mean ratings on
expected goals (Q8, Q9 and Q11): (N<60)
PerceivedAchievement / Expectation
Item / M / (SD) / Items / M / (SD)
Item 12 (have the opportunity of meeting people from minority groups) / 3.38 / (1.44) / Q11-2 / 2.44* / (.95)
Item 11 (can read simple English story books by themselves) / 3.66 / (1.13) / Q9-8 / 3.11 / (.99)
Note: Rated on 5-point scales (1 = very effective; 5 = not effective at all)
* = see Table 9 for the sample size
Table 17. Comparison of the mean ratings on perceived achievement (Q12) between public andprivate school
Public / PrivateItem / M(SD) / M (SD) / t
Item 1 (accustomed to English sound and pronunciation) / 2.31(.77) / 1.74 (.73) / 3.43**
Item 2 (can greet ALTs or foreign guests and hold a
simple conversation) / 2.47(.93) / 2.98 (1.01) / 2.17*
Item 8 (can recognize and use about300 English words) / 3.10 (.98) / 2.39 (1.16) / 2.58*
Item 10 (can understand and enjoy simpleEnglish story
books) / 2.70 (1.03) / 2.18 (1.10) / 2.12*
Note: **= p<.01; *= p<.05
Table 18a. Correlation between perceived achievement (Q12) and instructionhours: Medium correlation
Item / rItem 1 (accustomed to English sound and pronunciation ) / -.40***
Item 4 (show an eagerness to learn more vocabulary andexpressions) / -.53***
Item 6 (can express colors, food, numbers, days of the week, sports,
names of foreign countries) / -.45***
Item 7 (can explain simply about directions, their country, school,
family, themselves, etc.) / -.49***
Item 8 (can recognize and use about 300 Englishwords) / -.48***
Item 10 (can understand and enjoy simple English story books) / -.45***
Item 11 (can read simple English story books by themselves) / -.45***
Item 12 (have the opportunity of meeting people from minority groups in Japan) / -.56***
Note: *** = p<.001
Table 18b. Correlation between perceived achievement (Q12) and instructionhours: Low correlation
Item / rItem 5 (try to look for other opportunities to use, experience and
study English outside the school) / -.27*
Item 9 (can hold a simple conversation,using sentences
of approximately 7 words) / -.31*
Item 13 (have the opportunity of learning about foreign
lifestyles, languages and cultures) / -.34**
Item 15 (compare other cultures and languages and reconsider their
own culture and language) / -.34**
Note: * = p<.05; ** = p<.01
Table 18c. Correlation between perceived achievement (Q12) and instruction hours:non-significantcorrelations
Item / rItem 2 (can greet ALTs or foreign guests and hold a simple
conversation) / -.21
Item 3 (try to use the vocabulary and expressions in and
outside the classroom) / -.16
Item 14 (show an interest and positive attitude towards learning
other cultures and languages) / -.19