Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some answers to frequently asked questions regarding White Lake
and the White Lake Shores Association. The answers are brief and by no
means an exhaustive explanation. For more in-depth information, please visit the WLSA website at or contact any Board Member.
What is the purpose of White Lake Shores Association (WLSA)?
The purpose of the organization is to administer the property and assets of the association. Our mission is to have a mutually beneficial relationship with all our members and the community in which we reside. The WLSA strives to maintain the safety, privacy, cleanliness, and integrity of White Lake.
Who is considered to be a member?
There are a few types of members. "Active" and "Inactive" members of the Association are members
who own property in what is commonly referred to as the "400 acre tract" having deeded access to
White Lake over property administered by the WLSA. Members who pay their annual dues are
considered "Active Members" or "Members in Good Standing". Members who do not pay dues are
considered "Inactive Members". We also have "Associate Members" who pay dues for the privilege of
using our boat launch and beaches and participating in our planned events and meetings.
Is White Lake Private?
The vast majority of the property surrounding White Lake is owned by private individuals, the Boy
Scouts of America, the White Lake Shores Association or the Adirondack White Lake Association.
There is no public boat launch or beach. New York State owns the lake bed.
Why should I become an active member?
Your property is worth considerably more than it would be if you didn't have deeded lake rights across
association property. Dues collected from active members are necessary to pay for upkeep, taxes and
What do my dues cover?
Your dues cover the cost of property taxes, maintenance, and insurance on the four pieces of property
owned by the WLSA. They also cover expenses associated with the ''business'' of the association;
primarily postage and small donations to organizations that lend us support by providing meeting
space or space for events. Income and expenses for the previous year are detailed in our annual
Newsletter or posted on our website.
Why do we need insurance?
Liability insurance is needed to protect our assets. If we didn't carry liability insurance to cover the
property managed by the WLSA you personally would be at risk. While it's true that anyone suing us
must prove negligence on our part in order to be successful - there is still a cost involved with the
defense (attorney fees, court costs, etc.). If the WLSA didn't maintain liability coverage the individual
suing would have every right to pursue lawsuits against individual members because each of the
members (whether active or inactive) share in ownership of the property the Board administers.
Why are there so many raffles and fundraisers?
Unfortunately, membership dues alone do not begin to cover the high cost of the insurance premiums as
well as the property taxes and maintenance. While no one likes the endless fundraising, it is the only
way to generate funds to cover these costs.
Who is allowed to have a dock?
“Active Members” are allowed to have a dock if space is available. Unfortunately, there are many more
people who want a dock than there is space. The Dock Committee has been working diligently over the past few years to make certain dock space is available to as many active members as space permits. Associate members are not eligible for dock space at this time.
How do I get a dock?
Dock space is assigned to “Active Members in Good Standing” based on a first come, first serve basis. Space is limited and will be assigned by wait list based on the number of requests. “Active Members” must apply using the Dock Application/Renewal form which will be included with the Membership Application or can be found on our website.
Who can use the beaches and boat launch?
The beaches are private property, owned by the WLSA. Those individuals who own property in what
is commonly referred to as the "400 acre tract" having deeded access to White Lake over property
administered by the WLSA can use the beaches and boat launch. The WLSA also has many “Associate
Members” who pay dues each year for the privilege of using our beaches and boat launch.
Why aren't animals allowed on the beaches?
While those of us that are pet-lovers would like nothing better than to have our furry friends with us at
the beach it would be an impossible task to enforce leash restrictions not to mention keeping the sand
clean for kids to dig and play.
Who is responsible for the upkeep of the beaches?
Ultimately, everyone who has the right to use them is responsible for keeping them clean. While no
one is assigned to do specific tasks, we are fortunate that some members take it upon themselves to
mow and weed-eat as needed. Each spring members are invited to join in cleaning up the beaches and
putting out the docks.
How can I get involved?
There are several ways to be involved. From something as simple as assisting with selling raffle tickets
in a fundraiser to flipping pancakes at the annual Pancake breakfast. Join in the spring clean up, or run
for a seat on the Board of Directors. Whatever you feel you can do can only benefit the pristine beauty
of White Lake.
Are donations and contributions accepted by the WLSA?
Contributions and donations are not only welcomed and appreciated, they are vital to our continuing
to maintain WLSA's assets. We are sure you already noticed the new swim platform, kayak and canoe racks, and the manicuring or beaches with new sand. Please help us in our efforts to continue these projects through your generosity.
We try very hard to communicate with our members via e-mail to save postage. If you have an e-
mail address that you've not already provided to our Secretary or any additional questions. PLEASE send it to .