Minutes of a Meeting of Billesdon Parish Council held in the Old School, Billesdon, on Monday 11th August 2008 at 8.00pm

Present: Mr B Chamberlain, Mr S Bishop, Mr I Bowler, Mrs B Wilson and Mr R Harrison.

In Attendance: The Clerk, Mr S Charlish, one person in the public seating.

Apologies Action

Mr R Corlett.

Declaration of Members' Interests

None declared.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated prior to the meeting. The minutes were agreed to be an accurate record and then signed.

Matters Arising Therefrom

Coplow Centre

Bookings were still good, with most weekends booked until the end of the year. The lights in the main hall had been replaced with more robust 2000 hour lights. Maintenance of the ambient heater had been completed. Following a survey of the trees, these had now been brought into order. The statement of account was circulated. This was slightly down on budget awaiting proceeds from a recent event.

Village Sign

Mr Bishop reported that work on the decorative sign was due to start imminently.

With regard to the broken fingerpost sign at the junction of Church Street and Gaulby Road, Mr Harrison had discussed the matter with Mr Marshall of Highways, since which time another 'finger' had become detached. Mr Charlish commented that a similar situation had happened in Kings Norton and the new replacement sign was itself now rotting. Mr Charlish further suggested that the Parish could agree to adopt the sign and pay for any repair itself, thereby ensuring the materials used and standard of work. Mr Harrison agreed to pursue this course of action. RH

Play Area

Mr Bishop reported that the outstanding matters remained a new bench seat, a more suitable gate fastening and the securing of the picnic table. The total cost for these items was now known to be £754.00 Work would commence following delivery of the seat.

The annual play area report by RoSPA had been received. The Clerk and Mr Bishop had reviewed this on site. Required actions minuted, as follows:

  1. Litter Bin - RoSPA recommends that litter bins should not be closer than 2m from seats and gates (max of 3m recommended). This was queried with Mr Stuart Coe at Harborough District Council, who had suggested that the re-siting off the bin could be left until a replacement is needed.

2.  Road Signs - Recommended 20mph zone currently only operational at school times. It was agreed to refer this matter to the Highways department, citing the RoSPA report. Clerk

3.  Seats - Timber preservation in poor condition - Mr Bishop agreed to apply a child-friendly product. SB

4.  Planting - Treat nettles overgrowing gate to football field - Instruct Mr Moss. Clerk

  1. Other Hazards - Remote location, poorly overlooked (low/medium risk) - no action can be taken.

6.  Trim Trail - treat dry bearings on roller barrel - completed.

- monitor wear by roller barrel

7.  Toddler Tower/Slide - clean barrier panels - completed

- re-glue and fill gaps on safety surface - arrange quote from Wicksteed*

- repair collapsed sub base " " " "

- trip zones at edge of surface - Instruct Mr Matthews. SB

  1. 1 Bay Log Swing 2 Cradle Seat - This item, whilst appearing on the report had been removed and replaced some time before the Inspector's visit. The Clerk had contacted Mr Coe at the District Council, who had agreed to raise the matter with RoSPA

9.  Multiplay - clean climbing board panel - completed

- safety surface and trip zones - as item 7

  1. 1 Bay Swing 1 flat seat - safety surface and trip zones - as item 7
  2. 5-a-Side Goal - no action required.

*Wicksteed had requested photographs and measurements of the safety surfaces requiring attention. Clerk and Mr Bishop to meet at site to obtain these. Clerk/SB

Billesdon Wildlife Group

Nothing had been heard regarding the Jelson site. The new seat had been installed at the Woodland Pool. The grass had been cut and new growth of docks sprayed. The Next meeting of the Wildlife Group would be held in the Chapel Schoolroom on 1st September.

Litter and Dog Fouling

The new litter bin had been delivered. Mr Chamberlain agreed to store this until siting could be arranged. Clerk to contact Mr Matthews regarding fixing. Clerk/BC

Street Lighting

The Clerk had contacted the County Council regarding the possible phasing of the work. Mr Auger had advised that the costs would require adjustment to reflect this. Revised figures awaited. The Clerk reminded the Council that the Village Design Statement recommended the retention of 'old style' street lights, where possible. It was agreed that this had previously been considered in depth and that there was no suitable alternative. The Clerk had requested a quotation for a bracket light to be placed on an electricity post on Long Lane. Mr Auger had suggested that E-On be contacted in the first instance to check whether the company would permit the fixing of a light to the pole. Reply awaited. Clerk

Billesdon School - Traffic Calming Measures

The conjunction with the RoSPA Play Area Report, Clerk to contact Mr Howe, regarding further traffic calming measures in the vicinity of the School and Play Area. Clerk

Billesdon Post Office

Nothing to report.

Village Web Site

The sites continued to be maintained.

Young People

Mr Chamberlain reported that an item would appear in the Parish Magazine with a view to calling a meeting, date to be agreed.

Flash Flooding

The Clerk had reported a number of blocked road gullies to Mr Clive Howe.

Poors Close Charity

The Annual Update form had been completed by the Clerk and was signed, at the meeting, by Mr Chamberlain on behalf of all Trustees.

It was agreed to undertake a review of the rent for the site. Clerk to contact the County Council for guidance. Clerk

Annual Highways Safety Inspection

Dealt with under Waste Management Contracts.

A47 Safety

Mr Chamberlain reported that the A47 had recently been highlighted for accidents in a recent report by the County Council.

Waste Management/Maintenance Contracts

Awaiting reply from Mr Howe.

Following a complaint from Mr Browning regarding the quantity of Ragwort growing along all grass verges in the area, it was agreed to address this matter to Mr Howe. Clerk

Christmas Decorations

Nothing to report.

Tree Planting on Leicester Road

Being considered by the Sustainable Billesdon Group.


Mr Harrison detailed what had been done to identify possible sites. Discussions had been held with two local farmers, without success. Other areas of apparently unused land were currently under investigation, on a voluntary basis, by Mrs Hadgipetrou. Mr Harrison had visited the Allotments at Houghton-on-the-Hill, which he had discovered to be well laid-out, with huts and mains water on site. There were no vacancies and a waiting list was in operation. It appeared that the level of demand in the village had yet to be established and it was therefore agreed to hold a public meeting on a date to be agreed. RH

Rural Housing Enabler

The survey had now been approved and the relevant questionnaire was now available for distribution to residents. Delivery to households should be completed by Councillors, at their own convenience, by the end of September to conform to the October deadline.

Best Village Competition

The presentation of awards was due to take place on Tuesday 2nd September. It was agreed that Dr Silverman should attend on behalf of the Council

Oak Fence - Village Green

Mr Matthews had been contacted.


The External Audit had been concluded. Minor queries had been raised and answered and an the Auditors had issued an unqualified opinion. The relevant notice had been displayed.

Receipts: Mrs M Steele - Donation of seat (Wildlife Area) - £950.00

Mr G Eames - Sale of street lighting column - £25.00

Payments: Soar Valley Press - Village Welcome leaflet - £176.25

Mr J Matthews - Flower Tubs - £70.00

Harborough District Council - Play Area Report - £55.81

Scottish Power - Use of electricity ( Christmas Tree) - £15.16

Billesdon Heritage Group (Sustainable Billesdon) - Transfer funds - £600.00

Shelley Signs - Purchase of Seat (Wildlife Area) - £1,116.25

Clement Keys - Annual External Audit - £334.88

Old School - Room Hire - £15.00

Parish Plan

15 - Parish Walks

The hand book of village walks was well in hand.

21 - Good Neighbour Sheme

Due to be launched in October.

25 - Speed Limit

There remained insufficient signatures for the Community Speed Watch scheme. It was agreed that all Councillors would make further efforts to obtain more signatures.

30 - Roads and Footpaths

Clerk to write to Clive Howe concerning the upgrading of the footpath from Weare Close to Vicarage Close to provide a suitable walking route to school. Clerk

Planning Matters

Since the last meeting, Planning Applications 08/00840A/LBC, 08/00842A/FUL, 08/00974/FUL and 08/01034/CON had been circulated.

Mr Robert Cave, attending the meeting, made reference to his Planning Application for a replacement dwelling on Brook Lane and clarified various aspects of the proposals.

On behalf of the Council, Mr Bowler had responded to the Inspector, in respect of Appeal ref: APP/F2415/A/08/2076039/WF.

Police/Neighbourhood Watch

Mr Chamberlain stated that Police had been called, following reports of campers at the Woodland Pool. Following investigation, the campers had stayed one night and had left the following day without incident.

Public Comment

Dealt with under Planning Matters.

Other Business

Wind Farms

Information had been received from the District Council. It was agreed to forward this to the Sustainable Billesdon Group Clerk

Sustainable Communities

Recently received information was circulated.

RCC - Trustee

Information had been received about becoming a Trustee. Mr Bowler agreed to look at this. IB

Dates of Next Meetings

6th October 2008.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.45pm.