Performance Improvement



Marc L. Hodges, Principal

Mike Cousins, Assistant Principal

Kathryn Jenkines, Counselor

Carroll Fox, Secretary

Teaching Faculty

Ashton Friede

Lindsey Kilcrease

Missy Allen

At large Faculty Members

Johan Osth, Leslie Lee, Lisa Webb, Beth Caballero

Parent/Community Member

Patti Rickard

Community Member

Sandra Guice

Instructional Effectiveness

Goal: Improve Thinking/Reasoning skills using Higher Order Thinking/Problem Solving so that students will achieve mastery at 10% above the state average on state assessment.

Goal: Madisonville CISD will maintain a research based Health curriculum which will be implemented in the general curriculum.

The curriculum will be utilized in a cross curriculum setting.

Goal: To bring students on grade level in reading and math.


Ø  Align Curriculum vertically and horizontally; 2nd to 3rd, 3rd to 4th, 4th to 5th & 5th to 6th

Ø  Utilize benchmarking as an instruction tool with calendar;

Ø  Engage in effective staff development;

Ø  Utilize technology to increase student achievement;

Ø  Utilize tutoring during and after school as an instructional tool

Ø  Utilize Honorable Character to increase student success in the classroom.

Ø  XLR8 program to develop foundation skills

Summative Evaluation: State achievement testing results.

Campus Objective:

Ø  MIS will implement directives outlined in provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) pertaining to Stage 1 school improvement (AYP-reading).

Ø  Madisonville Intermediate will integrate a selected health curriculum and physical education program to promote a healthy lifestyle for all stakeholders. This will include; physical, emotional and mental health.

Ø  To prevent unwanted physical or verbal aggression (bullying) in a way that all students and staff will feel safe and secure.

Note: Ten Components of Title 1 School-Wide Program are referenced in each Strategy column below.

Strategies / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources/Allocations / Formative Evaluation
Increase instructional minutes in school day.
(Ten Components - 2a,b) / Administration and Board of Trustees. / Immediately (for entire year). / On-going, modify master schedule to maximize 15 additional minutes in the school day. / Evaluation of student achievement overall and in targeted subgroups via benchmarks and state assessment.
(Ten Components – 2a,b & 9) / Teaching faculty and volunteers. / Aug. 24 – June 3. / Tutorial time during activity period and enrichment period and after school. / Evaluation of student achievement overall and in targeted subgroups via 6 weeks grades, benchmarks and state assessments.
Strategies / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources/Allocations / Formative Evaluation
Increased monitoring of data-driven student academic progress through professional development.
(Ten Components – 4) / Principal, Curriculum Director and Teaching Faculty. / Aug. 24 – June 3. / DMAC, Staff Training / Assessment of improved achievement in targeted subgroups.
100% highly qualified teaching faculty in all core areas.
(Ten Components – 3) / Principal, Superintendent and Board of Trustees. / Immediately. / On-going. / All staff are currently and will remain “highly qualified” in core subject area.
Staff development opportunities targeting at risk learners and specific subgroups.
(Ten Components – 4) / Principal. / Immediately. / Campus budget. / Improved student achievement in targeted subgroups.
Increase staff use and access to latest technology resources.
(Ten Components – 4&5) / Technology Department and Principal. / Immediately. / Training conducted by MCISD technology department; Outside professional development workshops. / Increased use of technology in both instruction and student assessment.
Staff will align curriculum
(Ten Components – 2,8&9) / Principals, Curriculum Director, Team Leaders, Teachers, Tutoring Teachers / Department and weekly grade-level meetings. Vertical Team meetings / TEKS; STAAR results;
TAKS information booklets and practice tests;
Curriculum materials; local funds / Benchmark assessment results; end-of-unit testing results; student products
Instructional calendar outlining pacing of scope and sequence.
(Ten Components – 8&9) / Principals, Curriculum Director, Teaching Staff / August 2015
Develop grade level
calendar Elementary/Intermediate. Also Jan. 3rd. / TEKS; STAAR results;
STAAR information booklets and practice tests; curriculum materials; local funds / 6 week checks for mastery of scheduled calendar scope and sequence
Maintain benchmarking assessments at all levels.
(Ten Components – 2b&9) / Principals, Curriculum Director, Teaching Staff, Counselor / 2 per year as mandated (secondary)
Elementary/Intermediate / Locally developed tests; released tests;
Commercially developed tests; local funds / Benchmark scores; re-teaching checks and assessments.
Analyze results and develop plans for corrective actions as needed
Strategies / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources/Allocations / Formative Evaluation
Staff will adjust calendar based on benchmarking results.
(Ten Components – 2b, 8&9) / Principals, Curriculum Director, Teaching Staff, Counselor / 6 week and end-of unit(secondary) / Benchmark scores / Revise calendar as needed, based on benchmark scores for re-teaching & testing purposes.
Staff will engage in focused staff development concerning curriculum and benchmarking.
(Ten Components – 4&8) / Principals, Curriculum Director, Special and Federal Program Director; Teaching Staff, Counselor / August 2015; January 2016; ongoing individual professional development / State Compensatory funds, Title funds, local funds.
Travel expense / Department and grade-level presentations; principal walkthroughs.
Staff will adjust teaching practices to increase student achievement.
(Ten Components – 2b,c,d, 8&9) / Principals, Curriculum Director, Teaching Staff / August 2015 - ongoing / Local Funds
Ongoing professional development focusing on increasing active cognitive engagement.
ESC Region 6 / Develop walkthroughs & calendar days to indicate days w/o worksheets
Institute co-teacher evaluations focusing on ACE.
Promote Honorable
Character in the
(Ten Components – 2d,e) / Principal, Asst. Principal, Teachers, Counselor and Students / August 2015-June 2016 / Honorable Character curriculum, Posters / Reduce number of students referred to office
Dropout rate will remain at 0% by use of MASA counseling, and calling all students not in attendance at school.
(Ten Components – 2d) / Principals, Student Service Clerk (PEIMS), Receptionist, Teachers, Parent Center Staff, Counselors / August 2015 ongoing / Attendance Records / PEIMS reports, Counselor reports, Attendance reports, MASA reports & rosters
Comprehensive needs assessment
(Ten Components – 1)
SEE APPENDIIX #3 / Campus Leadership Team / Ongoing 2015 – 2016 School Year / End of the year needs assessment reports
Strategies / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources/Allocations / Formative Evaluation
Reform Strategies to meet identified areas of greatest need within all subgroups.
(Ten Components – 2a,b,c,d&e, 10) / Curriculum Director, Teachers and Campus Leadership Team / Nov. 2015
Feb. 2016 / Campus Budget / AEIS data
Highly qualified teachers, Professional development for teachers, principals and paraprofessionals and attract highly qualified staff.
(Ten Components – 3&4) / Principal / Ongoing 2015 – 2016 School Year / Recruitment opportunity / Annual Staff Appraisal
Teacher assist with decisions regarding the use of academic time and strategies.
(Ten Components – 8) / Campus Leadership Team, Curriculum Director, Teacher / Ongoing 2015 – 2016 School Year / Conference meeting times to discuss assessment results
Effective, timely assistance for students who experience difficulty.
(Ten Components – 2d&9) / Teachers and Counselor / Ongoing 2015 - 2016 School Year / Counseling time and tutorial time / End of year report
Assistance for students that are performing below grade level on standardized tests.
(Ten Components – 2d&9) / Principal, Mrs. Jenkines, Mrs. Wilkerson, Mrs. Kilcrease, Mrs. Lindsey and Mr. Osth / Ongoing 2015-2016 School Year / XLR8 Program
Reading Intervention / Results from 2015 STARR
Coordination and integration of federal, state and local services and programs.
(Ten Components – 10) / Campus Leadership Team / Ongoing 2015 - 2016 School Year / Violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start and adult education / End of year report
Strategies / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources/Allocations / Formative Evaluation
Adopt SPARK Curriculum / PE Teachers / On-going. / Grant. / Healthy Lifestyles.
Provide professional development for SPARK curriculum.
(Ten Components -4) / SPARK Academy / On-going. / Grant. / Improved PE curriculum.
Incorporate Fitness gram initiative into adopted PE curriculum. / PE Teachers, Health Teachers and Principal / On-going. / Budget. / Improved health curriculum
Continue coordination of the Fitness gram initiative with health curriculum. / PE teachers, Health teachers and Principal / On-going. / Budget. / Improved content curriculum, improved student grades and healthier lifestyles
Get Fit Staff Wellness Program / Nurse / On-going. / Budget. / Healthy life styles decrease staff “sick” days
Honorable Character
Discipline Program
(Ten Components – 2d,e) / All Staff. / Immediately and on-going. / Materials purchase, incentives / Increased student achievement; decrease referrals for bully behaviors.
Bullying Professional
(Ten Components – 2d,e & 4) / Counselor. / August, 2015. / Counselor led staff
Development August, 21. / Increased student achievement; decrease referrals for bully behaviors.
Implement Olweus Bully Prevention and Reporting Program
(Ten Components – 2d,e) / All Staff. / Immediately and on-going. / Anonymous reporting system; character/anti-bully lessons. / Increased student achievement; decrease referrals for bully behaviors
Strategies / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources/Allocations / Formative Evaluation
Incoming 3rd grade students tour Intermediate School
(Ten Components – 7) / Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, 2nd & 3rd grade teachers. / May 15 / Campus Budget, Counseling, Administration
Orientation / Increase student achievement, decrease in transition anxiety
Vertical planning between 2nd & 3rd grade teachers.
(Ten Components – 7) / Language Arts & Math 2nd & 3rd grade teachers / Fall 2015 (1 planning time), Spring 2016 (1 planning time) / Extended conference times / Student achievement

Organizational Effectiveness

Goal: Improve Communication and Community-building among all campus stakeholders


Ø  Increase parental involvement through PTO and a volunteer program;

Ø  Increase communication between staff, parents, and community through newspaper each 9 weeks;

Summative Evaluation: Increase in parent involvement as measured by attendance at campus functions and use of parent survey at the end of the school year.

Note: Ten Components of a Title 1 School-Wide Program are referenced in each Strategy Column below.

Strategies / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources/Allocations / Formative Evaluation
Parent Center staff will work with campus to make home visits and Parent Center appointments, and conduct parent trainings and classes.
(Ten Components – 2c&6) / Parent Center staff, Special Programs Director, Principals, Counselors, Teachers. / Ongoing and as needed August-June. / State Compensatory funds, Title funds, Local funds. / Home visit records, sign-in sheets, class rosters, daily logs.
Teacher’s monthly parent contact logs.
Volunteer programming.
(Ten Components – 2c) / Principals, Counselors, Teachers. / Ongoing and as needed August-June. / Local funds. / Sign-in sheets.
School Wide Family Night & Spaghetti Dinner
(Ten Components – 6) / Principals, PTO, and
All Staff. / January 2016. / Title Funds, PTO Funds. / Sign-in sheets.
PTO and campus-based parent involvement activities.
(Ten Components – 6) / PTO officers, Principals, Teaching staff, Counselor. / Monthly meetings September 2015 to May 2016. / Local Funds. / Sign-in sheets.
Honorable Character
(Ten Components – 2d,e) / Principal, Counselor, Asst. Principal,
Students, Teaching Staff. / August 2015-June 2016. / Honorable Character
Curriculum, Posters. / Reduce number of students referred to the office.
School bulletin board with
Student Council students. / Principal, Teachers, Student Council students assisted by faculty. / Continuing throughout the year. / Local Funds. / Posted in a timely fashion on the cafeteria bulletin board.
Strategies / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources/Allocations / Formative Evaluation
Student Enrichment Opportunities
such as Beta Club, Natural Helpers and Student Council.
(Ten Components – 2c,d & 9) / Principals, Counselor and Teacher Sponsors / Monthly and throughout the year. / Campus Funds. / Class Rosters and Organizational
Increase communication between staff. Sharkbytes – Principal’s weekly newsletter / Principal / Weekly / Campus Funds. / Sign-in sheets.


Goal: To Maintain Attendance to 97% annually by:

Ø  Daily Announcements of 100% class attendance

Ø  End of year rewards/field trip.

Objectives: Increase daily and six weeks attendance through incentives

Summative Evaluation: Annual Attendance Report

All strategies below are aligned with Ten Components of a Title 1 School-Wide Program (Indicators 2c,d&9)

Strategies / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Resources/Allocations / Formative Evaluation
Folder- Office will call all students who are absent on a daily basis. / Teachers, PEIMS Clerk, Principals, Aide responsible for calling. / August 2015 - June 2016. / Attendance rewards. / 6 weeks attendance reports.
Increase daily attendance with a semester attendance celebration. / Teachers, PEIMS clerk, Principals. / August 2015 - June 2016. / Local Funds. / Class attendance chart.
Grade level bulletin boards to visualize the attendance goals. / Counselor, Principals, Teaching staff from each grade level. / Each 6 weeks reporting period. / Grade level choice. / Weekly attendance ticket with drawing at the end of each 9 weeks.
End of year celebration for all students with perfect attendance. / Principals, PEIMS clerk, Teachers, PTO. / August 2015 - June 2016. / PTO campus funds. / Evaluation end of year attendance report.
School Health- Encourage hand washing and covering cough. / School Nurse, Faculty, Custodial Staff and
Students. / August 2015 - June 2016. / Hanging signs in hallways. / Reward system.

Appendix #1: Migrant Services

Activity / Persons Responsible / Timeline / Resources / Formative Evaluation
a. ID&R: Identify and recruit migrant children and youth, including conducting annual residency verification and other Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) activities according to specific timelines, as outlined in the Texas Manual for the Identification and Recruitment of Migrant Children. / Migrant Services
Clerk / July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 / Migrant Services
Clerk salary / Students entered appropriately into school.
b. ID&R: Conduct ID&R activities as outlined in the ID&R plan in the Texas Manual for the Identification and Recruitment of
Migrant Children. / Migrant Services Clerk / July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 / Migrant Services
Clerk salary / Students entered appropriately into school.
c. NGS: Beginning July 1 through June 30, encode all required data into the New Generation System (NGS) and conduct all required activities, as outlined in the Manual for New Generation System (NGS) Data
Management Requirements. / Migrant Services Clerk / July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 / Migrant Services