Chelsea Disabled Supporters Association
We are now in our eighth season since Chelsea FC formulated the Chelsea Disabled Supporters Association (CDSA). This committee has been set up to represent a diverse range of our disabled supporters.
This is your opportunity to sit on the committee. If selected, you will be on the committee for two years.
Aims and goals of the committee
The aims of the committee are as follows
Ø To establish a dialogue between the Club and disabled fans;
Ø To develop a better understanding of issues that affect disabled supporters;
Ø An opportunity for the Club to discuss new ideas.
The end goals of the committee are:
Ø Ensuring that all disabled Chelsea supporters feel valued in their loyalty to the Club;
Ø To increase the disabled supporter base;
Ø To provide disabled supporters – as far as reasonably possible - with the facilities and conditions that they expect from Chelsea FC;
Ø To help develop a business structure that underpins a successful football team.
Structure of the committee
To reflect the diverse nature of Chelsea's support, representatives will be drawn from season ticket holders, match supporter members and rota supporter members as the Club considers it is important to ensure a range of representation.
It is also important for the committee to allow a variety of views to be heard. As a result, committee members will serve a term of two years. No member can be selected for consecutive terms.
Please only put your name forward if there are issues youwant to discuss with the Club, as all committee members are expected to make a significant contribution to the discussions.
The following seats are vacant on the committee for the upcoming two seasons:
Season Ticket Holders: -1 Non-Ambulant place
-1 Ambulant place
Match Supporter Members: -1 Non-Ambulant place
-1 Ambulant place
Rota Supporter Members: -1 Non-Ambulant place
-1 Ambulant place
Please use the form below to apply if you are eligible and have not served on the committee in the last two years.
When do the meetings take place?
There are usually two meetings per season. During the 2016/2017 season meetings will take place at the stadium on non-match days. Please only put your name forward if you are confident that you will be able to attend both meetings.
Who administers the selection process?
Chelsea has appointed Electoral Reform Services (ERS), an independent balloting organisation, to administer the selection process.
How can I apply to become a representative?
· Please complete the application form and post it to ERS, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London, N8 0NW to arrive no later than 2pm on Thursday 30th June 2016. You may only submit ONE application.
· After the closing date for applications, ERS will check for invalid or multiple applications. All valid applications will then go forward to a draw for the relevant category.
· ERS will randomly draw the required number of representatives from the valid applications for each category.
Who can apply to be a representative?
· You must be in the appropriate category to represent that category. The column “Information Required” clarifies this.
· You cannot be a representative if you have been on the committee in the previous two years.
I wish to apply to become a representative of the following category (please select ONE category only by placing a cross (X) in the “WISH TO STAND” box and filling in the information required):
Non-Ambulant Season Ticket Holder / 1 / (Must be a season ticket holder)
Season Ticket number:
Ambulant Season Ticket Holder / 1 / (Must be a season ticket holder)
Season Ticket number:
Non-Ambulant Match Supporter Member / 1 / (Must be a Match Supporter Member)
Membership number:
Ambulant Match Supporter Member / 1 / (Must be a Match Supporter Member)
Membership number:
Non-Ambulant Rota Supporter Member / 1 / (Must be a Rota Supporter Member)
Membership number:
Ambulant Rota Supporter Member / 1 / (Must be a Rota Supporter Member)
Membership number:
Please only submit a maximum of ONE application and only apply to represent ONE category. Applicants who make multiple applications will be disqualified.
Post Code
Date of Birth
Telephone Number
E-Mail Address
I, the above named individual, wish to apply to become a representative on the CDSA Committee. I confirm that the information provided on this form is accurate.
Signature: Date:
Completed applications must reach ERS, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London, N8 0NW by no later than 2pm on Thursday 30th June 2016.
Alternatively you may send the completed application form by email to