Concept Paper on



“I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly”

John 10:10


It is well known that Life comes from God and in God it is in its fullness. With the advent of science and modern technology, humans have conquered the hidden treasures to make the life easier and improve on this planet. However, the well developed medical science has neither come up with causes nor treatment for many a diseases and disorders,to name a few, Chromosomal and genetically disorders like Down’s Syndrome, Rett Sysndrome, Delayed development, Cerebral Palsy, Autism etc. Diseases and abnormalities are blocks to the fullness of life and treatment removes the blocks and heals. Off late it’s realised that no single medical system gives remedies to all the illnesses of humanity. Certain medical systems which are effective in some diseases are found ineffective in other. Hence, a combination of different medical systems makes new efficacious system to serve humanity better.

Jivadhara treatment system has also been evolved in the same principle and is therefore a combination of Chinese originated Acupuncture and Italian originated Electro-homeopathy. Jivadhara was coined from two Sanskrit words; Jiva and Dhara, wherein Jiva means ‘LIFE’ or the life force, Dhara means ‘CONTINUOUS FLOW’. Jivadhara: denotes and connotes the method by which the flow of life is ensured by removing the blockage in the channel and the impurity in the blood and lymph. The Other Alternative medical systems, such as Meditation, Physiotherapy, Counselling, Speech therapy, vocational skill training, Occupational therapy and music therapy are used for augmenting the recovery under Jivadhara treatment.Diseases and disorders like Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Down’s syndrome, Autism etc, are being successfully treated and cured.

Jivadhara treatment has been conceptualised and coined byRev. Dr. Sr. Mary Eassy, with her continuous and relentless commitment over two decades to arrive at this modern form. Jivadahara treatment issuccessful in curing most of the so called incurable diseases, giving new life to hundreds of patients who were rejected by other main streams of medical systems. Though the focus is on paediatriccases, treatments are available for adults as well, with good success.

Principles of Jivadhara Treatment:

  • Acupuncture and Electro Homeopathy are based on the Principles of Polarity.
  • Acupuncture treatment helps to create balance in the vital energy and Electro- Homeopathy medicines bring balance in the vital fluid.
  • So both the treatment together cansustain the human body in a complete balance. In other words the combination of these two treatments help the patient to enjoy a wholesome life. This the Core of Jivadhara.

Jivadhara Charitable Trust:

  • Registered under the Charitable Trust
  • Has 12A Certificate under the Income Tax Act
  • Has 80 G Certificate under the Income Tax Act
  • FCRA Certificate under the Ministry of Home Affairs
  • Certificate for Rehabilitating Patients
  • Unique ID no.: KL/2014/0074023
  • Website-


Electro homeopathy is amedical system that uses medicines of purely herbal in origin (Spagyric essence from medicinal plants only).

Some of the Salient features of Electro Homeopathy medicines are:

The medicines arenon-toxic, non-alcoholic and harmless in nature,

It is affordable by the poor community

Last but not the least,it has no sideeffects.

Acupuncture treatment is a drugless therapy, which uses fine needles to prick-in certain points in the body, thereby correcting energy imbalances in the body.

Acupuncture helps to create balance in vital energy and Electro-homeopathy medicines make balance in the vital fluid which helps one to lead a complete and permanent healthy life. This is the core of Jivadhara treatment.

Under Jivadhara Charitable Trust(Reg no. 369/IV/2010), Jivadhara Institute of Neuro Development and Research has been registered, which promotes this system of treatment. The institute is involved in the research and treatment of thediseases and disorders like Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Delayed speech, Down’s Syndrome, Edward Syndrome, Autism etc,


The list of patientsin Jivadhara Institute is full with children born with Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Microcephaly, Hydrocephalus etc. who are dejected and rejected by the mainstream medical systems. These children come from different parts of our country and even from different countries like United Kingdom, United States of America, UAE, Africa, Pakistan, Egypt etc. The success rate is above 95 per cent if treated within two years of birth, therefore our focus in on the children from 2 months to 6 years old.

More than 150 children have been cured fully and are pursuing education in normal schools. Our list of patients also includes children of renowned Allopathic doctors some of whom are localknown Paediatricians, Gynaecologist, Orthopaedics, Dentist etc.

In the last financial year we had treated 850 numbers of new patients of which about 95% are children who have come from different parts of the globe.


By Medical Experts

Doctors like Dr. PK Rajiv, ( former Head of Neonatology Department of Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, currently working at NMC hospital Dubai recommends Jivadhara with great enthusiasm and confidence.

Famous Physicians like Dr Abraham John- Paediatrician of Medical Trust Hospital, Dr.Santha Warrier of Lakshmi Hospital Ernakulam have shown their confidence on our treatment and have been referring patients.

By Health Institutions

Multi-Specialised hospitals like Amrita Institute Of Medical Sciences(AIMS), Medical Trust Hospital, Lakshmi Hospital of Ernakulum; St. Vincent De Paul Hospital, Paroor etc. have seen the improvement in the patients and have been referring the patients.

By Educational Institutions

Seeing the improvement in the IQ level of the children, the teachers from the nearby schools have started referring children with low IQ level for treatment.


  • Purchase of Land

Jivadhara treatment is given to children coming for various disabilities related to Genetics and Chromosome problem. Besides the Jivadhara treatment, for speedy recovery, therapies like Physiotherapy, Speech therapy, Behavioural therapy, Occupational therapy etc are to be complemented. Presently the treatment centre does not have facilities for all these therapies to accommodate andJivadhara does not have land for building Rehabilitation Centre. This Rehabilitation centre as mentioned earlier will have Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech Therapy and Behavioural therapy departments.There is need to establish In-Patient Ward, Out-Patient Ward, School for Special Children, Rehabilitation Centre, Staff accommodation, Medical College, Residence for Religious Sister, guest and Canteen. Therefore, it is in priority to purchase Land for the construction of the above mentioned departments and buildings.

  • Construction of Building

A building will be constructed to accommodate In-Patient Ward, Out-Patient Ward, and School for Special Children, Rehabilitation Centre, Staff accommodation, Medical College, Residence for Religious Sister, guest and Canteen along with a reception and a parlour.

  • Procurement of Equipments

While we lack building, we also lack in modern equipments to provide apt treatment. Equipments being major part of all therapies, its presence and usage will give faster relief to the children coming for treatment.Equipments will be purchasedfor In-Patient Ward, Out-Patient Ward, School for Special Children, Rehabilitation Centre, Residence of Religious Sister, guest and Canteen to improve the services to the patients and ensure faster recovery. Latest type Surveillance System will be purchased and installed in the institute to avoid any untoward incidents and improve the quality of services to the patients.

  • Establishing Out- Patient Ward

The treatment starts at 6 am and ends at 5 pm. While functioning from a small rented building and with limited facilities, presently we treat about 150 to 200 patients every day in our OPD. Since there is constraint of treatment place, its difficult to provide treatment to more patients in the same given time. Jivadhara does not have land for constructing Out Patient ward to provide treatment to more patients, and therefore land will be procured and out patient ward will be established.

  • Establishing In- Patient Ward

In Jivadhara treatment centre, we treat about 150 to 200 patients every day. Besides patients who stay in rented houses, there are even patients who come daily for treatment covering a distance of about 100-200 kms one side. Since the demand for the houses on rent is increasing against the limited number of houses in the place, there is exorbitant increase in the monthly rent for the houses. Finding no alternatives, the patients take the houses on rent.

The Second most important issue is the provision of apt care to the patients. As mentioned the patients take private houses on rent which is spread in a radius of about 10-15 kms. There is very less control over the diet of such patients. Secondly since the patients basically being children, are vulnerable towards fits and other emergencies. So it is literally not possible to rush them to our treatment centre nor to reach their place to give first aid.

Jivadhara does not have land for constructing In-Patient ward to provide treatment to more patients. Therefore, it is in priority to establish In-Patient ward to accommodate more than 250 patients at a given point of time.

  • Establishing of Rehabilitation Centre

Besides the Jivadhara treatment, for speedy recovery, therapies like Physiotherapy, Speech therapy, Behavioural therapy, Occupational therapy etc are to be complemented. Presently the treatment centre does not have facilities for all these therapies to accommodate and Jivadhara does not have land for building Rehabilitation Centre. This Rehabilitation centre as mentioned earlier will have Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech Therapy and Behavioural therapy departments.

  • Establishing School for Special Children

A building needs to be constructed to accommodate the special school which will be having latest scientific equipments and tools to make the children comfortable with reception and parlour facilities. Children of different age group and different special needs will be classified and put into different group for augmenting the understanding and learning process

  • Establishing Medical College

Presently Jivadhara is the only treatment centre which provides treatment to the children with various chromosomal and genetic disorders coming from various placesand countries. It is the only treatment centre catering to patients from worldwide. Seeing the success of the treatmentand to provide treatment to larger number of patients, there is high demand and need for grooming professionals to study this system of treatment. Therefore, a Medical College is envisaged for professionally training and disseminating the knowledge of Jivadhara treatment.

  • Establishing Accommodation for staff, Religious Sisters and guests

Presently the treatment centre does not have facilities toaccommodate the Physicians, Professional therapist, Medical College students, Religious Sisters, guests and office staff.Therefore, a building has to be constructed for accommodating those associated with Jivadhara treatment so that quality and prompt services can be given to the patients.

  • Procurement of Furniture

Furniture will be purchased for Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech Therapy and Behavioural therapy departments. Furniture like Chairs, Almirahs, Desks, tables etc will be purchased for this

Hiring of Personnels Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech Therapy and Behavioural therapy departments

  • Hiring of Personnels

Qualified professionals will be hired to provide treatment. The therapy centres will be fitted with Audio visual aids and Air conditioners so that the treatment is given in a more qualitative manner. There will be well maintained Lobby for parents/ guardians to wait during the treatment hours.

  • Support for Advertisement

Jivadhara though being a proved treatment for the chromosomal, genetic, neurological disorders, the irony is that it has reached to a limited segment of the society. There are still huge population, which do not know about the benefits of Jivadhara treatment. The aim is to disseminate the wonders of Jivadhara treatment to each and every person in the world. In the present era where print and electronic media is significantly contributing to the spread of information, we need to take the support of media to reach our information to the world wide so that no child suffers from any disorder and he can realise the dreams and aspirations.

  • Purchase of Ambulance

The institute does not have Multi- Speciality Ambulance to address to any medical emergencies. There is no Multi-specialised hospital available in a radius of 10-15 kms. The children who come for treatment can get fits and other neurological problem during the treatment. In the absence of a multi- specialised Ambulance, it is difficult to manage cases with fits and other complicacies. Hiring of vehicles also needs lot of money and the vehicles may not be available on time. Therefore, a Multi- Specialised Ambulance is needed to attend emergencies so that there is no unto-ward incidence


Nearly 4 million children are said to be suffering with Cerebral Palsy(CP) in India. Each day approximately 200 to 250 children are born with CP. In most cases the central nervous system is affected initially and gradually various organs including kidneys, lungs and liver is affected. Jivadhara has come with greater solace to the ailing patients suffering with these diseases. Every day we get about 200 to 250 patients for treatment. Jivadhara has till now treated more than 2000 patients with more than 90- 95% success rate. But most of the cases are reported through the word of mouth. There needs to be scientific interventions to disseminate the information about our treatment so that it reaches to all, under the sun. The cases once reported needs to be given apt and qualitative treatment. Jivadhara being a Charitable and a growing institution, it lacks funds to realise its dreams of providing relief to the thousands suffering with one or the other disorders. The financial supports from various philanthropists and institutions will help Jivadhara provide best and faster treatment to children with various disabilities and prove itself as:


“ Lets stand united to bring the light back to their life..... Lets give them a chance...... ”