ENTER_YOUR_LOCALITYDementia Roadmap business case
Project outcomes
Project deliverables
Project organisation
1.Local Roadmap lead/s
2.Local Roadmap editor/s
3.National Dementia Roadmap team
Project governance
Project costs
Appendix 1: Local stakeholder mapping
Appendix 2: Key learning from local Roadmap installations to date
This document sets out a business case for the development of a Dementia Roadmap for ENTER_YOUR_LOCALITY.This business case has been prepared following discussions between XXX and YYY. It is intended to secure support and funding for the development of a Dementia Roadmap from local stakeholders in ENTER_YOUR_LOCALITY.
The Dementia Roadmap is a web based platform that provides high quality information about the dementia journey alongside local information about services, support groups and care pathways to assist primary care staff to more effectively support people with dementia, their families and carers.
The main audience is staff working in primary care, including GPs, nurses, dementia navigators and practice managers. The local Roadmaps also benefit other professionals supporting people with dementia their family and carers, people worried about memory problems, people living with dementia and their carers and families.
Download a presentation introducing the Dementia Roadmap.
To get a better understanding of how the Dementia Roadmap works please follow the link below to watch video tours which showcase the main features for new users
Project outcomes
The ENTER_YOUR_LOCALITYDementia Roadmap will deliver the following benefits to the GPs, primary health and social care professionals and third sector groups that use it throughout the “Dementia Journey”.
- Introduce questions about memory functioning in scheduled visits and routine health checks and investigations for people identified as potentially at risk.
- Assess and identify patients who present with symptoms suggestive of dementia signposting them to relevant resources or services
- Reassure patients and their carers/families at diagnosis and during the dementia journey by signposting them to local resources, information and support.
- Promote positive messages about remaining independent and living with dementia. This can help to prevent unnecessary admission to hospital for patients with memory problems in crisis and delay the necessity for nursing home placement.
- Provide support for carers to maintain their health and wellbeing and provide opportunities for respite them or for the person they care for.
- Support patients more efficiently, thereby reducing multiple / repeat appointments.
- Refer patients onto specialist services where appropriate.
- Keep accurate records, coding patients who present with memory problems appropriately. This improved prevalence will impact positively on the practice QOF.
- Use case finding approaches with colleagues to identify patients with cognitive decline on the practice register in line with DES guidelines.
- Help with planning for future decisions – advance care plans, end of life care.
Project deliverables
- ENTER_YOUR_LOCALITYDementia Roadmap at
- Introductory training for editorial team
- Access to an online learning environment containing step by step guides and video tutorials on managing your Roadmap
- Visitor analytics dashboard
- Promotional materials: briefing, presentation, business card and tour video
Project organisation
The project will have three levels of staff involvement, which are outlined below.
1.Local Roadmap lead/s
- Stakeholder engagement
- Business case development and executive sign-off
- Project management and oversight
- Promote Roadmap through targeted communications and local events
2.Local Roadmap editor/s
- Editorial input to populate Roadmap with local groups and resources
- Ongoing editorial input to keep the content on the Roadmap up to date
3.National Dementia Roadmap team
- Install the local Roadmap on the national Roadmap platform and populate it with relevant content from the national knowledgebase
- Provide introductory training to the local Roadmap editors
- Produce training materials for the online learning environment
- Produce visitor analytics dashboard
- Produce promotional materials
Project governance
The local Roadmap lead/s and editor/s will report regularly on impact and progress of work to a local steering group.
Project costs
The estimated cost for the work to be delivered is set out in the table below.
Input / CostLocal Roadmap lead/s / TBC
Local Roadmap editor/s / TBC
Installation / £300.00
Annual subscription / £600.00
Total / £900.00
Appendix 1: Local stakeholder mapping
Key local stakeholders, interests and potential project roles are set out in the table below.
Stakeholder / Website / Key people / Interests / Project roleAge Concern ENTER_YOUR_LOCALITY / Information
Alzheimer's Society ENTER_YOUR_LOCALITY / Delivery
ENTER_YOUR_LOCALITY Clinical Commissioning Group / Sponsor
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) ENTER_YOUR_LOCALITY / Information
ENTER_YOUR_LOCALITY Local Authority / Information
Appendix 2: Key learning from local Roadmapinstallations to date
The following key learning points have emerged from the work undertaken to date to install local Dementia Roadmaps:
- Secure the backing of key stakeholders to go ahead with the project. In some localities responsibility for co-ordinating dementia care improvement work is led by a multi-agency partnership.
- Consider the geographic coverage of the Roadmap. Will it reflect the geographic footprint of key stakeholders, for example a Clinical Commissioning Group or a Local Authority?
- Identify who will lead the Roadmap development. It may be helpful to have a GP dementia lead to champion the work and ensure that the local steering group is well informed.
- Identify who will undertake the editorial work to populate the Roadmap with content about local groups and resources.
- Involve and build on the work of the third sector agencies in your locality, such as a local branch of the Alzheimer’s Society or Age Concern. They usually keep up to date information about the local support groups and services available.
- Agree project milestones for you work and monitor delivery on a regular basis. Allow sufficient time for local information to be added. Encourage stakeholders to view this an organic development where the quantity and quality of the information grows over time.
- Contact the communications leadsof key stakeholders to alert them to the Roadmap and what you are trying to achieve. Advertise the Roadmap to all GPs and primary care staff in your patch via your communications routes.
Dementia Roadmap May 2015