Application Form of Ipv4 Address

Application Form of Ipv4 Address

Application Form of IPv4 Address


  1. Please read the instructions carefully; if you have any question, please contact “IP Group” via 010-58813000.
  2. Please fill in every item in details so that we can contact you.
  3. Please fill in the form using Red font.
  4. After each item of the form is filled in, please send the form as an attachment to our e-mail for processing application.

【Basic Information】

Abbreviation of Network Name:

Note: The abbreviation of network name shall be written in English, and shall be a combination of English letters and “-”with no more than 25 letters. Sample: CSTNET.

Name of Applicant:

Note: The name of applicant shall be written in English. Sample: Beijing Yifulu Tec, Inc

Postal address:

Note: The post address of unit shall be written in English. Sample: No.4, Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing, China

Address size of the application:

Note: Please fill in the address size to be applied for, and use B or C to represent the address size. In principle, the address size should meet the requirements of your organization within 12 months during which follow-up request is disallowed. Sample: 32C.

【Technical Information】

Allocation for Individual Line Subscriber (If not applicable, please do not fill in):

Note: This item is used to describe the IP address you allocate to each individual line subscriber..

The format is: <abbreviation of the user’s network name> <initial address> <Mask> <initial quantity of equipment/ quantity of equipment for half a year/ quantity of equipment for one year> <initial quantity of sub-nets/ quantity of sub-nets for half a year/ quantity of sub-nets for one year> <address allocation date>, shown as follows:

Allocation for leased line subscriber:GXXNet 100/300/520 2/5/9 20030506

Allocation forleased line subscriber: CTown 10/100/248 1/2/4 20031116

Future Planning for Network:

Note: This item is used to describe how you plan to assign the IP addresses you are to apply for within one year.

The format is: <initial address> <Mask> <access to Internet> <the maximum quantity of available addresses in theory> <initial quantity of equipment/ quantity of equipment for half a year/ quantity of equipment for one year> <Remarks>.

Each line of ”Future Planning for Network” represents one section of network of your network. If the address section assigned by you to the same operation fail to be represented by one mask code, then you can express it using multiple lines. The format is shown as follows:

Future Planning for Network: YES 2046 800/1400/2000 ADSL User

Future Planning for Network: YES 254 50/180/240 Address of the equipment

【Additional Comment】

Describe the Future Planning for Network within 12 months (what kind of business the addresses you apply for are used for and a brief introduction to the business development planning):

Network topological graph (It should coordinate with the Future Planning for Network of the company, and correspond with the main equipment list provided):