Module lThursday 7th September 2017

Module 2Thursday 16th November and Friday 17th November 2017

Venue Manchester Hall, 36 Bridge Street, Manchester M3 3BT

(formerly Freemason’s Hall)

Please note the first module is one day and the second module is two days. It is not a residential course – each day will start at 9.30am and finish by 5pm

Designed to help doctor’s lead small groups with care and confidence

The course is based on the wealth of group leadership experience now available in print and from the personal experience of the course leaders.

The course seeks to explore how groups work, what helps and hinders them, what you could do if they go wrong and what you can do to prevent them going wrong. It is open to GPs within the Health Education North West. It is likely to appeal to all doctors who are active (or wish to be involved) in medical education, particularly in Primary Care Medical Educator and Programme Director roles.

By a combination of group work and pre-course reading we aim to give you the essentials to lead small groups carefully and confidently so that all may benefit. Course materials will be provided on-line which will also include material on presentation skills, as well as further recommended reading The course includes opportunities to plan and deliver sessions with supportive feedback. In addition the course will offer an opportunity within the programme for educators to share experiences and identify their educational needs and explore how to manage problems in groups. Feedback from previous courses has been extremely positive.

Course Tutors

Dr Rebecca Baron, Dr Mark Sloan and Dr Tom Howling all have extensive experience of running group based education.

Course Schedule

The course will run over two modules the first for one day and the second for two days (not residential) each held several months apart. Participants need to attend both modules. It is being funded through Health Education North West. The module is accredited by the University of Central Lancashire, dependent on satisfactory completion of inter-modular written work.

Places are limited and early application is recommended. Priority will be given to those in educational roles or wishing to get involved in education.

Closing 30th June 2017

If you wish to apply for a place on the course please complete the enclosed reply slip and return it to:

Claire Hopkins

GP Education Event Coordinator

Health Education North WEST



Module lThursday 7th September 2017

Module 2Thursday 16th November and Friday 17th November 2017

VenueManchester Hall

Surname:...... ……………………

Forename: ...... …………

(Please indicate the name you wish to be known by)

Practice address: ……………………………………………………………………………….....


……………………………………………… Postcode:………………………………………….

Telephone no: ……………………………Mobile no:…………………………………………..

Email address (preferably NHS – needed to access on line information):


CCG: …………………………………………

GMC Number: ......

Please state any educational roles you hold or plans to develop educational roles:



Dietary/Disability Requirements:……………………………………………………………………..

If you wish to apply for a place on the course please complete the enclosed reply slip and return it by 30th June to:

Claire Hopkins

GP Education Event Coordinator

Health Education North West
