Friday 23rd September 2016
Dear Parents/ Carers,
A reminder that next Monday, 26th September, we are holding a Coffee and Cake Morning at 9am in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Staff are busy baking cakes and we encourage all families to come along and support this worthy cause and meet up with some fellow parents. Toys will be available for toddlers. There will also be a Second Hand Uniform Sale at the Coffee Morning so come along and pick up some bargains.
Data Collection Sheets
Today you should be issued with your child’s data sheet. This identifies the personal information and emergency contact details the school holds. Please do check it, make any necessary amendments and ensure it is returned to school as soon as possible, even if no amendments are made.
Welcome Meetings
We had a great turn out of parents at our Welcome Meetings for Year One and Two classes. Thank you for coming. If you were unable to make that time/date please do link up with your child’s teacher for a brief chat about how the teaching and learning is organised and how you can support your child’s learning. Teachers are only too happy to make sure everyone knows what to expect and will meet up with parents at a later time if needed. My thanks to teachers for providing this for our parents.
Governor Elections
You should have received an invitation for parents to become Governors of Christchurch Infant School.
Our governors work closely with the school to:
Ø Promote high standards in both academic and social aspects of school life
Ø Plan the future direction of the school
Ø Manage financial and staffing issues
Ø Look after the school buildings
Ø Make sure all pupils receive the education they are entitled to
Ø Promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural education of all our pupils
The Governing Body is made up of people from various sections of the community. We have a broad set of skills across our existing Governing Body but we are particularly seeking candidates with an understanding in Finance or Human Resources. It is also important that governors have a commitment to helping the school to do the best we can for all our children and are aware of the time commitment (including training) that is required to fulfil the role. Please contact the school if you would like more information.
Book Week: Celebrating the works of Roald Dahl.
Please find attached information regarding our Book Week which takes place just before half term.
PPA Time for Teachers
This refers to ‘Planning, Preparation and Assessment’ time given to all teachers during the working week. We are fortunate at Christchurch Infants to have an established and experienced team of cover staff that teach in class when the class teacher is out of the room. This usually occurs fortnightly in Years One and Two, and weekly in Foundation. The cover staff follow the teachers plans and obviously get to know the children really well which means there is no loss of learning during these times. If you would like more information please contact your child’s teacher.
Midday Supervisor - Permanent, Commencing Immediately - Closing Date: 9th October 2016
We are seeking a new post holder for this position, which is advertised on the DorsetforYou website and applications should be made online through that site. However, if you require any further information or need some assistance, please contact Mrs Johnson through the school office. Brief details follow:
The successful applicant must have experience of working with children relevant to the post, be willing to work as part of a team and undertake a successful DBS check prior to appointment.
Hours per week: 7hrs 30 mins (12-1.30pm Monday to Friday, term time only). Salary: £7.52 hourly rate.
School Nurse Drop In
The next session will take place on Thursday 29th September at 9am. If you have any queries or concerns that you feel the school nurse can help you with just ‘drop in’ via the school office for an informal chat.
Helping in School
We require all our helpers to attend one of the talks given by Mr Bowen about how to support pupils’ learning in school and have organised some additional dates, so if you have been unable to join one of the sessions earlier this month, please complete the slip at the end of this newsletter and pop along.
Year Two Parents: Tours of Christchurch Junior School
Tour dates are available for Year Two parents considering admission into Christchurch Junior School for next September 2017. The tours will be held on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th October at 9:15am and 1:15pm. Please contact the Junior School directly on 01202 485579 to book your place.
Important: For parents whose children attend after school clubs.
If your child currently attends an after school club that takes place on the school site, could you please ensure that you have passed on any medical information directly to the person operating the club. The clubs that take place here are not run by the school and they will not automatically have access to any medical notes or medication kept at the school for your child. Arrangements need to be made with the club to ensure that they have the necessary medication and also that their staff are trained to be able to administer any emergency medication such as epipen, inhalers etc. Medical records, medication and school staff are not available at this time as all medical cupboards and offices are locked and staff are often in meetings.
Please discuss this with your club operator to ensure that it is safe for your child to participate and please ensure that up to date contact details are also given to the club operator as, again, these cannot be accessed from the school.
Play Equipment out of action
Unfortunately, we cannot use the new play equipment in the main playground at the moment as the company who laid the tarmac damaged the edging and it needs to be repaired before it is used.
Year One & Year Two Curriculum Meetings
Year One - Next Wednesday 28th September - 6pm – 7pm
Year Two - Wednesday 5th October - 6pm – 7pm
Further information accompanies this newsletter . Please return the reply slips to give us an idea of numbers.
Congratulations to the following children for receiving Fabulous Friday Stickers:
Year 1Week ending 9th September 2016
Hedgehogs: Nyle, George, Mia & Poppy
Squirrels: Chloe, Frankie & Vincent
Foxes: Jack, Nico, Chloe & Sadie
Rabbits: Owen & Carys
Week ending 16th September 2016
Hedgehogs: Bailey, Sidney, Clementine & Alice
Squirrels: Dominic, Charlie & Genevieve
Foxes: Annabel, Charlie, Jamie & Freya
Rabbits: Diesel, Arthur, Edward & Oscar / Year 2
Week ending 9th September 2016
Kingfishers: Luke, Isla, Raif & Vinnie
Woodpeckers: Daniel, Nathan & Olive
Nightingales: Ian, Luke, Elena & Henry
Kestrels: Isabella, Olivia & Harry H.
Week ending 16th september 2016
Kingfishers: Gus, Madeleine & Kian
Woodpeckers: Bronte & Eleanor
Nightingales: Austin, Grace & Jake I-M,
Kestrels: Lexi-Marie, Ellody & Mason
PTFA Meeting
We had a pleasing turnout with a lot of new faces from our Foundation parents. The next meeting is the PTFA AGM at 6:30pm (please note the change of time) on Tuesday 4th October, followed by the usual meeting at 7pm.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs JS Ashenden
We always appreciate extra help in school, whether it’s reading with children, handwriting or working with a small group. We are asking for all adults who are thinking about volunteering or who have volunteered before to attend a brief 20 minute meeting, about working in school, before starting in class. These meetings are designed for adults who are planning to volunteer straight away, later in the year and those who are interested in finding out if volunteering is for them. These meetings will take place on:
Wednesday 19th October at 2:30pm
Thursday 20th October at 9am.
Please indicate on the slip below if and when you would like to attend. If you cannot make these dates, but know you are thinking about volunteering, please speak to Mr Bowen in Year One – Rabbits class.
Name ______
would like to attend the parent volunteer meeting on
(please indicate which day)