October 27th. 2014.

Dear MGC Member/s

2015 Membership Renewals

Membership renewals for the 2015 season are now being accepted. The only change to the fees is a slight increase in the levy paid to the ACTA .

When filling in the attached form, it is essential to list your ACTA and MGC membership numbers. ACTA will not accept your renewal if this membership number is not provided.

Payment can be made by any of the following methods:

1.  By post (Cheque / Money Order)

2.  Or visiting the Club (Wednesday / Friday afternoons or Saturday (except the 3rd Saturday of the month) where payment may be made by cash, cheque, money order or eftpos.

3.  By paying direct into the Melbourne Gun Club’s Bank. Details are: Bendigo Bank

BSB: 633-000 ACC: No: 151 687 456 (Please ensure that you reference this payment with your Surname & Initial and provide a copy of payment details when forwarding your application to the Club for processing)

Adult / $65.00 / $129.00 / $20.00 / $214.00
Veteran / $65.00 / $76.00 / $20.00 / $161.00
Junior / $1.00 / $38.00 / Nil / $39.00
Partner / $65.00 / $76.00 / $20.00 / $161.00
For a partner member, the same address and the ACTA membership number of the spouse is required.

For 2015, the Committee have needed to move towards a new membership card where a passport photo is required to be printed on this card. Please ensure this is included when you forward your renewal documentation. The Office Staff will also be able to process a photo for you if renewing in person. This has been brought about by non-club members who have been using the club’s facilities without the knowledge of the Committee. This impacts on the insurance requirements of the Club / ACTA and steps have been taken to correct this situation.

Please note, the office will not be able to complete your renewal between 11.00 am – 1.00 pm. on Saturdays due to the organisation of the weekly competitions.

The 2015 Annual General Meeting date will be advised in the new future. The Committee warmly welcomes you to attend this meeting.

If you have any queries in regards to this renewal, please speak to a Committee Member or Office Staff.

Kind regards

Cherilyn Wilson




(Compulsory) / Given Name:
(Compulsory) Post Code:
Date of Birth:
(Compulsory) / Contact Number:
Fire Arms License Number:
(Compulsory) / License Expiry Date:

TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP (Membership includes Insurance).

MGC New Joining Fee (Payable only once). / $55.00 / $
MGC Life Member – No Annual Fee apart from ACTA Registration. / Nil / Nil
MGC Full Member – Annual Subscription. / $65.00 / $
MGC Junior Member. / $1.00 / $
ACTA Full Membership. / $129.00 / $
ACTA Partner (Spouse) OF A Full Member of common address. / $76.00 / $
ACTA Veteran (Eligible to apply for Pension/65 years at 31/12/2013). / $76.00 / $
ACTA Concession / Loyalty (30 years or more of continuous full membership with the ACTA). / $110.00 / $
ACTA Junior Membership (Under the age of 18 as at 31/12/2013). / $38.00 / $
ACTA NEW START Member (For 1 year to shoot competitively at home club only). / $76.00 / $
ACTA CLUB ONLY (Shoot non-competitively at home club only. CTNS not available). / $52.00 / $
ACTA Levy (Applies to all new members and those re-joining after 5 yrs. Except Jnrs. / $6.00 / $
VCTA Levy (Applies to Full / Partner /Veteran & New Start Members) (Jnrs. Exempt). / $20.00 / $
TOTAL: / $

I hereby apply for / to renew membership of the Melbourne Gun Club for the year ending 31st DECEMBER 2015.

Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………

Office Use:
Payment: Cheque / Money Order / Cash / Eftpos $...... Signature: ………………………….

Mail To: The Secretary, Melbourne Gun Club, P.O. Box 74, Lilydale Victoria 3140