Mon 6 July:
8.30am for 9-10am: Start the Week,
BBC Broadcasting House. Shobana Jeyasingh, choreographer, who will be discussing her new collaborative project Trespass. Matt Parker, mathematician and standup comedian, discussing his popular maths book Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension. Gerald Finley, opera baritone currently performing in Rossini’s Guillem Tell at the Royal Opera House. Contact Luke Mulhall: Start The Week, BBC Radio 0207 765 2713
Royal Institution, 7pm, public lecture
Tues 7 July:Travel to Oxford for St Cross College Oxford, public lecture
South School of the Examination Schools on the High Street, 75-81 High Street OxfordOX1 4BG
Talk from 5-6.30pm including Q&A.
6.30pm bookselling
Wed 8 July:
2-3.30pm Radio 3 Private Passions
Arr. 5.45 for 6.30pm LSE evening lecture
Old Building of LSE (Houghton Street) hosted by the Maths Dept,
Thurs 9 July:
New Humanist magazine interview with Daniel Trilling .
7pm for 7.45pm: School of Life evening event:
7.45-9.15pm, 7.45-8.55 talk, 8.55-9.15 Q&A, bookselling, ends 9.15pm
Venue: Mary Ward House, 5-7 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9SN
Tues 17 Nov: Royal Society 9:00 am on Monday 16 November 2015 — 5:00 am on Tuesday 17 November