Blue Knights® Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club

New Hampshire 1


August 2004

Blue Knights New Hampshire 1

Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club

P.O. Box 1313

Hillsboro, New Hampshire


Board of Officers

President Russell Young

Vice-President David Gladu

Sec/Treasurer Tama Mitchell

3 yr Director Jim Hamel

2 yr Director Glenn Northrup

1 yr Director Mike Bothwick

1 yr Director Bill Rawnsley

IPP/Sgt at Arms Mike Bothwick


Blue Knights

New Hampshire 1


If you change address or email address – please, please let me know.

If you no longer have email, please call 603-464-5881 to let me know you need newsletters sent snail mail.

Mail to:

If you have information or an article for inclusion in this newsletter please email to

Next Board Mtg : August 9th Bedford PD 1800

General Mtg: August 9th Bedford PD 1830

The PREZ”S PEN…Wish You Were There

I hope that all, who traveled to the 30th International Convention in St. Hyacinthe, Canada, arrived home safely, althougha littlewet. For those of you who were unable to attend you certainly missed a great time.Except for a wet ride home the weather could not have been better.

We (about 300 bikes)enjoyed an escorted ride, of about 40 miles, to Old Montrealwere we all had a chance to walk around, see the sights and enjoy lunch in an atmosphere as if we were in Europe. A second ride, of about 20-30 miles, took us to a small town and a river cruise, although not everyone was able to get on the boat. On Thursday the annual parade, organized by one of our own, Roger Mailhiot, went off without a hitch even with an excess of 300 bikes and the locals LOVED it with some even waving the American flag. On Thursday night nine school busses took about 450 of us to a place, the locals call the "Sugar Shack", were we allstrapped on the old feed bag and gouged ourselveson some native chow along with FREE & UNLIMITED beer and wine.

Maybe next year will be your year to attend, if you haven't already and, if so, maybe NH-1 will win the best represented chapter award outright instead of tying a sister chapter. That's right our chapter tied with MA-XIV for most pre-registered members, per capita, with 10 and won a nice plaque for it's effort. That gives us two (2) plaques in 2004for being the best represented chapter at an official Blue Knight convention with the first being at the NEC in Portland this past May.

We also received recognition, finally, along with another plaque, for efforts in, I believe 1991 and 1993, for raising and donating $23,000 to the Special Fund. (Note: please see information in the newsletter from Diane Schuett concerning the exact story behind this award).

Both of these awards were announced and presented during the Wednesday night banquet, which was attended by about 800 Blue Knights and guests. I can't describe the pride felt by all those from NH-1 in attendance.

Don't FORGET the Corn Roast is only TWO (2) weeks away.

If you haven’t yet visited a listed vendor/business or any other of your choosing, for a donation to the raffle table then TIMES AWASTIN'.



Date July 10, 2004 Location: Mike & Joyce Bothwick’s

Meeting called to order Time 1320hrs. By President Young. ? members and guests in attendance.

Pledge of Allegiance: lead by IPP Mike Bothwick

Roll Call: Young [X ] Gladu [ ] Mitchell [ ] Hamel, J [X] Northrup [X] Bothwick [X] Rawnsley [X]

A moment of silence was observed for departed members and troops around the world.

New Hampshire 1 of the Blue Knights held their July meeting at the home of Mike & Joyce Bothwick, 34 Smith St. Goffstown, NH, and combined it with an afternoon feast of terrific foods, and friends from New Hampshire 4.

The Business portion of the meeting was opened at 1:20PM, Board Members present included: President Russ Young, Directors Jim Hamel, Mike Bothwick, Glenn Northrup and Bill Rawnsley. Absent were Vice-President Dave Gladu and Secretary/Treasurer Tama Mitchell.

·  Dianne Schuett led us all in a very patriotic pledge of allegiance

·  A motion was made and seconded to waive the reading of the Secretary/Treasurers report

·  There was no formal Quartermaster report

·  There was no Ride/point committee report

·  President Young reports that approximately 20 raffle items for the Corn roast have been collected, and that he is still waiting for replies from other members as to their updates, please respond to him ASAP

·  President Young reports that he is experiencing difficulty in obtaining the game and rider awards for this year, due to a retirement and new Industrial Arts instructor at the school, we may not be able to get them in time for the corn roast. As discussed and approved at the Board of Directors meeting held prior to the meeting today, it was decided to allow the President to seek alternate awards if our original plans do not come to fruition.

·  President Young updated the members on the "corn" for the Corn Roast, Hampshire Hills has agreed that the corn will be fresh, native and full ears of corn. They did mention that it may be more difficult for them to keep up with the corn requests doing it this way, but will do their best.

·  President Young reports having received a request for a donation from the Goffstown 49's, as no one had any further information about this local athletic team, it was decided to delay an decision until more info could be obtained.

·  President Young reported that Mike Peaslee sends his apologies, but will not be able to provide DJ / entertainment this year at the corn roast. Alternate entertainment has been arranged.

·  President Young reports receiving requests for membership applications from two new potential members.

·  President Young reports that Big Toy consignments declined to donate anything to the raffle this year as they felt that even after donating last year, no blue knight had come to their establishment and identified themselves as a customer. Although it's impossible to know how many blue knights did go into their business, and we had presented them with the certificate of appreciation from last year, it was clear that they no longer wanted to support the Blue Knights and the charities that we contribute to.

·  Mike Bothwick suggested that instead of trying to collect raffle items next year, that perhaps we should try some type of raffle for a large item, and sell tickets throughout the year and have the drawing at the corn roast. More discussion on this topic at a later date.

·  President Young reminded everyone that when he attends the convention, there are two by-law changes coming up for a vote that he has sent to all members asking for their input. One has to do with length of service to qualify as a Blue Knight, and the second has to do with Correction Officers w/o arrest powers being members. Please respond to Russ ASAP as the convention is coming quickly.

·  2006 Convention committee reports that there are 3 possible locations, Dayton Ohio, Milwaukee Wisconsin, and Vancouver B.C.. Members of NH 1 seemed to prefer Vancouver.

No raffle was held

Next Meeting in August 9th, at Bedford PD


Some members will leaving for the convention on Saturday, they will be meeting at Macy's for a departure time of 7:30AM. Contact President Russ Young for more details.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:50PM.

(Minutes submitted by Director James E. Hamel)


Reminder that this is YOUR newsletter. So if you have a story to tell or a ride to share, write it up and submit it. Don't think, 'ahh, someone else will write something about it.' Generally 'some one else' doesn't.

So send it in. It doesn't have to be BK related. Some people live vicariously through others. If you want to critique a new or old eatery,where to go or stay away from, if you went on vacation, day trip or went to the corner store and something interesting happened or had a great route there, let us know.


The E-mail for the International Office is:

Members only area of International Web site is for members only. Each member has their own unique user name and password. Your user name is the membership number in the lower left corner of your 2004 membership card. Your password is your last name in all CAPS. If you have any problems with your password you can contact Gil Mitchell at .

The minutes from the International Board Meetings can be found in the member’s only area of the International Website at

Motorcycle Cruise Night

The Laconia Star Touring Club will resume their weekly Motorcycle Cruise Nights onWednesday, May 12, from 6-8 PM. There is Music, Trivia, Door Prizes, and good people. The location is the same as last year, Waldo Pepper's Sub Shop, Weirs Blvd, (Rt 3) Laconia.For those of you who have never attended, Waldo's has great food, (no booze) and is run by good people. It is real easy to find, it's about 3/4 of the way up Weirs Blvd, and has an airplane sticking out of the roof. Anyone planning to attend from the South, please contact me and we can meet up and ride together. Ed C. Prez NH IV


Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2004 10:35 PM

Hi to all,

Greetings from Sunny Florida,

All is going well, miss the bike, but the roads here are hazardous. Weather is great.

Hope the Corn roast is a great success

Regards,Bernie and Marilyn,Ride with Pride



Sun. Aug 1st. Ride – I don’t have info?????

Sun Aug 8th: Londonderry Lions Club: The Ride for Sight Poker Run. Meet/Depart Bedford Macys at 0815/0830 Registrations starts at 0900hrs in Londonderry at the Lions Hall and the ride starts at 1000hrs. Donations are $35.00 a bike and $15.00 a rider. All proceeds will go to The Lions “Camp Pride” and “Sight and Hearing” of N.H. This is a well - attended event usually 75-100 bikes.

This will include: T-Shirt , a great meal, best hand, and a great auction after the ride.

Sat. Aug 14th NH1 CORN ROAST

Hampshire Hills Tennis & Racquet Club

Emerson Road off Rte 13, Milford NH

Registration on site.

ALT REG SITE: Denny's Nashua Mall, Exit 6 Rte @ 10 AM and we will take you there.

COST:$15 per person

Since the affair is catered,that if at all possible RSVP Russ Young at either 603-595-7564 or email at ASAP before your arrival date.

Corn will be cooked as needed to avoid over cooking and you will have it hot.

Sun Aug 22nd : High Hopes Foundation of N.H. Poker Run: Meet/Depart Bedford Macys at 0800/0815. Registration starts at 0900hrs at VFW in Hudson. Cost is $15.00 per person. Money raised to be used to grant whishes to children in N.H. with life threatening or chronic illnesses. This includes: A great barbeque, starts at 1200, Music, Raffles and Best/worst hand


(Weather permitting) Call or email Russ Young if you are going.

Wednesday, Sept 8: Ice cream run to Memories, Kingston, NH. Meet at Dunkin Donuts, Exit 3, Rt 93 Windham, NH at 1800 hrs.

Monday, Sept 13: Ice cream run to Kimballs, Westford, Ma. Meet at Denny’s Nashua Mall at 1800 hrs..

Saturday, Sept 25: Our 4th Annual Ride for the Animals. Animal Rescue League of NH,545 Route 101, Bedford, NH. Registration 9-10am with ride leaving at 10:30. Raffle; nice ride and return to the ARL for a BBQ and live music. $20.00 for rider and $5.00 for passenger. I WILL NEED MEMBERS WITH BK VESTS TO ACT AS TRAFFIC BLOCKERS DURING THE RIDE. Please plan on attending to support our annual fund raiser.

Announcements: If any member has info of any event that has happened to a brother or sister Knight, please let a Board member know so that acknowledgements may be made. Be it births, deaths retirements, marriages etc...

Dianne, you looked great after surgery – hope it works!


No new items submitted this month.


Order was placed and is now filled. Those that ordered must now come forward with ante. Call Dianne



At the BOG (Board of Governors) meeting on Monday, July 19, 2004, the following major events took place:

There were 109 voting chapter Presidents or their authorized representative present.

It was reported that last year ONLY 29% of alleligible voting members of the Blue Knights actually voted on major issues that effect us all. The Board is looking to increase that to at least 35% this year.

A check was written, from the Special Fund, to a member of Arizona VI, who along with his wife, were struck from behind by a semi-trailer, on their way to a BK event. She died a short time later.

The 'power of arrest" issue finally came up and after allowing a total of 30 minutes discussion from each side, for/against where 28 members voiced their views/opinions the issue was put to the vote and failed.A total of 2/3s of thevoting members (73) votes were needed to change the constitution. Of 109 votes cast 42 voted to change the BK constitution; 62 voted to keep the constitution as originally written and 2 members abstained,

A total of $10,000 was donated to the COPS Run and a motion was made to the BOG to make the COPS Run an annual funddonation, via BK International, of at least $1,000 with individual chapters to add to that fund as they see fit. BOG will take up the motion and report back.