Supplementary Materials
Contribution of Inorganic Constituents to Sorption of Neutral and Ionized Pharmaceuticals and Pyrene Derivatives by Sediment/Soil
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Kohei Takemoto, Ikumi Tamura, Norihiro Shin-oka, Takahiro Nakano, Masayo Nishida, Yuta Honda, Shigemi Moriguchi, and Yudai Nakamura
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
Fig. S1 Atenolol sorption isotherms.
Fig. S2 Ifenprodil sorption isotherms (silica sand).
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
(c)Silica Sand
Fig. S3 Propranolol sorption isotherm
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
(c) Silica sand
Fig. S4 Acetaminophen sorption isotherms
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
Fig. S5 Carbamazepine sorption isotherms
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
Fig. S6 Ibuprofen sorption isotherms
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
(c) Silica sand
Fig. S7 Indomethacin sorption isotherm
Fig. S8 Mefenamic acid sorption isotherm (silica sand)
(a) Montrillonite (b) Kaolin
(c) Silica sand (d) Dando humic acid (Stern-Volmer Plot)
Fig. S9 1-Aminopyrene Sorption Isotherms (and Stern-Volmer Plot)
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
(c) Silica sand (d) Aldrich humic acid (Stern-Volmer Plot)
(e) Dando humic acid (Stern-Volmer Plot) (f) Akui River Sediment
Fig. S10 1-pyrene methylamine sorption isotherms (and Stern-Volmer Plot).
(g) Tamiya Creek Sediment (h) Tatara Creek Sediment
(i) Elliot Silt Loam Soil
Fig. S10 (Continued)
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
(c) Silica sand (d) Dando humic acid (Stern-Volmer Plot)
Fig. S11 Pyrene sorption isotherms (and Stern-Volmer Plot).
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
(c) Silica sand (d) Aldrich humic acid (and Stern-Volmer Plot)
(e) Dando humic acid (and Stern-Volmer Plot) (f) Akui River sediment
Fig. S12 1-methylpyrene sorption isotherms (and Stern-Volmer Plot).
(g) Tamiya Creek Sediment (h) Tatara Creek Sediment
(i) Elliot Silt Loam Soil
Fig. S12 (Continued)
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
(c) Silica sand (d) Aldrich humic acid (Stern-Volmer Plot)
(e) Dando humic acid (and Stern-Volmer Plot) (f) Tamiya Creek Sediment
Fig. S13 1-pyrenemethanol sorption isotherms (and Stern-Volmer Plot).
(g) Tatara Creek Sediment (h)Elliot Silt Loam Soil
Fig. S13 (Continued)
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
(c) Silica sand (d) Dando humic acid (and Stern-Volmer Plot)
Fig. S14 1-pyrenecarboxylic acid sorption isotherms.
(a) Montmorillonite (b) Kaolin
(c) Silica sand (d) Aldrich humic acid (and Stern-Volmer Plot)
(e) Dando humic acid (and Stern-Volmer Plot) (f) Akui River Sediment
Fig. S15 1-pyreneacetic acid sorption isotherms (and Stern-Volmer Plot).
(g) Tamiya Creek Sediment (h)Tatara Creek Sediment
(i) Elliot Silt Loam Soil
Fig. S15 (Continued)
(a) Akui River Sediment (b) Tamiya Creek Sediment
(c) Tatara Creek Sediment (d) Elliot Silt Loam Soil
Fig. S16 Sorption kinetics for pyrene.