WEDNESDAY, February 19, 2014
1. Call to Order
Tri County Economic Development District (TEDD) Vice Chairman of the Board, Commissioner Mike Manus, called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.
TEDD/RTPO Board Members in Attendance
Fran Bolt – Town of Marcus Debra Hansen – WSU Extension
Terry Knapton – Kalispel Tribe – via GTM Sue Harnasch – Stevens County
Vaughn Hintze – Private Sector ` Dorothy Knauss – City of Chewelah
Greg Knight – Rural Resources Mike Manus – Pend Oreille County
Steve Parker – Stevens County Char Kay – WSDOT
Mike Blankenship – Ferry County Tom O’Brien – Workforce Development Council
Ray King – City of Newport David Windom – NE Tri County Health District
Kelly Terry – Stevens County PUD Sue Poe – Edward Jones
Jamie Wyrobek – Pend Oreille EDC – via GTM
Avrum Baum – Private Sector
Rob Willford, Executive Director Mallory Conner, Office Manager
Tamer Kirac, District Planner Joy Osterberg, Ferry County Representative
2. Consent Agenda
Approval of Agenda
Approval of January 22nd Meeting Minutes – Not Presented for approval…
Approval of Gen. Fund & Loan Fund Expenditures & Transfers
· December 2013
General Fund – Benefits and Voucher #’s 5295-5305; 5834-5841; and 6038-6041 totaling $20,743.05 AND November 2013 payroll in the amount of $21,766.93 for a monthly total of $42,509.98.
Loan Fund – Voucher #’s 5293-5294; and 5832 totaling $55,226.41 and an electronic funds transfer in the amount of $1,840.00 for a monthly total of $57,066.41. This includes a loan in the amount of $55,000.00.
· 13th Month 2013
General Fund – Benefits and Voucher #’s 6254-6265; 6525-6541; and 6840-6841totaling $14,152.03 AND December 2013 payroll in the amount of $17,487.63 AND an Intra Fund transfer (voucher 7030) in the amount of $18,210.00 for a monthly total of $49,859.66.
Loan Fund – Voucher #’s 6246-6247; and 6835-6826 totaling $1,170.02 and an Inter Fund transfer (voucher 7027) in the amount of $37,016.83 for a monthly total of $38,186.85.
TC EDC Fund – An Inter Fund transfer (voucher 7025) in the amount of $2,541.71 for a monthly total of $2,541.71.
· January 2014
General Fund –Voucher #’s 6894-6875 totaling $8,504.04 for a monthly total of $8,504.04.
***It was asked, that due to time constraints, Debra Hansen’s follow-up be moved up the agenda, to directly follow the Executive Director’s Report.***
The December 2013, 13th Month 2013, and January 2014 finances were reviewed and discussed briefly.
Sue Harnasch made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the abovementioned revision. Fran Bolt seconded the motion. The motion passed.
3. Executive Director Report
Rob Willford gave the members an update on Jessica Collins and the birth of her daughter. Due to Jessica’s personal leave, TEDD is short staffed again until mid-March or April.
Rob Willford informed the group that TEDD now has Go To Meeting capabilities that will be available for all RTPO and Board meetings as well as meeting from outside groups that rent our conference rooms or use the Small Business Hotspot. There was a brief discussion of the software and its potential.
He elaborated on the Hotspot progress. The facility is now open to the public and we’ve seen a decent number of users come in. The fiber connection has proved to be a wonderful asset, not only to the Hotspot, but to TEDD in general. Details of the capabilities of the Hotspot were explained. There was a discussion about the importance of policing the Hotspot and making sure that users are using it for business purposes, not leisure.
Lastly, Rob talked about HB2447 regarding property tax exemption for incubator facilities. The bill passed the House 73/23 and has moved on to a Senate Committee (the State Economic Development Committee). He also mentioned that Stevens County Assessor, Al Taylor, has said that, on a governmental basis, he would be inclined to exempt our office facility, but not our other incubator spaces as they are a revenue source.
4. Updates from Members & Related Organizations
· Debra Hansen – Follow up on January 22nd Board Exercise
Debra provided a ripple map based on the activities of the January 22nd Board activity. She also provided a draft write-up of a “story” as discussed at said meeting. Rob Willford suggested that the Board form a committee to work on this project. Debra asked that everyone keep brainstorming ideas for TEDD success stories and to email her any thoughts/ideas. There was a brief discussion about a potential brochure/annual report, similar to the one produced by the District prior to 2007.
5. Committee Reports
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Enhancement / TAP
- A Ferry County written update was provided. Troy Reynolds talked briefly about the project; they are currently working on the decking on the overlooks.
- The Marcus project is scheduled to be completed this spring.
- The Chewelah sidewalk project is scheduled to go out to bid this spring. Mayor Dorothy Knauss stated the project should be completed prior to Chataqua.
Transit Committee / CPTHSTP
- It was reported that the Transit Committee met earlier this morning. The CPTHSTP Review Committee that was formed in January met on February 5th and reviewed the four proposals that were submitted. It was explained that one of the four proposals was incomplete and therefore was disqualified. A handout was provided showing the details of the scoring/review.
-TAC recommendation to the Board: Award of the 2014 CPTHSTP contract to Plangineering.
There was a brief discussion. It was stated that Plangineering is the most local company, which is crucial when developing a plan such as this; the firm chosen for this project must have knowledge of the area and understand the needs and issues across the region.
Members, transit providers specifically, were urged to work closely with the contractor on the development of the 2014 CPTHSTP. Regional input is vital.
Mike Blankenship made a motion to approve the TAC recommendation and award Plangineering the 2014 CPTHSTP contract. Debra Hansen seconded the motion. The motion passed.
RTP Update
Tamer talked at length about the RTP process and EWU’s continued work on the Plan. It was stated that of the 55 people asked to complete the 10-question survey, only 24 responses were received; the survey is now closed after being available for nearly six weeks. There was a summary of the survey results and discussion surrounding the three major questions the RTP is meant to answer. Economic vitality and safety are two stand- out concerns based on survey responses. The group was also informed that the transportation elements from our regional jurisdictions’ comprehensive plans have been reviewed and we’re highly focused on regional issues and prioritization.
Meetings are still in the planning phases in Ferry and Stevens counties; the Ferry County meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 21st, and Stevens on the 26th. Larger, regional meetings will follow.
US Bicycle Route
There was lengthy discussion about the proposed US Bike Route 10. The pros and cons of each proposed route were reviewed and the details of the potential designation were discussed. There was discussion about the tourism aspect of such a designation in our area. Rob did inform the group that based on what he’s been told; the designation comes with no funding, no regulations, and no requirements. There are minor concerns about the implications of the designation but general support for the project was expressed by Board members.
It was stated that TEDD/RTPO has really just been asked to write a letter of support for the designation, and there is a deadline (in April). At the March 26th meetings, the TAC will make a recommendation to the Board to write said letter, or not. And the Board will take final action.
Staff will email the turn-by-turn route proposals to all TAC and Board members prior to the March meetings.
6. Action Items
· 2013-2017 CEDS – 2014 Update
Tamer Kirac talked about the requirement of a 2014 update to the CEDS. A Strategy Committee must be formed to talk about the need for an update and conduct an assessment of the current document. There should be no need for radical changes to the document but there are doubtless information/issues that could be added. Members were asked to review the document and be prepared to meet regarding the update after the March Board meeting.
7. Updates from Members & Related Organizations – Cont…
-Char Kay talked briefly about the 395 Freight study. She informed the group that, fortunately, there were no incidents with the survey. There is now a completed draft of the origin/destination study developed by WSU.
-Tamer talked about the traffic counters that were purchased by the NEW RTPO. He talked about some details and the impressive capabilities of the counters. With spring just around the corner, we think members will start to utilize them.
8. Adjournment
As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:36 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted: Mallory Conner, Finance Manager
Wes McCart, Chairman Mike Blankenship, Secretary
Tri County Economic Development District / RTPO Board of Directors Page 3 of 3
February 19, 2014 Meeting Minutes