PRESENT: Malcolm Ginever (Chair), Joanne Graves, Paul Graham, John Hewitt (Secretary), Dr. Matthew Jelpke (Senior Partner), Helen Miller (Vice-Chair), Rod Jones, Lorraine Pulford, Ian Thompson, Carol Wilson (Practice Manager).
APOLOGIES:Ian Munro, Melissa Prinn, Thelma Robertson, Carolyn Thackstone.
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (on 7 September 2015): These were agreed as an accurate record.
Review of posters/magazines in the waiting room: Carolyn Thackstone had offered to carry out a review of these in the next couple of weeks. (ACTION CT)
Healthcare Provision for new homes at Sharphill Woods:There were still doubts whether there would be sufficient spare capacity among local practices to provide the extra healthcare required for the new households (about 4,500-5,000 extra patients). The developers had entered into a section 106 agreement to provide various services but there was concern that the local public would miss out on additional healthcare support unless the details of this were finalised within the next month. There needed to be an urgent meeting of affected PPGs and senior partners from their practices. (ACTION MG, HM & MJ)
Forming a larger online (virtual) patient group: Facebook appeared to be a useful way for patients with internet access to comment on healthcare. It was therefore agreed to explore how Facebook might be used to form a virtual group. Helen Miller would invite Peter Taylor of the Ruddington PPG to our next meeting to explain how he had set up and was managing such a group. Jo Graves would find out from her company how they manage activity through Facebook. (ACTION HM & JG)
NHS HEALTH CHECKS: It was noted that St George’s Practice was above average in the percentage of patients it invited for a health check. The checks were beneficial in picking up problems earlier than they otherwise would have been.
HEALTHWATCH UPDATE: Another Unwind Your Mind Event would be taking place at West Bridgford Library on Saturday 10 October from 10am – 12pm and 1pm – 3pm (covering well-being, arts/crafts and relaxation activities). Having regard to a better transport service for renal patients Arriva, the main provider, have agreed to consider suggestions for improvement. Paul Graham wanted clarification on changes to the local carers’ network. It appeared that a new group – “Carers’ Trust East Midlands”- was now responsible for universal care throughout the county. Would this affect the service in Rushcliffe provided by the Carers’ Federation?(ACTION HM). We were reminded that a representative from the Carers’ Federation visits the surgery once a month on a Tuesday from 9.30am until 11.30am.
CARE QUALITY COMMISSION’S ASSESSMENT OF THE PRACTICE AS “OUTSTANDING”: The PPG unanimously thanked all the doctors, GP Registrars, the nurses, reception staff, health workers, the practice manager, and all the other practice staff for all their hard work in helping to achieve the award of “outstanding”.
PROMOTION OF PPG AND ONLINE SERVICES ON FLU JAB DAYS (SATURDAYS 3 AND 17 OCTOBER, AND TUESDAY 10 NOVEMBER): Notice of flu jab days had been put on the back of prescriptions for the benefit particularly of those without internet access. A notice would also be put on West Bridgford Wire. Helen Miller would prepare a rota of PPG members able to attend the surgery to carry out a mini-survey of patients’ experience of the practice, promotion of online services (e.g. booking of appointments online), and promotion of the PPG and virtual/online group. It was agreed that where possible one PPG member would be on duty with a tablet/ipad to demonstrate to patients how to use the practice’s online services to help reduce the workload on reception staff.
About a quarter of appointments are now made online, and patients will soon be able to see their medical records online.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Consideration was given as to whether telephone appointments could be booked online, but there could be problems in achieving this.
Consideration would be given to whether blood tests could be booked online. (ACTION MJ/CW)
Melissa Prinn had offered to help at the Sunday Funday on 13 September. She handed in her Wellbeing Folder for consideration.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 12 October at 6pm in the surgery.