Our Next Meeting – Bus Tour of Naperville – Saturday - April 22, 2006

Where - Meet at the Naperville Municipal Center, Aurora Avenue and Eagle Street, lower level

When - 7:45 a.m. until 11 a.m. New NAHC Website:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Confederation President's Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


For those that helped decorate the two green vans with 140 NAHC- HOA’s signs on them for the St. Patrick’s parade and marched behind our large Banner –THANKS! We all had a good time and we were well-received by the by-standers. We had very favorable comments from NAHC members and guests that attended our March 18 meeting. There were reports by the Naperville Park District, Riverwalk Commission, DuPage Forest Preserve,

and Naperville Responds, and discussions on Home Based Business Regulations.

Mark Campbell, Director of Community Development from the Park District, spoke about their latest new Master Plan, and the two indoor recreation centers that are planned. He received further input from the attendees about what those Centers should contain. John Schuetz, Naperville Park District Chief of Police, was present and made his presentation on the Eagle Eye Neighborhood Park Watch Program, described later in the newsletter. There are over 130 parks that cover 2300 acres that are in the program which is a cooperative effort among the park districts, forest preserves, recreational agencies, schools, local police and community residents. The Riverwalk Commission report was presented by Rick Hitchcock. The Riverwalk Commission is celebrating its 25th anniversary and needs continued community support to help on the restoration and proposed changes. Andrea Hoyt, Director Office of Planning for the DuPage Forest Preserve Review walked through their map of the various preserve areas showing growth, changes, and plans for additional trails and recreational facilities.

The meeting closed with an Open Forum, chaired by Bob Fischer, Associate Director, with major concentration on the proposed Naperville Home-Based Business ordinance. There was discussion as to what should be allowed that does NOT disturb, change the amount of traffic or parking in the neighborhood. Excellent comments were given, recorded and will be presented at the April 19 Naperville Plan Commission meeting. If you have any comments, please direct them to Bob at .

Remember, Saturday April 22 for our free and extremely interesting Annual Bus Tour of the City, to review what

has changed and will change soon. We ask all to make their advanced reservations to me immediately, and to be thereat 7:45AM for coffee and doughnuts The trip will be from 8AM to 11AM (Approx.) from the City Municipal Center. We will see about 35 new locations going from northwest to southwest and then east back to downtown.

Our June 17 NAHC mtg will be the 175th UNITY Day march/celebration at the Municipal Center from 8:30-10-30AM.

Chuck Schlabach, President, Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation,


Our currently scheduled 2006 meetings will be on April 22, May 20 and June 17 (UNITY Day)

The (rescheduled from April 15) Saturday, April 22 NAHC meeting will be the annual Bus Tour of the City, from 8-11 am. The bus will leave from the City of Naperville Municipal Center promptly at 8 am after coffee and doughnuts are served at 7:45. This year's tour will highlight several new developments, upcoming road improvement projects, park developments and facility upgrades. Three HOA's will be highlighted, Lakewood Crossing, Stillwater, and Saddle Creek/Harmony Grove.

Space is limited and reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Please e-mail Dr. Bob Buckman at or Chuck Schlabach at .


Effective Immediately, NAHC has a new mailing address, Please send all mail to:

NAHC, P.O.Box 5245, Naperville, IL 60567


Residents of Cedar Glen will hold garage sales on Friday, May 12 from 9 am - 4 pm and on Saturday, May 13 from 8 am to 3 pm. Cedar Glen is between

Modaff and Naperville-Plainfield roads, south of 87th street.


In accordance with Confederation Bylaws, a nominating committee has been formed to propose a slate of Confederation officers and directors for election to two year terms. Elections will be held at the May 20th general membership Meeting. The members of the Nominating Committee are Bob Fischer (Chairman), Rick Strawbridge, and Cindy Reitz.

There are two Director positions open as well as the positions of Secretary and Treasurer. Persons interested in being considered for these openings should provide: 1 - ACV outlining their community/association/confederation involvement and 2 - A brief vision statement on the role they see for the NAHC and how their candidacy will further that vision.

This information should be submitted by April 15th via email to Bob Fischer at or snail mailed to Bob at 91 Quail Hollow Court, Naperville, Illinois, 60540. The Committee plans to complete slate development by the 24th of April in time to post the proposed slate in the May Confederation newsletter In addition to the slate of nominees proposed by the committee, nominations will also be taken from the floor prior to the election during the May 20th general membership meeting.


The City Council has requested that the Naperville Plan Commission review current and proposed regulations for home-based businesses. This discussion is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19th during the Plan Commission meeting at City Hall.

To help facilitate public comment the NAHC hosted an open forum on this topic at the end of the General Membership meeting on March 18th. The Daily Herald, in their Sunday, March 19th edition, covered this discussion and encouraged other residents to submit their comments and concerns to Bob Fischer, who is managing information concerning this issue for the NAHC. Several residents have taken advantage of the opportunity to provide comment and Bob will be compiling these comments, as well as the comments from the Open Forum in a letter to be submitted on behalf of the Confederation to the Plan Commission at the April 19th meeting. If you would like to add your comments to this compilation, please email them to Bob at: rior to Monday, April 3rd.


We are trying to keep our NAHC directory up to date. If your Homeowners Association has made any changes to its officers, please contact Liz Jesse

at 630-922-1405 or Cindy Reitz at 630-904-7552 with the updated information. Also please include on the "copy to" so that we may keep the newsletter distribution up to date. It is hard to get information out to homeowners if we do not have the correct contact people.


Free senior passes are available to all events at District 203 schools including sporting events and concerts and stage productions. Call 630-420-6475 for registration information.


Apr 4 - Naperville City Council - 7 p.m.

Apr 5 - Naperville Plan Commission - 7 p.m.

Apr 8 - Transportation Advisory Board - 8 a.m.

Apr 18 - Naperville City Council - 7 p.m.

Apr 19 - Naperville Plan Commission - 7 p.m.


The city is looking for community members to serve on several of its boards & commissions. Residents who are looking to get more involved in the community can volunteer to serve on one of the city's more than 15 boards and commissions. Appointments are typically reserved for Naperville residents and are made by the Mayor and City Council based on experience and interest.

Interested residents can submit a letter, a copy of their resume and a completed application for consideration to: Naperville Municipal Center, Mayor's Office, P.O. Box 3020, Naperville, Illinois, 60566. Residents can also complete an application on the city's Web site at

To learn more about the city's different boards and commissions, please contact the Mayor's Office at (630) 420-6018. The following city boards and commissions are currently looking for new members. Meeting times are subject to change.

*Advisory Commission on Persons with Disabilities meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.

*Board of Fire and Police Commissioners meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month

*Board of Library Trustees meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.

*Building Review Board meets as needed

*Fair Housing Advisory Commission meets the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m.

*Financial Advisory Board - Meetings are held in January, April, July and October

*Historic Sites Commission meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.

*NCTV Board of Directors meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.

*Plan Commission meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. When necessary, an additional meeting will be held on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

*Public Utilities Advisory Board meets as needed

*Riverwalk Commission meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 a.m.

*Sister Cities Commission meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.

*Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.


The new director for Senior Services, Angela Bentsen, has been attending seminars on the new Medicare Drug Plan and can help seniors on this issue. The Township also has a General Assistance Program. Another township program is Naperville Community Outreach (NCO) which provides youth and family services. The Township partially funds NCO as its youth program. NCO has a full staff of accredited Counselors that aid young adults with such problems as substance abuse, runaways, lock-outs, bi-polar disorders, anger management and more. NCO also has Transitional Housing and the Cornerstone Group Home for boys who have nowhere to go for help. They also work with the Junior High and High Schools with their Snowball and Snowflake Programs.


We would like to know which HOA have newsletters that accept advertising, as we receive many requests for that information from potential advertisers. If your homeowners association newsletter accepts advertising, please let me know and I will compile a list. .


CAPS will hold its 13th annual recognition dinner on Saturday, May 6, at the White Eagle Country Club starting with a social hour at 6:00 pm followed by dinner at 7:00 pm and awards at 8:00 pm. Tax-deductible donations are $35.00 Contact Carol Zeidlhack 630-306-2570, email:


Our next NAHC BOD meeting is May 4, 2006. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm at the Naperville Municipal Center at Aurora Ave and Eagle Street.


The Naperville Park District Police are offering a new program to homeowners associations, where Park Police Officers come to homeowners meetings to discuss issues of mutual concerns. Some topics to be covered are: the Eagle Eye Neighborhood Park Watch program, bicycle safety, what to do when caught in an electrical storm, why can’t I play golf in the park, as well as other park district ordinances.

The goal of the program is to provide a forum which will allow the Park Police officer to exchange ideas and information with park neighbors. Any homeowners association interested in participating in the program are encouraged to call Dawn Banks at 630-848-5025 or John Schuetz 630-848-5049.


The annual membership dues ($30.00) are now due. Individual associations should be receiving their invoices via US Postal Service. Please contact our treasurer, June Edlund at 630-548-9120 if you have not received your invoice. Also, we need the HOA annual surveys to be returned to Liz Jesse or Boyd Briscoe. Contact Boyd at 630-717-0124 if you need a form to fill out.


The Board is always planning for future meetings. We have a few open meetings where we can schedule a topic that might be of interest to you and to other homeowners associations. If you have ideas, please let any member of the Board know, or contact our president Chuck Schlabach at 630-983-4661, or our vice-president Dr. Robert Buckman at 630-357-7677 with your suggestions.


The Naperville Park District has scheduled a hands-on planning workshop to share ideas regarding the proposed recreation center in Naperville. It will be held on Tuesday, April 4, 2006, at the Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center, 305 W. Jackson Avenue, Naperville at 7:00 p.m.

The Sports Management Group, the company that is conducting the recreation center feasibility study, will begin with a brief presentation about the planned facility and then lead participants in a hands-on, group exercise to help identify preferences and ideas for amenities that could comprise the facility.

Community input is very important to the project.

Individual Homeowners Association officers are reminded to please pick up packets on proposed changes in their neighborhoods when they receive calls to pick them up. Many times this is the best way to find out what changes are being proposed for your individual neighborhood.


Naperville residents will once again have the chance to learn about the city's municipal services and governmental processes by participating in the second annual Naperville Citizen's Academy. Classes will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday evenings beginning April 6. A special graduation ceremony will cap off the 10-week program on June 8. Limited space is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information or to enroll, please contact Community Relations Assistant Janice Bradley at (630) 420-6707.


Naper Settlement begins its summer season April 1. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday through Oct. 31. Admission is $7 adults, $6 seniors and $4.50 youth 4 to 17. An optional audio tour is $3. For more information about Naper Settlement, call (630) 420-6010 or visit

Children ages 8-12 will learn modern manners in a class called, “Manners for Minors” to be held from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. April 22 at Naper Settlement, 523 S. Webster St., Naperville. The fee is $50 per child, $45 for Naperville Heritage Society Sustaining Members. For reservations, call (630) 420-6010.

Join the fabulous floral designers known as the Weed Ladies for their annual spring sale, to be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 28 and 29 in the Daniels House at the Naper Settlement, 523 S. Webster St., Naperville. Admission to the sale is free.


The Community Association - Illinois (CAI) will sponsor a program concerning the monitoring of sex offenders on Tuesday, April 18, from 7 to 9 pm at the Holiday Inn Select at Naper Blvd and Diehl Road. The speakers will include Dawn Moody of Knuckles and Associates and two detectives from the DuPage County sheriff's department. Cost to residents of paid-up NAHC members is $25 before April 7, $35 after April 7. Contact CAI at 630-307-0659 for more information and registration forms.


The Naperville Police Department's Annual Property Auction will be held on Saturday, April 22, from 9 a.m. until all items are sold, at the Naperville Police Department, 1350 Aurora Avenue. Property viewing will be permitted between 8-9 a.m. Hundreds of assorted bicycles, sporting goods, home goods, electronic equipment, other items and a number of motor vehicles will be available. All sales are final and must be paid for in cash or check made payable to the City of Naperville. Interested buyers can contact the Naperville Police Department at (630) 305-5298 or 305-5378 Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.


Hundreds of beautiful trees will be on sale at great prices at the annual Arbor Day Tree Sale on Saturday, April 29, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Public Works Building, located at 414 E. 5th Ave. (Loomis Street and 5th Avenue). Naperville residents only, no commercial sales, limit three trees per household, cash or checks accepted. Purchased trees must be removed by noon. For more information, visit the city's Web site at

Editor - 4/1/2006