Vidyanagar,KOLHAPUR- 416 004 (INDIA)

Estd 1962 NAAC ‘A’ Grade MHRD-NIRF 28th Rank

Dr. Deshmukh M S Phone: +91-231-2609179 ,Fax: +91 231 2692333

Mob : +91-9869276265

Professor E-mail: ,

Birthdate: 09/06/1972 Date of Joining: 29/04/2013 Date of Superannuation: 09/06/2032

Language competency: English, Hindi, Marathi

Academic credentials:*Note: International (Intl.); National (Natl.); Grants in lakhs; Participation (Parti.)

Publications: Intl. (Natl.) / 06(12) / Citation index / 09
h-index / 02 / i-10 index / ab(ab)
Research Gate Score / Ab(ab) / Research Gate total impact point / ab(ab)
IF range (Total) Average / 2.87-3.45 / Paper withIF 2 ( 5) 10 / 14 (04) 00
Research projects as PI (Co-PI) / 02(ab) / Total project grants / ab(ab)
Patents / ab(ab) / Invited talks / 07
Research guidance: Ph.D. (Total) / 06 / Research guidance: M.Phil/M.S. / 02
Number of books Intl. (Natl.) / 0 (19) / Conference organized (Convenor) / 12
Conferences: Intl. Parti.(Attd.) / (02) / Conferences: Natl. Parti.(Attd.) / 17
Training prog. attended Intl.(Natl.) / 0(04) / Training prog.Organized Intl.(Natl.) / (01)
Instrumental in active MoU Intl.(Natl.) / ab(ab) / Experience- Teaching (Research) / 20 (12)
Member of Academic body Intl.(Natl.) / ab(ab) / Member of Editor. Board Intl.(Natl.) / (02)

Broad research areas: Economics

Specific research areas:Agricultural Economics and Monetary Economics

National/International Award/Recognition:(Dr. Dhanjayrao Gadgil award forBest Research Paper of Shivaji University Economic Association-2016, Radhakrishnan Gold medal award -2016 for educational contribution.)

National/International Collaborations/Joint projects:

Member, Human Development Report of Ratnagiri District-2016 funded by YASHADA& UNDP, Member Empanelmentas per महाराष्ट्र शासन निर्णय क्रमांक:मुमाअ 1016/प्र.क्र. 78/का-1417,22जुलै, 2016.

Productive contribution/output of Natl./Intl. MoU:(Organized econometrics workshop with CSIBER, Solapur University, Discussion on Budgetwith KCC and Sugar Convention with Bharti Sugar Industry)

National/International Project Grants:(Number of projects:2 and Total Grants:Rs. 1.5 lakh) (UGC Minor Project-2011, Minor Project, university of Mumbai-2012-13, organized conferences sponsored by ICSSR(Rs65K) and NABARD (Rs1.55Lakh)

National/International Industry consultancy/Joint projects/work:(organized seminar/workshop jointly with Kolhapur Chamber of Commerce, SUEAK, KAJSB-cooperative Bank)

Contribution towards incubation cell/Entrepreneurship: (Nil)

Additional computer skills:(Hands on experience to use words, excel, power point etc)

Additional academic skills/activities:Co-authored approx twenty state & national level books in economics for Mumbai University, Shivaji University in Maharashtra and Saurashtra University in Gujarat. Member, Board of Studies in Economics, University of Mumbai-2010-2013.

Additional social activities:(participating & writing in print & electronic media(FM, Sam TV, Pudhari News paper etc about current economic issues)

Administrative Experience:

Coordinator, Master of Rural Studies (MRS) YCSRD, Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Coordinator, IQAC Department of Economics and CAP Director (2013) Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

CAP Coordinator (2010): TYBcom Examination, University of Mumbai.

Advisor for the Staff Selection Commission (2010) in recruitment and selection of middle level personnel for the offices of Government of India, for the post of Inspector of Income Tax/ Central Excise/CBI/Posts/ Preventive Officer/ Examiner/ Asstt. Enforcement Officer. .

Member, Examination Board (2011-13) University of Mumbai as per 32(5) a, Maharashtra University Act.

Convener /member of Sub-Committee (2011) to frame the syllabus of Economics paper of undergraduate/ Post Graduate Courses, University of Mumbai.

Best publications (Representative):

  1. “Horticultural Prospect and Emerging Export Potential”, Southern Economist, Vol.49, No.9, September 1, 2010, Pg 8-10.
  2. “Performance and Growth of Pomegranate Production and Exports in India:A Competitive Approach”Agricultural Situation in India, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, Gov’t of India, Vol-LXVIII,June 2011.
  3. “An Economic Analysis of Production and Export of Pomegranate in India” Agricultural Marketing, Government of India, Jan-Mar 2010.
  4. “Foreign Direct Investment in India Trends Growth and Performance” Southern Economist, 15June 2011
  5. “Conditions of Slum Population of Major Sub-Urban Wards of Mumbai in Maharashtra” Voice of Research,an International Refereed Journal, September 2013,Pg 34-40.
  6. “Growth and Performance of Dairy Sector in India” Voice of Research, An International Refereed Journal,Volume -3, Issue -2, September 2014.
  7. “Present Status and Prospects of Organic Farming in India” European Academic Research, Vol. III, Issue 4/July 2015,
  8. “Can Organic Farming Contribute to Sustainable Agricultural Development” SouthAsian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies: Volume 2 Issue 4, pg 10-23, Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd, September 2015.
  9. Emerging Trends of Urbanization in India” EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review-e-ISSN 2347-9671, & p-ISSN: 2349-0187, Volume: 3, Issue: 12, 5th December 2015. Impact Factor-4.618 (Morocco).