Fisheries Division

Monthly Activity Report

November 2012


Effectiveness of Stocking 7-inch Channel Catfish to Reservoir Fisheries: Estimation of stocked channel catfish contribution to the populations in the stocked reservoirs for August 2012 and reservoir mapping are ongoing. (OSU Coop)

Habitat Use and Movement by Fishes using Shallow-water Habitats in Three Scenic Rivers in Oklahoma – Information for Developing Instream Flow Guidelines: Data from PIT-tag receivers and wetted-area data were downloaded and compiled for analysis. Analyses continue related to the habitat use objective. (OSU Coop)

Genetic Analysis of Demographic Dynamics of Paddlefish in Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees: The microsatellite library continues to be developed, in advance of more detailed genetic work. (OSU Coop)

Arkansas River Striped Bass Evaluation:

A presentation on the Arkansas River striped bass fishery is being prepared for the SDAFS Spring meeting in February 2013. Data analysis is ongoing. Multiple methods of estimating the striped bass population are being explored and tested statistically. (G. Summers)

Grow-out catfish stocking:

Analysis of size structure and catch rates of channel catfish collected is ongoing. (G. Summers)

Walleye stocking evaluation:

OFRL staff collected one walleye from Spavinaw Lake during night electrofishing. The Hefner Lake water level is currently too low for night electrofishing. Alternative sampling methods are being discussed. (G. Summers)

Tailwater Blue Catfish Food Habits:

All blue catfish otoliths have been sectioned. Aging of fish is ongoing. (G. Summers)

Walleye Length Limit Evaluation:

Additional walleye were collected by boat electrofishing at Fort Supply. In all, 44 fish have been collected of which 19 were female (43%) and 25 were male (57%). Attempts to collect additional walleye by electrofishing will be made. (G. Summers)

Walleye Sex Ratio Evaluation:

OFRL staff sampled Chickasha Lake (SW Region) and only collected two additional walleye to add to the SW regional netting sample. Future sampling plans are being debated and discussed. (G. Summers)

Other Research Laboratory Activities: Server maintenance was performed. A statistics class was attended. OFRL biologist continues to plan the SDAFS Reservoir Committee Meeting by preparing an agenda which includes presentations from state agencies with reservoir habitat programs as well as reviewing an article for AFS Fisheries magazine.. Regional fall sampling data is being entered and edited as it arrives at OFRL. OFRL staff continued to provide guidance to and answer questions from field staff about methods used in fall SSP sampling. Fall SSP data is being entered and edited as it arrives at OFRL. Staff continued to participate in the Gulf Coast Prairie LCC Science Team through correspondence and webinars while focal species identification is ongoing. Staff produced presentations from the OKAFS meeting in Stillwater. Staff attended an RBFF Workshop in Dallas and discussed marketing strategies with representatives from 43 other states. Podcast recording were also made at this meeting for future production. Work was completed on a webpage modification for downloading GSP points of reservoir fish attractors that include maps of each lake and locations and type for each fish attractor. SAS Web Portal for retrieve historic SSP sampling analyses continues to be updated. A significant amount of time was spent in processing the renewal of ODWC’s SAS license. Updates to the Digital Atlas of Oklahoma Fishes continued with OSU museum data slowly being added to the database. Technical assistance was provided to three private pond owners and one high school Vo-Tech class. OFRL staff continued to assemble fish habitat/structure documents for the habitat manual update. SDAFS archive materials were sent to DOC for imaging. Boats and equipment were maintained and HACCP procedures were performed after sampling. (G. Summers)


OKC Region Management Activities: A floating fish feeder was designed and assembled for installation at the Santa Fe pond in OKC. Fish feed for the feeders at Close to Home ponds was calculated and ordered via the Byron State Fish Hatchery. The 2012 annual fish stocking report was reviewed by the CRW technician for errors. Changes were sent to the Byron State Fish Hatchery. Staff assembled annual dock inspection repair needs for the boating access projects in the region. Staff met with Guthrie City officials to review the cooperative agreement for the installation of a boat tending dock at Liberty Lake and assembled and sent off all documents needed for federal funding for the purchase and installation of a new boat tending dock at Paul’s Valley City Lake. Staff assisted with the planning of the OKC and Norman trout fishing clinics / derbies in 2013. Technical assistance was provided to five stakeholders regarding filling farm ponds with water, aeration systems for ponds and Oklahoma fish farm locations. A rough draft of the 2013 Fishing Regulations was reviewed and comments / changes were sent to I&E Division. Florida Bass Stocking Committee were sent list of candidate lakes in the Central Region along with appropriate justification.

(G. Summers)

NW Region: American Horse courtesy dock was placed and waiting to pour concrete. Repairs to widen American Horse boat ramp was started. Construction at American Horse is nearly completed. Additional estimates of rock needs for erosion control at Lake Elmer were done. Assisted North Central Region with Skiatook gill netting. Corrections and rewrite of farm pond booklet was started. Walleye net repair continues. Trout stockings were attended at Watonga. Technical assistance was given to the City of Woodward. Spider block materials were delivered to Crabtree Correctional faculty at Helena. Canton water release meeting was attended. Oklahoma City is requesting a 7.3 feet withdrawal; reducing Canton’s water level to 16.3 feet. (J. Stahl)

Northeast Region:

Provided general assistance to public. Ensured routine maintenance of state vehicles was performed. Worked on caviar sales. Participated in regional staff meeting. Maintained fish division equipment for NER. Completed weekly and monthly timesheets, vehicle logs, and P-card paperwork. Ordered supplies and equipment for NER fish management. Performed creel surveys on Chimney Rock Lake for GRDA. (B. Gordon)

North Central Region: Regional staff activities for this time period focused on completing fall SSP sampling, entering and checking data spreadsheets and sending data to OFRL by timelines. SSP gill netting was completed on Skiatook Lake with the assistance of Northwest Regional personnel. Striped bass hybrid catch rate was slightly higher than average. Gill netting was completed on Birch Lake. Hybrids maintained a high catch rate of quality sized fish and all predators were in good body condition. All SSP gill net data was entered on a spreadsheet checked for errors and sent to the OFRL for analysis. The Ponca Lake fish Management Plan was reviewed and the Birch Lake Fish Management Plan was initiated. Two detection trips were conducted on Kaw Lake to locate tagged fish for research purposes. The Habitat Survey was completed for NCR by deadline. Many hours were spent reviewing and editing the 2013 Fishing Guide which was completed during this time period. The historical stocking tables were updated with 2012 data. The hot water tank was removed and replaced at the North Central Facility. Staff looked through job applications at OKC and picked out technicians to interview for NCR’s opening. Staff developed interview questions and written skills test questions. Notified candidates and scheduled interview times; held interviews for tech position and scored candidates. Boating access applications for Webbers Falls and Guthrie were reviewed and Guthrie was delivered to OKC for processing. The change order for Ponca City Restroom project was discussed with Federal Aide Coordinator for a status update. Bobcats were tagged; equipment was maintained and winterized; invoices were processed and phone calls were handled in a professional manner with constituents. (B. Wentroth)

Southwest Region: Electrofished at Rocky Lake to assess post-fish-kill survival- found sunfish. Worked on Steed lake report tables. Entered SSP data. Collected bass to illustrate fishing regulations for I&E. Filmed white bass and saugeye fishing episode at Lawtonka, and interview about Medicine Park trout fishery with I&E. Reviewed Chickasha boating access plans and met with Chickasha officials at BA site to discuss plans. Repaired floats on CRE dock- Fort Cobb. Site prep with Caddo County at CRE for ADA pad. Removed old dock from Vanderwork. Poured Extension on Fly In 2 Boat ramp. Removed barrels and boating hazards from Ft. Cobb. Checked Rocky Lake for future BA projects. Worked with dock vendor and city cooperator to complete projects at Duncan lakes. Inspected dock installations. Checked surge application around boat ramp at Lake Hall. Installed 12 brush piles on jetty and under dock at Hall. Built weight box for tractor. Ran habitat barge. Designed trout signs and ordered PVC for stocking tube at Medicine Park Trout Area. Reviewed fishing regulations. Checked Adams lake. Held quarterly staff meeting. Data write up. Biologist attended HRDS class. Maintenance on equipment and vehicles, organized office and files. (L. Cofer)

Lake Maintenance: Serviced all semi-trucks. Replaced 2 windows in track hoe. Cleaned up and organized the shop. Transported one load of rock and the back hoe to Lake Hall to repair the boat ramp. Crew went to American Horse, Chickasha Lake, Watonga Lake and Elmer to check area and pick up litter. Went to Durant Hatchery and Blue River to show Ned the area. Fence was maintained at American Horse Lake. Cut trees out of south fence line at Lake Elmer. Transported both big dozers to Elmer to maintain firebreaks. Took both haul trucks to Vanderwork to load old dock and haul to Manning Hatchery. Crew went to Nanih Waiya, Ozzie Cobb and Schooler to check area and pick up litter. All vehicles, equipment, buildings and grounds were serviced and maintained as scheduled or as needed. (T. Waters)

East Central Region/NE Streams: Sampled stream flows on Sallisaw Creek. Collected white sucker from Spring Creek and took reference photos. Tagged and took reference photos of angler caught sturgeon held at office. Collected and shipped Ozark longear sunfish and rock bass to Mississippi Museum of Natural Science. Collected white sucker from Spring Creek and took reference photos. Researched and purchased range finder. Completed electronic stream maps, entered and summarized smallmouth bass data from recruitment project. Obtained access and conducted electrofishing for young of year smallmouth bass on Spring Creek. Attended Spring Creek Coalition meeting and prepared article on stream fish diversity for newsletter. Keyed shorthead redhorse and took reference pics. Prepared and presented video presentation on stream program activities for commission meeting. Electrofished Sallisaw Creek and collected black and golden redhorse with black lips for testing. Retrieved data loggers and recorded discharge, wetted perimeter and bank full measurements on Lower Illinois River. Measured depths of channel units at study sites on Spring, Barren Fork, Honey, Buffalo and Spavinaw Creeks. Conducted snorkel and trotline surveys for sturgeon. Collected, Tagged and released four sturgeon. Assisted with Oklahoma City Trout Unlimited’s lower Illinois Illinois River Clean up. Provided photo’s for Spring Creek news release on stream cleanup. Continued drafting the Greenleaf Lake management Plan. Constructed worm beds to raise bait for Sturgeon sampling. Created new data sheets for sturgeon sampling. Continued with weekly conference calls with the COE and SWPA regarding the lower Illinois River. Participated in a conference call regarding the business Plan for the Conservation of Native Black Bass Species in the Southeastern US. Completed leadership project paper. Met with FWS employees and were given a tour of NE Oklahoma caves. Met with OSU student on the Illinois River to survey stream areas. Completed a habitat survey. Change water release requests with COE. Review Section 7 for upcoming research project. Attended commission meeting in OKC. Assisted with the lower Illinois River cleanup with OKC trout group. Repaired the NEO computer network. Constructed trotlines for sturgeon sampling and conducted two days of sampling on the Arkansas River. None were sampled with trotlines but 4 were sampled by snorkel and noodling. Selected transect areas for the lower Illinois River and conducted 19 transect on the lower Illinois River. Retrieved probes and data from temperature and dissolved oxygen probes. Reinstalled new probes in three locations. Conducted water profiles on Tenkiller reservoir and entered data into database. Entered all transect data and forwarded to OSU post doctorate to be entered into a model with flow, temp and DO data. Continued with a boating access project for the City of Webbers Falls and submitted for review. (J. Burroughs)

Southeast/Central Region & SE Streams: Higgins, Holdenville, and Streams/Durant office and grounds were maintained. SER, CR and Streams equipment was maintained as necessary. All necessary logs, reports, invoices and forms were completed and submitted as required. Budgets were maintained as necessary. SER staff reviewed and discussed in-stream flow information to assess options and needs for future sampling. Regional supplies, parts and goods for projects were acquired. Information was gathered for the Hugo fisheries management plan draft and draft was submitted for review. Staff prepared equipment and maps for fall netting. All fall data was entered, proofed and submitted for statistical analysis. Staff listened in on conference call detailing the updates of the Native Black Bass Initiative Business Plan. Historic water quality data for SE Department lakes was provided to the OWRB. A response to I & E questions for Fish Division was provided. Pictures were taken at Pine Creek for discussion about public access and possible habitat improvements. Technician researched and discussed fish health research needs. Future GIS project was discussed with Wildlife Division’s GIS analyst. Biologist added a > 12 lbs. largemouth bass to the Broken Bow lake records page. Technician delivered fin clipping materials to Broken Bow bass taxidermist. Technician mailed off a camera for repair. Streams technician continued to monitor flow and thermal changes along the Lower Mountain Fork River, access sites for sampling streams and rivers in the SER were researched, visited Bubble Plume Diffuser Project site at Broken Bow Reservoir to assess status of existing equipment along with Supervisor, coordinated and conducted bi-weekly, mitigation and surplus trout stockings at the Lower Mountain Fork River with Cedar Lake Trout Fishery and hatchery staff, assisted Durant SFH in hauling and stocking brown trout and rainbow trout from Mt. Home to LMFR along with Supervisor, assisted with the Vibert box plantings in the lower Mountain Fork River, and attended and completed ArcGIS 10.1 training. CR biologist verified scales used by angler for new 11.1 lbs. lake record bass from Prague Lake and entered information into the lake record website, attended COE/SWPA/ Wildlife Division water level meeting at Jenks office, received replies on Fisheries Division habitat questionnaire, met with supervisor on monthly paperwork and on the draft EIS for revisions to the Eufaula Shoreline Management Plan, worked on revisions to the habitat questionnaire to get it ready to send out nationally, marked route through standing timber on the South Canadian arm of Eufaula Lake for next spring’s creel survey, cleaned netting boat and sampling gear, repaired hydraulic steering on netting boat, moved spiders onto trailer. Technician Porter assisted with trout hauling from Arkansas to lower Illinois River. Supervisor met with streams management staff to coordinate upcoming activities, future directions and to clarify staff responsibilities, reviewed Hugo Lake Management Plan and provided edits to biologist, took SE Region flow meter to Porter office for streams use, met with environmental biologist about Red Slough samples and Wister mussel data, met with Pine Creek COE environmental staff and ranger about Pine Creek dam repair status and lake levels, discussed use of alum in Wister and Poteau River watershed symposium meeting with PVIA consultant, prepared new layout information for LMFR signs, and met with trout vendor at all Robbers Cave stockings. SER staff conducted fall trap netting survey at Pine Creek and removed otoliths from crappie to gather age and growth information. CR biologist trap netted Wewoka Lake. Streams technician assisted with shad netting at Texoma. SER staff discussed the Wister informational poster with an I & E specialist, handled telephone calls from trout anglers concerned with new vendor/ODWC stocking operations and scheduling, reviewed and submitted comments on the proposal to change regulatory/ANS signs along the LMFR, technician assisted with LMFR trout stocking and picked up pallet of quickcrete for spider block construction. Staff acquired remaining donated spider block pipe. Biologist submitted habitat buoy order. Spider block materials were provided to the MCAAP biologist and Wister State Park. Information was updated for the habitat committee’s news release. CR biologist designed and built new “starfish” habitat structures, picked up trailer load of spider blocks from Eufaula School, and built spider blocks. Streams technician continued assisting OBS staff with documenting the presence and spread of Didymosphenia geminata (i.e., didymo) at the Lower Mountain Fork River. SER staff visited on-site with a local landowner about pond management. SER, CR and Streams staff conducted HACCP protocol on all equipment as needed and maintained logs as required. SER supervisor and staff assisted LeFlore County Game Warden patrol Wister WMA and Fourche Maline WDU. Tires were purchased and installed on CR vehicle. SER vehicles, WC254 and WC256, were serviced. Regular maintenance of SER, CR and Streams vehicles was conducted as necessary. (D. Groom)