Newberry County Family YMCA
8220 Jollystreet Rd., P.O. Box 662, Newberry, SC 29108
Phone 276-9936
Registration fee: $25.00
$55 per week $75 per week
Full payment is due by 6pm on Friday before the week begins. Call the YMCA office if you have any questions. YMCA membership must be current to qualify for the member rate. The YMCA is willing to work with anyone who has financial need. Please submit a scholarship application along with required paperwork in order to be considered for assistance.
If your payment is more than two weeks late, your child will not be picked up after school until payment is made.
All children must be picked up by 6:00 p.m. and signed out. There will be a $10.00 late fee for any child left after 6:00pm.
Be sure your child is familiar with personal items and can identify them in the event of loss. LABEL EVERYTHING including swim suits, towels, etc. All clothing should be appropriate for outdoor play.
Please label your child’s book bag with his or her name.
The YMCA provides one healthy snack after school which follows the HEPA (Healthy Eating & Physical Activity) standards provided by the National YMCA. Snacks for participants will be healthy offerings of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain snacks. The Y will also always make water available to the participants. All fruit and vegetable servings will be at least a ½ cup serving. Please do not send money for snacks or drinks from the machines, as we are focusing on healthy eating and will be providing healthy snacks. The children will not be allowed to buy snacks or drinks from the vending machines. We will eat snack in a family style setting to encourage communication between staff and participants to give them a sense of belonging.
In following our HEPA standards participants will be required to participate in physical activity during our program. We will provide at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity throughout the day. This means we will get their heart rates up and they will be sweating. We will be outside for physical activity the majority of the time, weather permitting.
Your child is given a specific amount of time for homework assignments. We cannot guarantee that all homework will be finished during afterschool. Our schedule consists of other activities that foster healthy lifestyles. If your child has a need for extra help with homework in a specific area please inform our staff so that we can provide assistance.
The lost and found should be checked weekly. On Tuesday of each week, the items that have not been picked up out of the lost and found will be donated to a local charity.
Please do not send your child if he/she is ill. We are concerned for the health and welfare of each child, therefore we require sick children to be picked up as soon as possible in the event they become ill. Any major or life threatening injury or accident that may occur during scheduled hours will be handled in the following manner:
1. 911 will be called immediately.
2. Parent/Guardian will be called.
3. Based upon the professional decision of the EMT unit, the child may be transported to the closest medical facility for immediate care, or the EMT may advise the parent/guardian or staff as to how to treat or care for the child.
No child, for any reason, will be transported in a staff member’s car without a written statement from the parents and approval by the Child Care Coordinator.
It is our goal to provide a healthy, safe and secure environment for all participants. The YMCA teaches the core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. Children who attend the program are expected to follow the behavior guidelines and to interact appropriately in a group setting.
Behavior Guidelines
· People are responsible for their actions
· We respect each other and the environment.
· Honesty will be the basis for all relationships and interactions.
· We will care for ourselves and those around us.
When a child does not follow the behavior guidelines, we will take the following steps:
1. Staff will redirect the child to a more appropriate behavior.
2. The child will be reminded of the behavior guidelines and rules, and a discussion will take place. The child will be asked to refrain from participating in any activities for no longer than ten minutes.
3. If the behavior persists, a parent will be notified of the problem.
4. If a child’s behavior at any time threatens the immediate safety of that child, other children, or staff, the parent may be notified and expected to pick the child up immediately.
5. If the problem persists and the child continues to disrupt the program, the YMCA reserves the right to suspend the child from the program. Expulsion from the program will be considered in extreme situations.
The following behaviors are not acceptable and may result in the immediate suspension of a child for the remainder of the current day and the next day.
· Endangering the health and safety of children and/or staff.
· Stealing or damaging the YMCA or other’s personal property.
· Leaving the after school program without permission.
· Continually disrupting the program.
· Refusing to follow the behavior guidelines or rules.
· Using profanity, vulgarity, or obscenity frequently.
· Acting in a lewd manner.
· Fighting of any kind.
If any of these behaviors persist, staff may suspend the child a second time before expulsion.
If your child will not be riding the bus on any given day, please notify the YMCA by 12noon so the bus driver will not be waiting on your child.
Your input is extremely important to us at the YMCA. We expect all parents/guardians to talk with the staff members about any problem the child is having that we can understand what the child is dealing with. In order for us to do our best for your child communication with you is vital.
If at anytime you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact:
Ericka Jones: Child Care Coordinator
We will have a counselor on the bus with the children along with the bus driver to be sure that the rules are followed. Whenever your child is riding in a YMCA vehicle, the following guidelines should be followed at all times:
· No standing in the seats for any reason.
· There is no food or drink (especially candy) on the YMCA vehicles.
· There should be no screaming or yelling at any time.
· No body parts should be outside of the vehicle.
Newberry County Family YMCA
Participating Child’s Information
First Name______Last Name______Male Female
Date of Birth ______Age____ Codeword(for child pick up)______
Home address______City______Zip ______
Participating Child #2
First Name______Last Name ______Male Female
Date of Birth ______Age_____ Codeword(for child pick up) ______
Home address (if different from above)______City ______Zip______
Emergency Contact Information
Parent/Guardian #1______Relationship______
Work Number______Mobile Number______
Place of Employment ______Email______
Parent/Guardian #2______Relationship______
Work Number ______Mobile Number______
Place of Employment______Email______
Immunization Record (These are required for all children to participate)
Circle one: YMCA has record Record attached I will provide in 2-4 business days
Physician Information
Name______Physician’s Practice______
Insurance Information
Medical Insurance Carrier ______Policy #______
Health Information
Please list below if your child has any life threatening allergies, conditions or special medical information of which we should be aware.
1. Does your child regularly take any medication during the school year? YES NO
2. If yes, will we need to administer this medication while they are at the YMCA? YES NO
3. In the event that your child is stung by a bee or other insect, may we administer the recommended dosage of “over the counter” Children’s Benedryl? YES NO
I, , hereby give permission to the staff of the Newberry County Family YMCA to seek medical treatment (private physician or hospital) or surgical care for my child should an emergency arise. It is understood that a conscientious effort will be made to locate me or other guardian before any action will be taken, but if it is not possible to locate us, this expense will be accepted by us.
Signature Date
Pick-Up Form
Please list the individuals that have your permission to pick up your child. Please be sure their name is on the list. If anyone other than the listed people will be picking up your child, it is your responsibility to contact the YMCA in person to add to the list and they must bring a photo ID.
1. ______Relation: ______Phone______
2.______Relation: ______Phone______
3. ______Relation: ______Phone______
4. ______Relation: ______Phone______
5.______Relation: ______Phone______
6.______Relation: ______Phone______
I,______, authorize the above listed people to pick up
my child, ______from the YMCA Day Camp.
Child’s name
Acknowledgements and Waivers
____ I understand the registration fee is non-refundable.
____ I understand payments are due by 6pm the Friday before each week begins and will be assessed a $10.00 late fee if not paid in full.
____ I understand that it is my responsibility to sign my child out before leaving in the afternoon. If any other person is to pick up my child, I must call the YMCA and inform them of who will be picking up my child and understand they must have a photo ID in order to sign out my child.
____ I understand the YMCA agrees to notify the parent/guardian whenever the child becomes ill. If I am unable to be reached, I authorize the YMCA and its staff to obtain immediate medical care if any emergency occurs when I cannot be contacted immediately. I understand and accept that in an emergency, my child may be transported in a private vehicle with at least 2 counselors.
____ I agree to have my child examined prior to the first day of the program by the family physician stating he/she if free from communicable diseases and has not been exposed to such. In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give my permission to the medical personnel selected by Newberry County Family YMCA to order X-rays, routine tests, treatment, to release any records necessary for insurance purposes, and to provide or arrange necessary related transportation for me or my child.
____ While the Newberry County Family YMCA will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations for children with mental and physical limitations, the YMCA will not accept children who are (1) a danger to themselves, (2) a danger to others, or (3) a disruption to the normal activities making it unreasonably difficult for other children to enjoy their activities/programs. Any of the above will be grounds for dismissal. Special conditions or circumstances involving their children must be discussed with the director prior to registration so that administration can make a determination if reasonable accommodations can be made.
____ I hereby give permission to Newberry County Family YMCA without limitation or obligation, to use photographs, film footage, or tape recordings which may include my child’s image or voice for purposes of promotion of YMCA programs and release the YMCA from any claim of Liability to that use.
____ I give Newberry County Family YMCA permission to apply insect repellant and /or sunscreen to my child.
____ I understand that my child will be swimming in the pool on Fridays and will be monitored by a lifeguard and at least one counselor. A child will only be allowed in the deep end of the pool if they have passed a swim test.
The information recorded on the registration form is correct to my knowledge and the child herein described has permission to engage in all prescribed activities, except as noted by a physician or myself. In its practice, the YMCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, disability, national or ethnic origin.
Note: Participant is enrolling in this YMCA program with subsidy funds paid for by______.
Documentation is attached and verified with the YMCA.