CSC 4111 Software Engineering Change Request 1
Assigned: February 9, 2011 3 Deliverable Due Dates: February 16, 2011, 6:00PM,
February 23, 2011, 6:00P, March 2, 2011, 6:00PM
List of deliverables: Beware, if your project does not compile it will receive zero (0) points
No. / What / Where & When / Description / Points1 / SVN Commit / SVN server March 2, 2011 / Before March 2, 2011, you are required to correctly commit your source code to the assigned SVN repository. Committing to a wrong SVN repository or ruining the repository due to incorrect operations will result in a failing grade (0 points) for the assignment. Make sure you resolve any conflicts prior to committing. / 100
2 / Electronic copy of Concept Location & Impact Analysis report / 4111 blackboard,
February 16, 2011 / You are required to submit an electronic copy of the report describing how you used the incremental change process to implement the change request, in the format defined by report_clia.doc. / 25
File Name: LastName_FirstInitial_Change#.doc
3 / Source code files / 4111 blackboard ,
March 2, 2011 / Submit an archive (.rar, .zip, .7z or .tar.gz) containing the entire folder of your local copy of WinMerge, where you implemented your changes.
File Name:
4 / First working copy / In lab,
on or before February 23, 2011 / Show a first working copy in lab on February 23, 2011. Bugs will not be penalized, but the assigned change should work reasonably well for a general case. / 25
5 / Final Report / 4111 blackboard ,
March 2, 2011 / You are required to submit an electronic copy of the report describing how you used the incremental change process to implement the change request, in the format defined by report_format.doc. The report should also contain the fragments of the source code files that were modified/added, with the code highlighted as specified in the report-format.doc file. / 50
File Name: LastName_FirstInitial_Change#.doc
6 / Team Demo / In Lab March 2, 2011 / Two group members will do a demonstration of the team project. / 50*
* Each student must give one demonstration during the semester.
Late policy:
Late submissions are graded on 50% basis. If the submission is late more than one week, it will be graded with 0. No exceptions will be made.
Programming environment:
MS Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition will be used as programming environment. Compilation on a different version will receive a failing grade (0 points) for the assignment.
Each member of the group is responsible for their assigned change. You may ask questions of your fellow group members, but you must do the change on your own. You may not collaborate with members of other groups.
Your assigned change is on blackboard under Assignments.