Youth Employment and Training Initiatives meeting (YETI)
Hemel & St Albans
Present / Anna Morrison / B&HPNAnna Sherriff / KEITS
Bev Ankin / Youth Connexions
Bianca Astore / Haydon Training
Kate Morrison / LHAA
Nicole Sadd / Oaklands College
Apologies / Fay Bowman / Youth Connexions Hertfordshire
Bev Cannon / West Herts College
Bev Woodhouse / First Rung
Sara McLeese / HIT Training
Item / Minutes and Actions / Who/when
1 / Actions from the last meeting
Carry over: Fay and Sharon re: organising parents evening at Hemel one stop shops
Action: Fay/Sharon to update on this at March 2016 meeting
JCP did not attend the YETI meeting
Action: Anna to speak to Jane and Lena to see who should be attending
Universal credit
Action: Anna to include details of UC webinar for providers on 30th November at 3pm
To register, please click here
Anna S gave an example of the impact of Child Benefit for the family.
Anna M explained that this also got raised at the Welwyn/Hatfield YETI meeting on Monday. There is going to be a mapping exercise across the B&HPN monitoring from August – December, how many learners have been lost because of this.
Action: Anna to set up a poll via B&HPN
Haydon Training re: CSCS short course
Bianca updated that yes they will be offering it but they will need a minimum of 10. / Fay/Sharon
Anna M
Anna M
Anna M
2 / Youth Connexions NEET data
Bev updated that numbers are very low. The focus has been on ‘lost contacts’. There is an issue in St Albans with lack of provision.
A lot of the work with Youth Connexions also focuses on apprenticeships, job search skills etc.
Anna M updated on behalf of JCP. At the moment 18-24 NEETs are extremely low. The labour market is buoyant with lots of large recruitment drives in retail and warehousing.
There is a big mix of need from the 18-24 group.
- University leavers, school leavers, short-term unemployed
- Harder to help, lack of education, homeless/hostel, personal barriers
This group are less-likely to go for apprenticeships due to confidence issues, low salary or not being ready for employment.
For JCP, even the seasonal jobs are mainly coming through as permanent opportunities so we’re not expecting a jump in figures post-Christmas.
3 / The future of YETI 2016-2017
Ideas to change/keep:
- Merge some of the areas so there are less meetings:
NHerts, Stevenage, Welwyn & Hatfield
Borehamwood, St Albans, Hemel, Watford & 3 Rivers
Broxbourne & East Herts
- Set dates, venues and chairs a year in advance
- Keep rotating chair and venues
- Sort out attendance – not all providers will attend all meetings
- We need rules – it’s not fair on hosts who have paid for refreshments
For example, should we charge those that book but do not attend?
4 / Gaps in provision
St Albans are feeling a lack in provision, apart from Oaklands College as First Rung have moved out. Princes Trust move in every now and again. For example, they are currently working on ‘Get into airport security’ in Luton. Shaw Trust is available for young people with Learning Difficulties but they will also support individuals with mental health issues.
The greatest demand is in Care (nursery/early years), Retail
Oaklands have a January starts programme – likely to be Traineeships (not yet publicised)
Those that are not ready for apprenticeship/traineeship
- Needs to be first steps, not an educational environment
- A-Level leavers who are looking for apprenticeships in media but not necessarily in St Albans
Action: Nicole and Bev to speak re: travel / demand etc.
Functional Skills / English & Maths
- GCSE retakes is huge for Oaklands, last year there were 30, this year there are 300
Construction / Practical
- CSCS card is available through Oaklands and Haydon
- Oaklands are now offering bitesize courses in motor vehicle, construction – it is not focussed on a qualification, just a 6 week taster course
Action: Nicole to look at what Oaklands can offer
- Travel is a problem
- Increased travel training would be an advantage so that they know how to read a timetable, get a bus, get on a train – all linked to confidence and independent travel / Nicole/Bev
5 / National Apprenticeship Week 2015
Anna explained that there is a new online submission page on the B&HPN website
Action: All to update the website with planned events
Oaklands College
Tuesday morning – employers breakfast at St Albans
Thursday morning – employers breakfast focussing on STEM and promoting the new facilities
Wednesday evening – a parents event also promoting higher and degree apprenticeships
Action: Nicole to update the website with details of activities
KEITS Training Services
Might be looking at more advertising / text message etc.
Youth Connexions
Nothing is currently being planned for National Apprenticeship Week.
Hayden Training
Not 100% sure of the offer yet.
Action: Bianca to check and update the B&HPN website if they are offering something
General events
Anna M updated the group about the national events happening through local Chambers. Herts Chamber of Commerce are running 4 events and other areas can be found through this website / All
Next meeting:
Venue / Oaklands College, Mansion House (St Albans campus) / Chair / Chair JCP to confirm
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