PTFA Meeting 13/10/2016

Present: Laura Pott, Julie Raut, Hannah Solomon, Mary Jackson, Amanda Vobes, Rachel Shaw, Lorraine Jervis, Julie Turner, Kate Nash, Mark Gilleard, Andy Saunders, Lian Craven, Mark Haslam, James Lambu

Apologies: Vicky Sheil

(1). Finances

1.1 Current Bank Balance - £5611.87 as of 19/08/2016

All paperwork has been completed for the bank with regards to the new treasurer and signatures; they are now processing everything so that we can have full access.

1.2 The Welcome Back Fayre raised £856. The money will be divided between the classes (approximately £60 per class) and will be used for a literacy activity involving the year group’s trees.

(2). Funding Requests

At the last meeting we agreed to fund the following:

Purple Mash Software / £1800 / All year groups / Software has been ordered and is being used.
Sandpit / £40 / Year 1 / Ordered
Junior Newspapers / £314 / Years 4-6 / Ongoing subscription.
Remembrance activity / £200 / Year 6
Outdoor table tennis table / £1500 / All years

After feedback from some parents regarding the cost of the table tennis table, the decision whether to go ahead with the purchase or not was put to a vote and it was decided to go ahead with the purchase.

(3). Upcoming Events

3.1 Hot drinks on 14th October, ApplekinFayre.

Hot drinks on 5th November, open morning for new parents.

Hot drinks, possibly pastries & mince pies at the Christmas productions.

3.2 Christmas Fayre.

We were unable to find a suitable date for an event between now and the Christmas Fayre so it was decided to focus on the latter.

After a number of conversations with the school, the date of the Christmas Fayre has been confirmed as Friday 2ndDecember. Due to clashes with other events, the time of the fayre will be 3:30 to 5pm. Julie is going to update the noticeboards to advertise the fayre.

  • Letters for raffle prizes for the fayre – Mary to distribute.
  • We will have access to the hall and the junior areas of the school, we will have a ‘one way in, one way out’ system so that one exit is not used for both.
  • Santa grotto – Kate suggested that it may be possible to use the online booking system for Santa visits so that queuing time is reduced. It may also be possible to have a Mr & Mrs Claus in separate rooms so that more children can be seen.
  • A craft room was suggested – Hannah to ask which teachers may be available to help with the fayre and whether we could use one of their classrooms to enable us to have a variety of crafts.
  • Stalls to include: Tattoos & facepainting, biscuit decorating, samosas & balloons (buy more than we had at the Welcome Back Fayre as these were really popular).
  • Tombola – to try improve the running of the stall we may need to split the prizes up across 2/3 stalls and potentially keep some prizes back and restock.
  • Due to the stalls being spread out/split we will need more volunteers, we will send out requests for help after the next PTFA meeting.

(4). New Ideas

Suggested events for next year:

Jan/Feb – Film Night, possibly separate viewings for each key stage so that an age appropriate film can be chosen. Children to bring in a small cushion to sit on so that we don’t have to worry about space/chairs. Children also possibly dressing in PJ’s/onesies?

March – A book exchange to tie in with World Book Day with the possibility of a book exchange stall at all future events.

April – Easter Egg Hunt with children collecting numbered tickets from hidden plastic eggs which can then be exchanged for a prize.

May – Sponsored sporting event; skipping/bouncing/bike ride with the whole school participating class by class to keep the event going throughout the day. This event wouldbeheld after the Year 6 SAT’s with the possibility that they could help with the running of the event and use the proceeds for the leavers gifts & hoodies.

Summer Fayre/Silverhillbury Festival – Summerfayre with stalls as usual but with music/bands, kids entertainment, food and drink to give it a summer festival feel.

Halloween/Bonfire Night – Fancy dress, toffee apples, apple bobbing etc.

(5). AOB

5.1 Lorraine is going to look into how much money the PTFA raises from the letters from Santa with a view to doing this again this year. The usual cost of the letter is £2, we could look at charging £2.50 and posting the letters to the home address to make the letter more exciting. Alternatively, we could keep the price the same and have a postbox in school where the children put the letters and then they can be picked up and returned from the North Pole ‘care of Silverhill’.

(6). Date for Next Meeting

Future meeting dates for the PTFA; held at the Honeycomb pub at 7pm.

Thursday 10/11/16

Thank you for attending the meeting and for all your support.