1 / FROM:
1.1 - Change guide to practice
1.1 The purpose is to establish a guide for reproducible electrostatic measurements on any surface or object, consistent with the scope and limitations set forth below.
3.3 - Change guide to document - 2 places
3.3 This guide does not describe instrumentation and techniques capable of making highly precise measurement of electrostatic charge. No methods of preconditioning the surface prior to measurements and no methods of characterizing the basic electrostatic performance of materials, such as tribocharging, resistance/resistivity, and decay rate are a part of this document. Measurements made using this guide on the same surface or object may differ due to differences in the environment or history of the surface or object between the times any two measurements are made. - Change guide to document The fieldmeter/electrostatic locator/field sensor will henceforth be referred to as “the fieldmeter.” For measurements in the presence of air ionization a chopper stabilized fieldmeter is required. The fieldmeter must be capable of making field measurements at a distance of 2.54 centimeters (cm) = 1 inch or less, from the field source to the sensor for this guide, as written. However, see Section 9.2.4 for fieldmeters that are operated at fixed distance(s), and adjust values in this document where applicable. The handheld fieldmeter is feasible as an electrostatic locator only, precise measurements need a fixed distance between the fieldmeter sensor and the object under investigation.
9.3.3 - Change guide to document
9.3.3 Measurements made to this guide should be taken/reported in units that conform to the customer specifications. Most common fieldmeters manufactured to date have operating instructions that reflect the user doing calibration and taking measurements in English units of Volts/inch or Volts at a fixed distance in inch(es) and in these cases, raw data are reported/listed directly. The international community specifies that units shall be in SI (Standard International).
9.3.4 - Change guide to document Measurements made to this guide are only valid for surfaces that are flat to a radius of 1.5 times the measurement distance from a point directly below the sensor head. For surfaces that are not flat, measurements should be made by moving the sensor over the surface such that the specified measurement distance is maintained as closely as possible. These measurements may only be stated as a range, with rounding as applicable to the meter's measurement range according to Section See Figure 4, Example of a Survey of a Carrier of Semiconductor Wafers. See Related Information 2 for notes on test methods environment and measurements.
Note 4 - delete Guide - 2 places
NOTE4: It is anticipated that SEMI will publish an ESD Primer Guide to complement this document. Refer to the ESD Primer Guide for additional information on measurements of charge on insulators.
10.1 - Change guide to document
10.1 It is reasonable to expect that the person chosen to survey production areas for static charge levels has been certified to perform that task. The certified person shall be someone qualified by education and/or training to calibrate and make measurements with the equipment called out in this guide. The ESD Association conducts such education programs and certifies individuals as ESD Program Managers. 1 The International Association of Radio and Television Engineers (iNARTE) administers an ESD Engineer and ESD technician certification program. 2
R1-1.1 - Change guide to document
R1-1.1 A charged plate monitor is an instrument typically used to monitor the performance of air ionization equipment. Monitoring is done with an electrically isolated 15 cm 15 cm (6 inches 6 inches) metal plate, henceforth referred to as “the plate.” The instrument typically provides a means to charge the plate to a known voltage (1000 or 5000 Volts of either polarity), a plate sensor to determine the voltage on the plate, and timing circuitry to determine the time required to discharge the plate to a percentage of its initial charge. For the purposes of this guide, the charged plate monitor, or a separate isolated plate assembly, can be used for performance verification purposes as explained in Section 9.
1.1 - Change guide to practice
1.1 The purpose is to establish a practice for reproducible electrostatic measurements on any surface or object, consistent with the scope and limitations set forth below.
3.3 - Change guide to document - 2 places
3.3 This document does not describe instrumentation and techniques capable of making highly precise measurement of electrostatic charge. No methods of preconditioning the surface prior to measurements and no methods of characterizing the basic electrostatic performance of materials, such as tribocharging, resistance/resistivity, and decay rate are a part of this document. Measurements made using this document on the same surface or object may differ due to differences in the environment or history of the surface or object between the times any two measurements are made. - Change guide to document The fieldmeter/electrostatic locator/field sensor will henceforth be referred to as “the fieldmeter.” For measurements in the presence of air ionization a chopper stabilized fieldmeter is required. The fieldmeter must be capable of making field measurements at a distance of 2.54 centimeters (cm) = 1 inch or less, from the field source to the sensor for this document, as written. However, see Section 9.2.4 for fieldmeters that are operated at fixed distance(s), and adjust values in this document where applicable. The handheld fieldmeter is feasible as an electrostatic locator only, precise measurements need a fixed distance between the fieldmeter sensor and the object under investigation.
9.3.3 - Change guide to document
9.3.3 Measurements made to this document should be taken/reported in units that conform to the customer specifications. Most common fieldmeters manufactured to date have operating instructions that reflect the user doing calibration and taking measurements in English units of Volts/inch or Volts at a fixed distance in inch(es) and in these cases, raw data are reported/listed directly. The international community specifies that units shall be in SI (Standard International).
9.3.4 - Change guide to document Measurements made to this document are only valid for surfaces that are flat to a radius of 1.5 times the measurement distance from a point directly below the sensor head. For surfaces that are not flat, measurements should be made by moving the sensor over the surface such that the specified measurement distance is maintained as closely as possible. These measurements may only be stated as a range, with rounding as applicable to the meter's measurement range according to Section See Figure 4, Example of a Survey of a Carrier of Semiconductor Wafers. See Related Information 2 for notes on test methods environment and measurements.
Note 4 - delete Guide - 2 places
NOTE4: It is anticipated that SEMI will publish an ESD Primer document to complement this document. Refer to the ESD Primer document for additional information on measurements of charge on insulators.
10.1 - Change guide to document
10.1 It is reasonable to expect that the person chosen to survey production areas for static charge levels has been certified to perform that task. The certified person shall be someone qualified by education and/or training to calibrate and make measurements with the equipment called out in this document. The ESD Association conducts such education programs and certifies individuals as ESD Program Managers. 1 The International Association of Radio and Television Engineers (iNARTE) administers an ESD Engineer and ESD technician certification program. 2
R1-1.1 - Change guide to document
R1-1.2 A charged plate monitor is an instrument typically used to monitor the performance of air ionization equipment. Monitoring is done with an electrically isolated 15 cm 15 cm (6 inches 6 inches) metal plate, henceforth referred to as “the plate.” The instrument typically provides a means to charge the plate to a known voltage (1000 or 5000 Volts of either polarity), a plate sensor to determine the voltage on the plate, and timing circuitry to determine the time required to discharge the plate to a percentage of its initial charge. For the purposes of this document, the charged plate monitor, or a separate isolated plate assembly, can be used for performance verification purposes as explained in Section 9.
Justification: This document will be balloted in the future as a test method. In order to prepare this document for the change in type of standard and to stay consistent with the type chosen for this balloting cycle, the general term “document” has been chosen by the ESD Task Force and the NA Metrics Committee.
2 / FROM:
2.1, 3.3: Change “instrumentation” to “equipment” to be consistent with terminology used throughout the document.
2.1 The measurement methods described herein can be applied to characterize the general electrostatic charge, voltage, field level(s) and electrostatic discharge on objects and surfaces in semiconductor manufacturing environments. Acceptable instrumentation, calibration, and measurement techniques are described in this document. Appendices include background information on the equipment specified and calibration procedures, as well as information and advice on performing a useful general static survey.
3.3 This guide does not describe instrumentation and techniques capable of making highly precise measurement of electrostatic charge. No methods of preconditioning the surface prior to measurements and no methods of characterizing the basic electrostatic performance of materials, such as tribocharging, resistance/resistivity, and decay rate are a part of this document. Measurements made using this guide on the same surface or object may differ due to differences in the environment or history of the surface or object between the times any two measurements are made.
2.1, 3.3: Change “instrumentation” to “equipment” to be consistent with terminology used throughout the document.
2.1 The measurement methods described herein can be applied to characterize the general electrostatic charge, voltage, field level(s) and electrostatic discharge on objects and surfaces in semiconductor manufacturing environments. Acceptable equipment, calibration, and measurement techniques are described in this document. Appendices include background information on the equipment specified and calibration procedures, as well as information and advice on performing a useful general static survey.
3.3 This guide does not describe equipment and techniques capable of making highly precise measurement of electrostatic charge. No methods of preconditioning the surface prior to measurements and no methods of characterizing the basic electrostatic performance of materials, such as tribocharging, resistance/resistivity, and decay rate are a part of this document. Measurements made using this guide on the same surface or object may differ due to differences in the environment or history of the surface or object between the times any two measurements are made.
Justification: Add clarification and consistency of terminology used.
3 / FROM:
5.1-5.3: Italicize the terms being defined per SEMI Standard Style Manual (SM) 5-39.6.
5.1 electrostatic discharge (ESD) — the rapid spontaneous transfer of electrostatic charge induced by a high electrostatic field.Also referred to as an “ESD event”.
5.2 grounded — connected to earth or some other conducting body that serves in the place of earth.
5.3 ground — a conducting connection between an object, electrical equipment, and earth, such as the portion of an electrical circuit of the same electrical potential as earth.
5.1-5.3: Italicize the terms being defined per SEMI Standard Style Manual (SM) 5-39.6.
5.1 electrostatic discharge (ESD) — the rapid spontaneous transfer of electrostatic charge induced by a high electrostatic field.Also referred to as an “ESD event”.
5.2 grounded — connected to earth or some other conducting body that serves in the place of earth.
5.3 ground— a conducting connection between an object, electrical equipment, and earth, such as the portion of an electrical circuit of the same electrical potential as earth.
Justification: Comply with the Editorial Guidelines
4 / FROM:
5.4.1-5.4.14: Italicize the acronyms being defined and replace the en dashes with em dashes per SM 5-39.6. Insert new acronyms for direct current (DC), COG, LSR, SI, EMC, iNARTE, EIA, IC, etc. used later in the document.
5.4.1 ANSI – American National Standards Institute
5.4.2 CDM – Charged Device Model
5.4.3 EIA – Electronic Industries Association
5.4.4 EMI – Electromagnetic Interference
5.4.5 ESD – Electrostatic Discharge
5.4.6 HBM – Human Body Model
5.4.7 EC – International Electrotechnical Commission
5.4.8 ITRS – International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors
5.4.9 JEDEC – Joint Electron Devices Engineering Council
5.4.10 MIL-STD – U. S. Military Standard
5.4.11 MM – Machine Model
5.4.12 RMS – root mean square
5.4.13 SED – static event detector
5.4.14 MOSFET – metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
5.4.1-5.4.14: Italicize the acronyms being defined and replace the en dashes with em dashes per SM 5-39.6. Insert new acronyms for direct current (DC), C0G, LSR, SI, EMC, iNARTE, EIA, IC, etc. used later in the document.
5.4.1 ANSI— American National Standards Institute
5.4.2 CDM— Charged Device Model
5.4.3 DC— Direct Current
5.4.4 EIA— Electronic Industries Association
5.4.5 EMC— Electromagnetic Compatibility
5.4.6 EMI— Electromagnetic Interference
5.4.7 ESD— Electrostatic Discharge
5.4.8 HBM— Human Body Model
5.4.9 EC— International Electrotechnical Commission
5.4.10 IC— Integrated Circuit
5.4.11 iNARTE— International Association of Radio, Telecommunications, and Electromagnetics
5.4.12 ITRS— International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors
5.4.13 JEDEC— Joint Electron Devices Engineering Council
5.4.14 LSR— Low Series Resistance
5.4.15 MIL-STD—U. S. Military Standard
5.4.16 MM— Machine Model
5.4.17 RMS— root mean square
5.4.18 SED— static event detector
5.4.19 SI— International System of Units
5.4.20 MOSFET — metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor
Justification: Comply with the Editorial Guidelines
5 / FROM:
6: Capitalize the “p” in “precautions”.
6 Safety precautions
6: Capitalize the “p” in “precautions”.
6 Safety Precautions
Justification: Should be title case.
6 / FROM:
7.1.1: Change “instrument” to “equipment”. Lowercase the “O” in “Ohm” to be consistent with how it is defined elsewhere in the document (e.g., R3-1.2).
7.1.1 An electrometer is defined as an electrical instrument for measuring electric charge, electric current and/or electrical potential difference (voltage). Measurements of electric current with an electrometer are not discussed in this document. An electrometer that measures electric charge only is called a coulombmeter. One of the typical features of an electrometer used in the charge or the voltage measurement mode is very high input impedance. That high impedance is needed to prevent or to minimize the transfer of electric charges between the measured object and electrometer. Ideally, the input impedance would be infinite. In practice, it is limited by intrinsic physical materials properties of insulators and by stray leakage paths between the input terminals. Low voltage electrometers (below 200 Volt) have typical input resistances of 1014Ohms or higher and accuracies better than 0.1%. In the voltmeter mode, an electrometer can resolve microvolt potentials. High voltage electrometers (kilovolts range) usually rely on resistive voltage dividers and have typical input impedances in the 1011Ohms range with accuracies in the 1% range. It is important to evaluate and understand the burden that the input impedance of an electrometer represents when measuring charge or voltage on charged objects.
7.1.1: Change “instrument” to “equipment”. Lowercase the “O” in “Ohm” to be consistent with how it is defined elsewhere in the document (e.g., R3-1.2).
7.1.1 An electrometer is defined as an electrical equipment for measuring electric charge, electric current and/or electrical potential difference (voltage). Measurements of electric current with an electrometer are not discussed in this document. An electrometer that measures electric charge only is called a coulombmeter. One of the typical features of an electrometer used in the charge or the voltage measurement mode is very high input impedance. That high impedance is needed to prevent or to minimize the transfer of electric charges between the measured object and electrometer. Ideally, the input impedance would be infinite. In practice, it is limited by intrinsic physical materials properties of insulators and by stray leakage paths between the input terminals. Low voltage electrometers (below 200 Volt) have typical input resistances of 1014ohms or higher and accuracies better than 0.1%. In the voltmeter mode, an electrometer can resolve microvolt potentials. High voltage electrometers (kilovolts range) usually rely on resistive voltage dividers and have typical input impedances in the 1011ohms range with accuracies in the 1% range. It is important to evaluate and understand the burden that the input impedance of an electrometer represents when measuring charge or voltage on charged objects.
Justification: Clarification and consistency throughout the document.
7 / FROM:
7.2: Delete the extra “/”.
7.2 Fieldmeter/ /Field Sensor
7.2: Delete the extra “/”.
7.2 Fieldmeter/ Field Sensor
Justification: Typo
8 / FROM: Insert a comma after “ionization”. The fieldmeter/electrostatic locator/field sensor will henceforth be referred to as “the fieldmeter.” For measurements in the presence of air ionization a chopper stabilized fieldmeter is required. The fieldmeter must be capable of making field measurements at a distance of 2.54 centimeters (cm) = 1 inch or less, from the field source to the sensor for this guide, as written. However, see Section 9.2.4 for fieldmeters that are operated at fixed distance(s), and adjust values in this document where applicable. The handheld fieldmeter is feasible as an electrostatic locator only, precise measurements need a fixed distance between the fieldmeter sensor and the object under investigation.
TO: Insert a comma after “ionization”. The fieldmeter/electrostatic locator/field sensor will henceforth be referred to as “the fieldmeter.” For measurements in the presence of air ionization, a chopper stabilized fieldmeter is required. The fieldmeter must be capable of making field measurements at a distance of 2.54 centimeters (cm) = 1 inch or less, from the field source to the sensor for this guide, as written. However, see Section 9.2.4 for fieldmeters that are operated at fixed distance(s), and adjust values in this document where applicable. The handheld fieldmeter is feasible as an electrostatic locator only, precise measurements need a fixed distance between the fieldmeter sensor and the object under investigation.
Justification: Grammatical
9 / FROM:,,, NOTE 2, etc.: Replace “Section” with the appropriate ¶ or § symbols throughout the document per SM Table A4-1. The fieldmeter/electrostatic locator/field sensor will henceforth be referred to as “the fieldmeter.” For measurements in the presence of air ionization a chopper stabilized fieldmeter is required. The fieldmeter must be capable of making field measurements at a distance of 2.54 centimeters (cm) = 1 inch or less, from the field source to the sensor for this guide, as written. However, see Section 9.2.4 for fieldmeters that are operated at fixed distance(s), and adjust values in this document where applicable. The handheld fieldmeter is feasible as an electrostatic locator only, precise measurements need a fixed distance between the fieldmeter sensor and the object under investigation.
Component Level HBM ESD Simulator