Williams/Grieb Newsletter

Week of Nov 10-14, 2014


Ms. Grieb’s



**AR # 2-Fiction: Reading every night is a MUST! See assignment book for AR

Countdown!!! 

Language Arts:Daily Grammar Practice (DGP) assigned on Monday’s and DUE Thursday’s

Social Studies:

**DOG (Daily Oral Geography** Projects Due, Nov. 14. Study….EVERY NIGHT!! **

Mrs. Williams


Math Update:

**Fractions: How to change an improper fraction to a mixed number or a mixed number to improper fraction.

**Add/subtract & simplifying fractions with unlike denominators.

**Homework:Homework is assigned each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday nights and (Weekends: due following

Monday’s).Students who have twoor more MISSING HW assignments will receive 1-day of After-School-

Detention to complete Missing work.

BeeSmart tutoring time: 2:55-3:30 to complete homework and get help from their teacher.

**Please note:

****Also, PLEASE reviewmultiplication facts daily with your child. This is soo important for their success in


Science Update:

**It’s electric…Ask your child what SNAPS, CRACKLE & POP.

**Next week: Electric Circuits. Students will be making Series & Parallel Circuits and electromagnet

Vocabulary:Current electricity, Open circuit, closed circuit, electric charge, electromagnet, parallel/series circuit, electric field

**Please noteDOS Quiz, Fri, 11/14; UNIT TEST, Wednesday, 11/18!

Day / Math / Science / Social Studies / L.A. / Reading
11/10 / *Mixed Numbers/Improper Fractions
HW: Fractions W/S / *DOS (Daily Oral Science)
*Circuits / **DOG (Daily Oral Geography)
**Projects Due: 11/14/14
**Study notes on Reconstruction / *Work on DGP
*Look over Ellis Island Writing / **2nights until AR#2 TEST on
11/11 / *Mixed Numbers/Improper Fractions
HW: Fractions W/S / *DOS (Daily Oral Science)
*Conductors/Insulators Lab
*Circuits Lab / **DOG (Daily Oral Geography)
**Projects Due: 11/14/14
**Study notes on Reconstruction / *Work on DGP
*Look over Ellis Island Writing / 1nights until AR#2 TEST
11/12 / * Add/Sub Unlike Denominators / *DOS (Daily Oral Science)
*Electromagnets Lab / **DOG (Daily Oral Geography)
**Projects Due: 11/14/14
**Study notes on Reconstruction / *Work on DGP
*Look over Ellis Island Writing / ** AR DUE TODAY/Book Report
Library Visit
**14nights until AR#2 TEST
11/13 / * Add/Sub Unlike Denominators / *DOS (Daily Oral Science)
*Electromagnets Lab / **DOG (Daily Oral Geography)
**Projects Due: 11/14/14
**Study notes on Reconstruction / *DGP DUE
*Look over Ellis Island Writing / ** “Steal Away Home”
**13nights until AR#2 TEST
11/14 / *Quiz: Fractions
HW: HW: Fractions W/S / *Electricity Vocabulary Quiz
*DOS Quiz / **DOG DUE
**Projects Due: TODAY
**Study notes on Reconstruction / *Look over Ellis Island Writing / **12nights until AR#2 TEST