F. L. (Jerry) Benson Jr.
January 27, 2009
Senator Ryan T. McDougle
District 4
Rm 715 Capitol Square
Richmond, VA23219
“… a tremendous setback for marine resources in VA. It will reverse 10 years of hard work …”
Dear Ryan,
My shock could not have been greater in learning that you had voted in favor of essentially turning over control of Virginia’s marine resources to commercial fishing interests.That is the effect of SB 1087 which proposes adding TWO additional commercial representatives to the VMRC to the ONE commercial representative that already exists. Currently, recreational and commercial interests (and the public’s) are properly balanced by having ONE representative each.
What possible logic is therefortripling the voting power of the commercial sector,and handing over the stewardshipof our precious marine resources to commercial interests? On the contrary, history suggests that commercial watermen have repeated been guilty of depleting the very resources upon which their livelihood depends. Commercial interests have no right to dominate decisions regardinga public resource.
I sat through the blue crab hearing at the VMRC last April. Our once-plentiful blue crabs, having been overharvested for nine of the last ten years, had reached a crisis stage. I listened as the staff outlined what must be done to save the remaining crabs. Then I listened in disbelief as waterman after waterman stood to insist that they be allowed to continue the over harvest. There was no acknowledgement whatsoever of the endangered resource, and no support for ANY cutback in their assault on a resource in crisis. Only the Coastal Conservation Association Virginia and a few other individuals spoke in favor of the recommended conservation measures.
When the vote came, the VMRC’s commercial representative voted against the recommended 34% harvest reduction. The commercial representative and the watermen who spoke made it very clear … they cared little for the endangered resource. Their only interest was in continuing the harvest of blue crabs, regardless of the fact that the crab population is at an all time low, and in danger of total collapse.
3902 Homestead Road Lanexa, VA23089 804 966-1212
I am an active volunteer for the Coastal Conservation Association, and for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Both of these organizations have worked hard to achieve a balanced approach to managing our precious marine resources.
Now SB 1087 seeks to destroy the progress we have taken decades to achieve. Why spend endless volunteer hours to protect the marine environment when the legislators who are sworn to protect the environment seem not to understand (or care about) the profound impact of upsetting the regulatory balance. The 13 to 2 vote of the Senate committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources was a devastating blow to those of us who already have grave concerns about the future of Virginia’s marine resources.
A longtime angler and conservationist responded to the committee vote, “This is a tremendous setback for marine resources in VA. It will reverse 10 years of hard work to get the commission balanced.”
Ultimately the issue of stewardship of our marine resources is not about commercial vs. recreational interests. It’s about responsible management of a public resource. SB 1087 is a bad bill, and will do great damage to the marine regulatory process. I hope that you will recognize that, and vote NO when the vote comes to the floor of the senate.
F. L. (Jerry) Benson Jr.
Governor Timothy Kaine
Delegate Chris Peace
Anne Jennings – Chesapeake Bay Foundation
David Nobles – Coastal Conservation Association
Dr. Bob Allen - VirginiaCoalition of Angling Clubs
Brandon White – Tidal Fish
3902 Homestead Road Lanexa, VA23089 804 966-1212