Consortium 2004
1NC Shell1-2
Uniq: oil production up3
Uniq: econ improving4
I/L: oil key to econ5
I/L: key supplier to US6
Impax: genocide7
Impax: terrorism8-11
Impax: basing rights12
AFF – general13-14
1NC Shell15-16
Uniq: econ improving17-18
Uniq: oil key to econ19
I/L: key supplier to US20
I/L: high risk of collapse21
Impax: terrorism22
Impax: Indo instab=regional23-25
Impax: global econ26
Impax: civil war27-28
Impax: SLOCs29-30
Impax: prolif31
AFF – general32-33
Iran wants stable oil prices34
Oil key to econ35
Oil key to Iran's status36
AFF – general37
AFF – general38
1NC Shell39-40
Uniq: econ is improving41-43
Uniq: oil production up44
Uniq: oil revenue up45
Link: US imports key46
Link: low oil prices47
Link: US imports key48
I/L: oil key to econ49-51
I/L: key supplier to US52-57
Impax: civil war58
Impax: global econ59-60
Impax: US econ61-62
Impax: regional economies63
Impax: trade64
Impax: US-Mex relations65
Impax: War on Terror66-69
Impax: US oil dependence70-71
Impax: Military readiness72
AT: diversification73
AT: no oil reserves74
AFF – general75-79
AFF – AT: war on terror80
1NC Shell81-82
Uniq: oil production up83
Uniq: econ improving84
I/L: oil key to econ85-86
I/L: key supplier to US87-88
Impax: political instability89
Impax: civil war90
Impax: regional instability91-93
Impax: prolif94-96
Impax: genocide97-100
Impax: sucession/refugees101
AT: no oil reserves102
AT: human rts turns103
AT: terrorism turn104
AT: N/U conflict now105
AFF – general106-112
1NC Shell113-115
Uniq: oil production up116
Uniq: econ improving117
I/L: key supplier to US118
I/L: oil key to econ119-120
I/L: oil key to diplomacy121-125
I/L: Sri Lankan peace126
AFF – general127-128
AFF: AT Sri Lanka impact129
1NC Shell130-131
Uniq: cohesion high132
U: non-Opec nations weak133
Uniq: demand high now134
Link: anti-oil policies135
I/L: closely watches prices136
I/L: will flood the market137
I/L: flooding mkt=price wars138
I/L: price wars crush econ139-140
I/L: Opec key supplier to US141
I/L: oil price key to econ142
I/L: Saudi=OPEC leader143
Impax: Saudi Arabia144-145
Impax: genocide146
AT: Opec wants stable price147
AFF – general148-156
1NC Shell157-158
Uniq: oil exports up159-160
Uniq: econ improving161-162
I/L: sensitive to price flux163
I/L: oil key to econ164-167
I/L: low price hurts econ168-169
I/L: oil key to econ recover170-176
I/L: key supplier to US177
I/L: key supplier to globe178
I/L: poor econ=instability179
I/L: low price=civil war180
Impax: nuclear war181-183
Impax: genocide184
AT: dependency turns185
AT: diversified econ186
AT: Yuko's187
AT: no reserves188
AFF – general189-193
AFF – Saudi/OPEC turn194
AFF – link turn195
1NC Shell196-197
Uniq: oil demand up198
I/L: high prices key to econ199
I/L: low prices=instability200-202
I/L: oil key to econ203
I/L: Saudis perceive prices204
I/L: price flux hurts econ205
I/L: key supplier to US206
I/L: key to world oil market207-209
I/L: high price=stability210
I/L: econ key to stability211-212
Impax: depression213-216
Impax: US power projection217
Impax: genocide218
Impax: climate control219
Impax: prolif220-222
Impax: US-Saudi relations223-236
AT: diversified econ237
AT: Saudi can't prolif238
AFF – general239-242
AFF: AT US troops impact243-244
AFF: AT US relations impact245
AFF: AT basing rts impact246-248
AFF: AT coup impact249
AFF: AT terrorism impact250
AT: Dependency Turns
AT: price shocks/spikes251-254
AT: supply shocks255-263
AT: Asian econ turns264
AT: oil "as a weapon"265
General 266
Dependency good267-272
AT: China273
Backstopping Answers274
AT: Israel dependency turn275
Dependency Turns276-306
General Aff stuff307-309
High oil prices bad310