References on TBL and Rheumatoid arthritis

Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

  1. Anderson JJ, Wells G, Verhoeven AC, Feldson DT. Factors predicting response to treatment in RA: the importance of disease duration. Arthritis Rheum 2000;43:22-29.
  2. American College of Rheumatology webpage
  1. John H, Kitas G, Toms T, Goodson N. Cardiovascular co-morbidity in early rheumatoid arthritis. Best Pract Res ClinRheumatol. 2009 Feb;23(1):71-82.
  2. Combe B. Early rheumatoid arthritis: strategies for prevention and management. Best Pract Res ClinRheumatol. 2007 Feb;21(1):27-42. Review.

Team-Based Learning

  1. Davis DA, Thomson MA, Oxman Ad, Haynes RB. Changing physician performance: a systematic review of the effect of continuing medical education strategies. JAMA. 1995; 274: 700-705
  2. Sousa, SA (1995). How the brain learns. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals.
  3. Ridley RT. Interactive Teaching: A concept analysis. Journal of Nursing Education 2007;46(5):203-209.
  4. Michaelsen LK, Parmelee DX, McMahon KK, Levine RE. Team based learning in the health professions. Sterling, VA: Stylus, LLC 2007.
  5. Searle NS, Haidet P, Kelly PA, Schneider VFR, Seidel CL, Richards BF. Team learning in medical education: initial experiences at ten institutions. Acad Med 2003;78(10 Suppl):S55-8.
  6. Thompson BM, Schneider VF, Haidet P, Levine RE, McMahon KK, Perkowski LC, et al. Team-based learning at ten medical schools: two years later, Medical Education 2007;41:250-7.
  7. Seidel CL, Richards BF. Application of team learning in a medical physiology course. Acad Med 2001;76:533-4.
  8. Nieder GL, Parmelee DX, Stolfi A, Hudes PD. Team-based learning in a medical gross anatomy and embryology course. Clinical Anatomy 2005;18:56-63.
  9. Dunaway GA. Adaption of team learning to an introductory graduate pharmacology course. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2005;17:56-62.
  10. Hunt DP, Haidet P, Coverdale JH, Richards B. The effect of using team learning in an evidence-based medicine course for medical students. Teach Learn Med 2003;15:131-9.
  11. Koles P, Nelson S, Stolfi A, Parmelee D, Destephen D. Active learning in a year 2 pathology curriculum. Med Ed 2005;39:1045-55.
  12. Chung EK, Rhee JA, Baik YH, A OS. The effect of team-based learning in medical ethics education. Med Teach 2009;22:1-5.
  13. Levine RE, O’Boyle M, Haidet P, Lynn DJ, Stone MM, Wolf DV, Paniagua et al. Transforming a clinical clerkship through team learning. Teach Learn Med 2004;16:270-
  14. Touchet BK, Coon KA. A pilot use of team-based learning in psychiatry resident psychodynamic psychotherapy education. Academic Psychiatry 2005;29:293-6
  15. Ortega RA, Stanley G, Snavely A. Using a media centre to facilitate team-based learning. Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine 2006;29:61-65.
  16. Haidet P, Morgan RO, O'Malley K, Moran BJ, Richards BF. A controlled trial of active versus passive learning strategies in a large group setting. Adv Health Sci Ed. 2004; 9:15-27.
  17. Shellenberger S, Seale JP, Harris DL, Johnson JA, Dodrill CL, Velasquez MM. Applying team-based learning in primary care residency programs to increase patient alcohol screenings and brief interventions.Acad Med 2009, 84:340-6.
  18. Clark MC, Nguyen HT, Bray C, Levine RE. Team-based learning in an undergraduate nursing course. J NursEduc 2008;47:111-7.